Monday, September 10, 2012

Brannon Vs. Curtis, the Freedom of the Press Group Civil War Goes On

Curtis has popped back up after pulling his drunkin youtube rants from the net, he now has a new blog called the Real Balch Springs Beacon He is playing a little game of who's on first as there is some mystery guy that supposedly is the editor of this site but I can't see there being any difference. I have kinda held back on Curtis as I do like him plus he is the least entertaining of the group (brannon, brandy and Joey) and he could take that as a compliment. Nevertheless, his MO has been to get someone to post something that is a topic he wants to address and then he comes on and picks it up from there as if he didn't raise the question in the first place. On his latest blog he is going after both Joey and Brannon. He is still ticked about Joey saying he was fired and continues to argue about who's password was taken and why. As we learned from Curtis' first blog, he has some serious family issues that seem to affect everything else in his life. He is cut off from his family, apparently to the point of being cut out of his father's will and seems to be a complete outcast from his family at this point. I say this because he seems to be treating his old position in the FOTPG as some kind of family. He says he would have taken a bullet for Joey and resents the dissociation from the group. I think he is making a major mistake with this. The simple fact at this point is the ECO is now toxic, the radiation levels are higher than the Fukashima power plant. And this is going to be an internet ghost that is going to haunt Curtis for years to come. Joey has given Curtis an out by saying he fired Curtis. If I were Curtis I would go with that assertion and add on to it by saying "I can't in good conscience, stay with Joey because I have ethical problems with the way he is running the paper". That may not solve everything or even be the truth, but it would at least be a good ending to his time with the ECO in terms of future employers.

Brannon has created his own blog, the Special Ed show and he has fired back at Curtis for his comments I always have viewed Brannon as someone that just tagged along with Joey for the entertainment purposes. To him, this whole thing is kind of joke which is why he did his videos the way he did. I certainly can't fault him for that(it is funny as hell), I only would fault him for sticking with Joey through all this.

Now, if we can just get someone to spook Brandy to come out of the woods and back on here to play, it would be a full family reunion.


  1. I was watching this on some other blog and it reminded me of Joey. I'm just hoping they don't let him slip from their hands...and I am concerned about Special Ed supporting him...that concerns me a lot too...Curtis should just be glad he got away.!

  2. Oh Joey is not slipping anywhere. Except his anus will- when he becomes some big mans bitch boy in prison. But, hes got mom and dad to thank for that. All those years and supporting wild and crazy antics.

    Cheri, just call a spade a spade. Joey really is a disgrace to the family name. I mean,you never intended for your son to be a child molester.

    I am sure that he will have you, daddy, Shelby Beaver, Special Ed and Michael Treis there to back him. Even Joey's allies are no longer aligned with him!

    Hey everyone, want some info on Treis:

    Guess what? You have to pay to have info removed. 29.99 to have it removed, 49.99 to remove from both the web and google search! Wow, now that's from the Book of Dauben.

    BTW, he was arrested for doing the same thing as this:

    Here is how we came to have that whacko Treis in Ellis County. A cult, and some "Kingdom of Heaven" license plates, and a standoff (which to this day is still going).

    See, theres no history of mental illness with those Dauben surrounds himself with. And his media empire... it was real. In his head.

  3. BS, there is no way Bad Santa is only 250, he is well over 300. He is 250 in his belly alone.

  4. BTW, notice who stopped posting on here? Hint, I haven't heard "you people" in a couple of days.

  5. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 3:30 AM

    I noticed. Do you think we made him mad? It's apparently too late, but maybe he finally realized he wasn't fooling anybody and just went away.

  6. oh and speaking of outings, Special Ed outed himself as The Dude last night. Everyone who had Brannon gets the cookie.

    Curtis he is an example of strategy. So I decide to make a blog titled. Gingersnapisawhinylittlegirl, I then decide to actually punctuate more and and not use as much cuss words. However after using whore, they fig. it’d probually was me (in which they were right) but what did I do, I started slamming myself, then that threw most of em off more…that is an example of strategy.

    Hmmmm, maybe Brannon is "I"m not Joey" as well.

  7. Oh and yes Brannon, you certainly fooled us with the depth of class and sophistication that The Dude had on that blog of his.

