Sunday, September 2, 2012

Was Joey Dauben and John Margetis Gay Lovers?

Back in 2009 Joey got caught up in an alliance with Michael Meisner, who along with all kinds of corruption was also said to be gay. Joey spent a week in jail for this alliance. Then fast forward to 2010-11, Joey started teaming up with a career scam artist and scum bag named John Margetis. Joey basically turned the ECO over to Margetis in the sense that he dominated it. Joey went everywhere with this man, to protests, court dates, and political rallies. When Joey got put in jail, he assumed Margetis would help bail him out. Instead, Margetis tried to take over the ECO so now Joey hates Margetis and is in to spilling the dirt on him. This was posted on the Waxahachie topix forum on the same day that joey surrogates posted a bunch of other stuff so its safe to assume this is coming from Joey.

"Secret Service agents recently visited perennial bankruptcy filer John Margetis over alleged threats he made towards members of Congress during a Washington D.C. trip recently.

Security camera video shows the confrontation in which Margetis, famous for protests in Waxahachie on Highway 77 in 2010, screams at the Secret Service agents.

Margetis was arrested in January after being caught committing sex acts in front of a gay spa in Dallas. He has previous arson charges after allegations from several years ago that he set a facility on fire to cover up evidence of a child pornography operation. Margetis denies that that John Anthony Margetis was him.

U.S. Marshals visited Margetis to ask him about an alleged death-threat letter Margetis is believed by Marshals to have sent to a Dallas bankruptcy judge, whose court Margetis and his 81-year-old mother have been before since 1996."

Ok, two things that really caught my attention was 1. that his arson was supposedly to burn up child porn (this may be Joey just sticking it in John's side at this point, but I haven’t heard that) and 2. That the sex act John was recently jailed on was in front of a gay spa. If that’s true, this would mean once again Joey was "in bed" with a male who had homosexual tendencies. So what did these guys do together during their protest down time?


  1. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 2, 2012 at 6:20 AM

    These posts caught my attention as well. There was a John A Margetis convicted of arson and mail fraud. I sort of doubt the arson was to cover up kiddy porn though. I agree with your assessment - Joey is just sticking it to him. This appears to be what I like to call a friction fire, caused by payments rubbing against the pocket book, to collect insurance. Margetis tried to have the arson related conviction overturned.

    It also caught my attention, all the finger pointing about kiddy porn and gay sex. Seems to me their lives would be a lot easier if they'd just jump out of the closet all ready. Maybe if they'd get in touch with and accept who they really are, talking about kiddy porn and looking for sexual deviants behind every tree wouldn't be necessary.


  3. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 2, 2012 at 8:27 AM

    @ Brannon: Thanks for the video & confession. You are starting to grow on me too..........

  4. haha ya I fig. that was the best or more creative way to do it, n basically knock out 2 stones with one

  5. Yeah, his spitefull catfight he is having with Margetis now reminds me of the one he had with Hoskins. It has scorned lovers feel to it more than just a disagreement with another person.

  6. hmmmmm, nice teleportation work, you must have been practicing.

  7. lol..ya I thought that sounded weird when I read it back to myself

  8. Well, I can tell you that they frequented Denny's in Gun Barrel City, and I overheard Joey referring to him as "uncle John" when he was introducing him. At that time Joey was driving one of those S-10 blazer type SUVs, with a red Eco sticker. I also recall that he said on his radio show and on his blog that Meissner had invited him to party at his Oak Lawn area apartment.... Then when Combine got the emails and text messages, there was communication between Joey and Meissner, and a lot of texting about boys on film performing sex acts on camera.... Maybe Joey had his own sex ring going......

  9. FYI, the "cat fight" with Hoskins wasn't over scorned lovers, it was because Hoskins had the dirt and exposed Dauben and Meissner for their own acts..... The Dauben MO is to attack and attack and deny when he gets caught- look at the Navarro charges. I used to be skeptical on the 2009 charges, but no more. I suspect Joey was crying for help and denying his own inner sexual desires, while all the long being involved with Meissner and a teen pornography ring. Just speculation, but I bet Dauben did much more than he was accused of, and maybe both like teen boys. Fits all together perfectly now.

  10. Then when you throw in that David Webb of the Dallas voice was the only news outlet to cover him once imprisoned, it becomes quite clear, or queer, that Joey was most comfortable in the gay community. Yes, I remember the allegation about all those texts between him and Meisner, there is probably at least some truth to that. I think one of the main reasons he decided to get into covering sexual crimes is that he wanted to hear all the details. We see this in his writings as he loves to go into detail about sexual abuses, especially anal rape of boys.