  8. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 4:46 AM

    It crossed my mind that if "I'm not Joey" really was not Joey, it was Brannon. But, I think it really was Joey. Brannon isn't that hostile or angry.

  9. Eh, it really doesn't matter who it was. If it isn't Joey, they are still Joey's words. If Joey's fingers weren't hitting the keyboard, it doesn't matter. He's still filled some sad schmuck's hollow head with his ideas. It was very much Joey's voice, and I don't believe for a second Joey isn't being updated about this blog.

    I love the comments like "if I were Joey, I would have talked about blank, blank and blank, but I don't even know Joey so I don't know about those things, ignore that I just said, who is blank?" Oh and "you been snapped cuz I just hijacked this website and now you are talking about what I want to talk about . . . oh, Joey already was the topic here? Uhhh." And poof, he's gone.

  10. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 5:12 AM

    What's really telling about "I'm not Joey's" comments that if he were Joey he'd talk about blank, blank and blank, is that Joey's rants from the The Palmer Post were posted to Topix in their entirety by Barbacus. That's the same screen name used here that we suspected of being Joey. He was talking about blank, blank and blank, he just was not doing it here.

  11. right, he held back from talking about blank, blank, and blank so that he would fool us into thinking it wasnt Joey (at least in his head). As "I'm not Joey" said: how can I be Joey if I havent said anything about amber hagerman?

    1. Think how sad that is. As a small children we are taught how to process the world. Connie was basically programmed. It would be virtually impossible to unprogram her at this point. It would beyond break her.

      In school we are all taught basic scientific theory. We are taught the difference between theory and fact. We are taught that a theory is best supported evidence and its ability to not be disproved through tests to its validity. Connie was basically taught the opposite. In her world, you pick a theory based on feelings and ignore all the more logical explanations. When your there is a preponderance of evidence against your theory, you hold on to it even tighter and add more and more convoluted postulations to explain your Truth.

      The world is flat. We will drop off the edge if we go too far. Oh, we can travel around it? Well, that doesn't make it round, there is just some worm hole that takes you from one side back to the beginning. Oh, the curve of the horizon is measurable? Well, that's a conspiracy. The government just wants money & they can get it by pretending to go into space. Their documents and tools have all been tampered with. The world is still flat... This is how Connie's Truth works. Disproven? Never! We'll just add more and more to it each time somebody gives evidence to the contrary.

      It'll be interesting to see how Presley reacts should Obama not be reelected. She states this Will happen. If it doesn't, Romney is probably Obama's puppet. This was all planned out before either of them ever ran for office.

    2. It's good he's trading sides. I've read all of the ECO stuff, Kimberly's comments, Connie's comments, and Presley's comments. Now, I'm realizing how foolish I have been to be critical of them. I didn't want to go to their side because I felt bad that Ginger would be upset. But now that I know Joey is going to take my place, I know that the balance won't change. I don't even have to get out of bed today. I'm just going to pray for lightning to strike the computers that house my utility bills that need to be paid. This is going to be awesome.

    3. Dont you dare leave my side, if you do I'm gonna out you and spill all this dirt I just made up about about you on my blog. And then I'm gonna ban you from commenting on it so no one will hear your side. Oh and also I'm going to say I fired you, if you leave.

    4. You make a good argument.

      And, even though my parent's own more than one house & could give me a place to live they'd probably have me committed if I started to act like a Dauben. And I don't want to be sold into forced sex slavery because I'm so cute and that's all that happens in those places. . .

    5. So, I've been reading a little bit of the past Joey exploits. While my name may be OReader, I never actually read the Ellis County Observer. I however do enjoy an occasional flip through the Dallas Observer. And that is how I found dear sweet Joey.

      I thought those of you who did read the ECO might be longing for the good 'ol days. Nostalgia is a wonderful thing.

      The documents at the bottom of this page show some of the fun times had by all:

      My favorite parts:
      Oh so humble letter 1:
      Humble letter 2 (includes his expectation to not even get it right half the time
      And his reader support:

      I love how readers support him even when he destroys an innocent person's life. Go Joey! I want you on my side!

      If anybody is interested in what the Dauben Mansion in Ovilla looks like, there are photos of it in at least two of the documents on yahoo groups. Joey posted this online. He's so proud of his body of work. We are too Joey. We are too!

  12. And I think it's hilarious that he had to point it out himself.

    His logic is infallible.

    I don't follow or know Joey, but Joey would be talking about these people. Have you noticed I'm not talking about him? I must not be Joey.

    It's like a used car salesman who uses the phrase with "would I lie?" Yes, yes you would.

  13. It was a dead give away when his paragraphs consisted of one sentence less than 10 words each. He sort of reminds me of the dog in the movie "Up". "First off, I can see 4 feet in front of me............Squirrel!.........................................................................."

  14. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 5:58 AM

    Too true!! He must get that from his dad, I think they both must have ADD.

    Which reminds me:

    OReader: Daddy D needs help explaining his conspiracy theory so we can all understand why Ellis County had the little boy charges filed against Joey in Navarro County. If you have time, I'm sure we would all enjoy the story if you ran the details & players provided by Daddy D through your conspiracy program.

  15. I'd love to have the time to study his use of words and syntax on this blog versus the ECO.
    Instead of writing with the most appropriate words, BA Baracus often used words slightly wrong or unnecessarily like "obfuscating around the bush." Really? That's the biggest word you can come up with? It seriously is like he has a word of the day dictionary because the handful of words he deems impressive are used over and over.

    People of his hapless ilk are really repugnant due to their insipid use of such abhorrent tactics.

  16. I totally just tried, but it seems the computer housing the statistical algorithms has now suffered a meltdown. I don't think it can handle the 20 or so simultaneous conspiracies that seem to be going on in Ellis County alone.

  17. Still the funniest part to me is the fact that Joey couldn't even come up with surrogates to come on here and attack this blog. I knew for a fact as soon as he was released, that Joey would be coming after this blog. He wouldn't be Joey if he didn't. I fully expected Joey to send 3-4 different people on here with his written agenda to bash me. They would have the same agenda, but with different writing styles, word usage, and personalities. Instead we get Joey with 4 different fake ID's. My favourite is still the one where he said "yeah I have been less than honest, but isnt that why you make up a fake name and go on the internet"?

  18. In order to understand the false charges against Joey you need to realize that everything is controlled by a conspiracy connected Ellis County’s Forced Sex Slavery for rehab.

    The conspirators are crafty and their conspiracy began Kevin’s House & Ben Boaz Counseling Center.

    The conspirators have been responsible for many forced older male to younger male sex acts, including the prostitution ring in Corsicana Clinic.

    Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified only by their black robes, gavels, or badges.

    The conspirators have help from powerful elite Texas Rangers, and the conspiracy benefits undeserving sinful pedophiles; at the expense of young virgin boys (and slightly older ones named Joey).

    The conspirators want to oppress all who speak out, and round up and restrain resisters in the toughest TX Prison. They are using false accusers to allege abuse from the innocent. They have gone as far as destroying video evidence shot at pedophile employing Gingerbread Center of Waxahachie.

    In order to prepare for this, we all must attack them before they attack us. All of this was revealed years ago in text message from Michael Meissner the dirt filth cop. Since the THIS blog is controlled by Gingersnap (who is basically just a tempting treat made out of gingerbread, coincidence? Hmmmmmm), you should get your information only from Ellis County Observer. Daddy Dauben knows best.

  19. He's probably clapping at his computer that somebody finally gets him.

  20. It pretty much sums up his idea of reality.

    If I could be a fly on the wall of all the chatrooms and private messages that Joey has probably written over the years . . . I'd probably be rocking in a scalding hot shower and trying to remove all my dirty dirty crawling skin with a pumice stone.

  21. OMG, finally someone is talking some sense on here. Gingerbread is a tasty treat, what do pedophiles use to lure their victims? thats right tasty treats. Coincidence? My daddy (who was also stupid) told me there are no coincidences, only conspiracies.

    But you forgot to explain the why, why do they do all this? Well thats easy, its because of the huge money involved in raping young kids and then putting it on the internet. (this may sound like I just made that up, but this is what they actually say)

  22. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 7:18 AM

    Too funny!! Thank you for that.

    I was loosing sleep over what could have happened to the video evidence......

  23. No, gingersnap, I read the 6 elements of a good conspiracy theory. "Why" is not required. Why is merely optional. And some, like Daddy Dauben, would tell you that providing a "why" is just a unnecessary distraction. People don't need to focus on the little stuff like that.