  11. I hadn't even thought of the David Webb thing Lol. It is becoming quite queer lol- that's a good one. If you also recall Chuck Geshlider said online he had pics of Joey at Log Cabin republican meetings.....

  12. Oh man, Chuck was probably the most messed up of them all, and thats saying a lot. Joey loved to associate with outright scum and he loved for them to go into details about everything. Joey was always out of his element around upstanding, professional, successful and law abiding individuals.

  13. Also, going back to all of Joey's radio show rantings, he would put on his redneck voice and make fun of how most guys just want to talk about the football game instead of talking about sexual molestation like he wants to.

  14. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 2, 2012 at 12:22 PM

    I recall a few months that a comment was posted suggesting Joey was in a gay sex video. Alas, we may never know the truth as Gingersnap didn't seem willing to watch hours and hours of gay porn to find it. And whoever made the claim didn't put up, so looks like he shut up.

    All this scorned lover warfare could be the answer to why Brannon and Joey are still friends. They haven't had sex.

  15. Dont forget that Joey loved to fill up his many empty spaces in his "newspapers" with comics and they always revolved around making fun of sex with a child. The one I still remember that stands out to me was the one he had where a little kid walks up to a stranger and says "you got any candy", the guy says no, the kid looks down at the ground and then looks back at the stranger and says "you got any sex". Joey just thought that was the most hilarious thing he could print and he prefaced it by saying "folks you have to have a laugh with this every now and then if you dont it will just eat you alive".

  16. But he's a journalist lol. He craved sex ring stories.. Ennis child porn, pedo bears, Amber Hagerman, Haley Dunn, Michael Meissener. Patrick Wilson, Sara Spector, Gene Knize, Joe Grubbs. All either victims or participants in the local sex slave child porn trade. Anal rape, boys. Cameras, drugs.... Ex police chief perv, he sure seem to connect the dots. No wonders he is getting a psych eval. Either he's crazy or involved- he is basically penning his own life and fantasies. Maybe HE was the pedophile all along!! Thatz my bet! His writing is a reflection of his own acts and desires!

  17. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 2, 2012 at 1:03 PM

    Chuck & Joey, another scorned lover thing? Chuck accuses Joey of being a "bi-sexual child predator". Joey accuses Chuck of association with someone convicted of 100 counts of child porn. Chuck counters with "fornicate yourself" and "you limp-wristed den of fa*ots".

    Yep, definitely a pattern........

  18. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 2, 2012 at 1:11 PM

    How many stones you need "prolly" depends on how many beers you've had. Right? Yappy will be happy you gave up the Mike's. Whatever, I liked the shirt you had on before teleportation.

  19. Yay no Mikes. A real man drinks Bud! Not sure what I like more right at the moment. The fact Brannon started up again or that it got under Dude's skin. This shirt is pretty cool too.

    Ginger, I think you're on to something. Joey appears very effeminate which doesn't really explain Brannon to me because I think the guy really likes the ladies.

  20. Bad audio or a lisp? You decide.

  21. Yeah Brannon is certinaly straight. Joey likes him becasue Brannon's humor is right up Joey's alley

  22. Funny, that police patch you see in the background on the bulletin board came from Joey Dauben pal and corrupt red oak ISD operator (and Dallas Police Officer Keith Johnson). I wonder if Johnson is still a Dauben supporter, since he is police and Dauben is an accused child molester. But it's all a conspiracy, dontcha know.

  23. I think he would like to pretend that he was never involved with Joey at this point.

  24. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 3, 2012 at 6:33 AM


  25. How could anyone ever take this idiot serious? He looks like Alfred E. Neuman with glasses, however I actually think Al looks more intelligent. I wonder if this is part of some 8th grade project of his that Daddy was so proud of? Someone playing dress up and the Jr. High must have gotten a new video camera that day.


  27. Like to pretend LOL. But the fact is, pretend is not reality. LOL. His posts and rants about the "corruption" in Red Oak ISD, Niven and the police chief there sound as crazy as Joey's conspiracies.

  28. Wow, I am gone for 4 little days and you guys are busy. I'm just catching up.

    So far, I'm here "Dont forget that Joey loved to fill up his many empty spaces..." Bravo on choice of wording, Gingersnap.


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