    But you are part of the conspiracy as I proved beyond a reasonable doubt above. So I'm sure distraction was your motive for posting such extraneous information.

    Ugh. You and your ilk. It's infectious.

  24. its kind of fun actually, you get to play god. You create your own universe and then make your own, ever changing, rules. Those who oppose you are part of what is evil.

  25. oh, and all those that support you are falsely accused.

  26. Speaking of Joey's supporters, anybody know how to get in touch with Kimberly? I'm not fortunate enough to know anyone incarcerated. She mentioned having lots of friends and family in Huntsville.

    I just bought something special for Joey, but if he won't be able to receive it while he's locked-up, maybe I should just send it for him to enjoy in his last week of freedom?

    Anybody know? Can an inmate receive this, or will it be confiscated?

  27. Oreader O'great one, I bow to you! That's an amazing piece of work, finally the blanks are filled. You sure you're not Joey? hmm ;)

  28. That's not very nice O'reader. What you trying to say? You pity the fool? lol

  29. yappy, quit yo jibba jabba. BA Baracus is working on his JD so that he can properly represent Joey. With Baracus at his side, Joey is gonna come out squeaky clean.

  30. Gingersnap is gingerbread house. OMG Ginger must be the leader of the pedo's, I bet she has all of Dallas area counties, maybe she even has eastern Texas sewn up. No wonder she runs this blog, she needs Joey to go down. OMG Ginger, say it isn't so.

  31. That was supposed to go under O'readers post. Thank you reader for linking it all together. I owe you my life. Now I shall fleee this blog shaking in fear. If Joey's arrested, I'm certain I'll be next.

  32. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 8:34 AM

    @OReader: you;ve amazed and humored me beyond belief again!! Mr. T Bubbletown - absolutely brilliant gift idea!

  33. You guys are starting to scare me now.

  34. lol posting ancient tips for natural stimulation is probably not the way to prove your innocence. rofl

  35. Uh oh.

    The Portuguese would feed ginger to their slaves to encourage them to increase their sexual activities in order to increase the slave population.

  36. Yeah I better just shut up, I'm clearly guilty by even the most stringent conspiracy theory calculations. As "I'm not Joey" would say, I'm caught in my own bed of lies and deceit.

  37. What are you babbling about now? You are insipidly boring, I visit occasionally to see if you have pegged a new Joey.

  38. we will peg the new Joey when you bring him out on here

  39. also it was barbacus who posted on Topix not BA Baracus. As soon as I say you are inane you now go off on pegging me as Joey or his hand puppet. That makes it all funny again. and Oreader its hijacked when you go on and on about speculating that Joey is actually here and not discussing your vendetta against the guy.

  40. There you go atleast now you are thinking "How does Ellis have anything to do with Navarro charges?'

  41. We dont have a vendetta against the guy, so we are not going off topic when we point out the King has actually graced us with his mighty presence.

    Now come on Joey, this is likely your last week of freedom you might as well get your money's worth and let loose.

  42. Let me see there is Yappy, Oreader, Nothingbettertodotoday, integrityisbest lol or LoL and ginger. you guys have the quite the braintrust and following here.

  43. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 9:25 AM

    Yeah, I was thinking the Portuguese use for ginger and the Gingersnap connection all fits into the conspiracy theory nicely...............

  44. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 9:32 AM

    You have too many screen names, you are getting them all mixed up. Did you forget you posted as Barbacus here? As I recall, you were picking a fight with us under one name, then switched to the other without notice of your error. But, we noticed.............

  45. Hey, my revenue stream is the same as the great ECO is or was, so mock all you want

  46. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 9:36 AM

    @ BA: didn't you read Daddy's posts? They are all over facebook and I'm sure they are posted by request. He's the one claiming a conspiracy between Ellis & Navarro Counties. We were just trying to understand and help him connect the dots. His dots were strewn all over TX, for crying out loud.

  47. I only posted as BA Baracus here and no where else. My freedom is endless so ... keep your fantasy going...

  48. come on joey, let it out. You know I just did a google of "Joey Dauben" and you know what, this blog made the first page, and more importantly it made it with a headline everyone is going to want to click on "Brandy calls Joey Dauben Retarded". This is going to be your internet legacy

  49. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 9:50 AM

    Are you really that dense? Or are your reading and memory skills that poor?

  50. This must all be true as evidenced by the CAPS portions.

  51. The writer of this spent 3 years in a mental health and substance abuse facility. It was soo corrupt that he chose to go back for more. It all seems very legit.

  52. BA Baracus :
    "I only posted as BA Baracus here and no where else. My freedom is endless so … keep your fantasy going…"

    Actually, you are only free to post here because Gingersnap doesn't moderate you. Your "freedom" is the fantasy. You are only here because you amuse us.

  53. Yes, and you only post on here as BA Baracus.....and Barbacues, Britney Hefty, Bev Thompson, Karl Thompson, Dectective, SBSP, Mandy March.......

  54. The Ellis County Observer Facebook braintrust:

    Duane Dowhat If I could see the photo of the bus I could compare it to the one on Lawless America's site. The one show on that site is a Prevost, a 750K to 1M motor home.
    15 hours ago · Like · 1

    Val Jones Same one Duane! I seen it 2!
    14 hours ago via mobile · Like

    I wish you guys could hear the voice that I've assigned to Val Jones. She's awesome!
    "I seen dat der bus. Dem thangs are bigguns but I'm bettin they caint pop no wheelies like Daddy Daubens can."

  55. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 10:23 AM

    Hey OReader: Kimberly is alive and well on ECO FB page. Are all of Joey's cult members suffering from ADD? Where's Brannon? Kim needs lessons in punctuation and proper cussing techniques.

    Kimberly Harrinton Barbara you are sick in the head you are a frinkin con artist easy to spot, I would like very much to see your doctor's report and as far as Joey Shut the F up and presley go ahead file charges because she's got alot of people to back her up, and as far as you con artist you steal from the old and spit on the blind Gods gonna get you all you have to do is look at a picture of you it reminds me of a drug addict keep playing your games cause when it bites you on the butt i hope you feel every bite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. Brannon is slobbering all over Presley and Connie's page. I'll post later, I was told children need to be fed more than once a week so Taco Time it is!

    Is Kimberley yapping to Thee Farris? Um oh k then, Farris is the leader of the con artist group so actually she WOULD know.

    I like ALL CAPS, its DA TRUFF. ALL TRUFF and nuttin but DA TRUFF so help me Yahweh and Ginger.

  57. Barbara steals from the old and spits on blind Gods? Wow.

  58. Where does Joey dig these varmints up?

    Requirements to be in Joey's Posse

    1. Understand that whatever he says is absolute truth, even if he can't show you how or why.
    2. Must have a criminal record of some kind (this shows that they want to shut you up)
    3. Reading and comprehension level must be at 7th grade tops (this is non-negotiable)
    4. Must have a fundamental belief in conspiracies and those form your world view
    5. Must be quick to insult others with name calling and profanity (even if you make up words)

  59. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 11:45 AM

    I like Kim's first sentence, if I understand it correctly. She says Barbara is a con artist that's easy to spot. How long did it take Joey & Presley to it out, a year? I guess it was easy to spot AFTER they figured it out.............

  60. Why are you posting twice all the time?

  61. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 12:32 PM

    After that teaser, I couldn't wait for Yappy to finish feeding the kids. I went trolling on Connie's FB page - these people are seriously out of control. I didn't find anything from Brannon, so I'm not stealing Yappy's thunder.

    Connie claims her FB page was hijacked by the FBI and she's talked to a movie producer. Connie also claims that her dad is being persecuted because SHE is speaking out against corruption, JUST LIKE JOEY. She made the comparison twice - the second time with his whole name, in case readers didn't catch it the first time. That would be posse requirement number 1, 2, and 4 all in the same post. Oh yeah, Connie insults the police and her dad's accusers, so requirement 5 is covered too.

  62. Why are you posting twice all of the time?

  63. because you clearly don't get it the first time

  64. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 12:56 PM

    One more thing, about Connie and her new last name. The surname Tuma originated in Bohemia around 1460. It's Arabic, not Hebrew. As it relates to Hebrew or Judaism, tuma is a state of being, in which the soul is separated from the body. So Connie's daddy is adding more crap to the pile too.

  65. You can steal all the THUNDA you want nothingbetter, just leave me the lightning.

    As you can see, Presley thinks she too is so important the FBI is stalking her. You may want to close your ears for this one because there's a lot of cussin. She also tells Obama to suck her dick. Maybe Baracus can tell us how big it was. (kinda sad to see these crazies on major meltdown with paranoia. smh)

    Brannon chimes in, prolly WW3 so sit back, chill, have a bud and make some movies!

    The remaining conversation (I was too lazy to screenshot).

    Connie Bedwell-Tuma
    Obama is already IT... Just watch!
    14 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Connie Bedwell-Tuma
    This is a damn show for the stupid public
    14 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Brannon Bridge
    ya...true...because they know the public are mindless retards...that will believe what the media tells them
    14 hours ago · Like · 2

    Connie Bedwell-Tuma
    Watch Obama WiLL be the "president" no matter how they present it..
    14 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Presley Renae Tuma
    Lightning oh lightning, where for art thou lightning?!
    14 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

    Brannon Bridge
    Voting, is like one of those things, they do just to pacify you: it's like I had a cx that called in today I created a ticket about the issue, just so he could feel like someone cared...that's all voting is
    14 hours ago · Like · 2

    Lee Golden
    Your life is beautiful because there will never be like anyone like you ever again......but everything else you said i totally agree with =)
    6 hours ago · Like · 2

    Now for fun, Connie is helping a woman named Joy Wray aka (Joy Angels). Screenshot below. If you google our dear new crazy Joy, you'll find she's been a bat case for many years, even claimed she had the goods on Casey Anthony until the police showed up at her house with a warrant to confiscate her computer and she destroyed it. LMFAO wow. She really should join the I LOVE JOEY team! If you can scroll down Connie's FB page, you'll see Joy claiming she JUST GOT OFF THE PHONE WITH THE WHITEHOUSE BABY and her kids are coming home. Today she's screaming for help. Connie and Presley of course believe her every word because she's 'just like them'. Don't even bother to look into the background of someone or pull up their history? All blind as bats.

  66. Haha Tuma. I thought he just misspelled it because he spied on Haarp and the gov't gave his brain a Tuma. Presley doesn't even realize how pathetic and sad she's coming across. Or desperate or insane. I still sit here and wonder what they'll all be raging about (YOU INCLUDED BRANNON) 15 yrs from now when life is the same. What a waste.

  67. wow, Presley sounds like a hardcore prostitute at this point, and I'm not joking about that one bit. She is quickly becoming a vile human being. I guess this is what you can expect when you put Joey Juice inside you.

  68. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 11, 2012 at 3:21 PM

    Presley needs her mouth washed out with soap. Do parents and teachers still do that sort of thing? Am I dating myself?

    Brannon Bridge
    ya…true…because they know the public are mindless retards…that will believe what the media tells them

    Really Brannon? I thought maybe you'd learned a little more from reading this blog. Gingersnap saw a little spark of intelligence in you. I've seen it at times too. But, now I'm worried the spark is dying.

    ssssshhhhheeeeeeuuuwwwwwww.........that's me blowing on your spark to keep it alive...........stay away from those girls, they are nothing but trouble, you can do better.

  69. BA Baracus has gotten boring. Doesn't Joey have a another personality to try out?

  70. He is to bored with yours. The only intelligent thing here was when snap snapped lol. I loved where he talked to himself I don't know Hoskins Btw where is the FBI letter showing Joey I mean me didn't go to the FBI

  71. Oh yappy first of all you use a lower case y. Second of all you have no copy right to yappy MORON

  72. Yes I comment under any name bc it doesn't matter bc Yahweh will strike you down and Wilson and Thompson and Obama and rommney and. Whoever the fuck is his running mate and whoever fucks g snap oh that's nobody yeech

  73. there we go, now you are letting it flow. Come on Joey, don't hold back just let it go and unload on me, you have been dying to do it for months now.

  74. lol oh all you're showing is how much I get under your skin. Don't you realize how I kill myself with laughter when I see someone coming at me? U dummy, much better to put me on ignore but this way is so much better (for my ego). Joey joey joey joey joey wants to be a yappy moron. Yay me, I feel more special than specialEd!!

    Everyone its Hammmester Time!

  75. Joey's trying the "if you can't beat em (because he'll go directly to jail) join em". But he's not doing a very good job OReader.

    Ginger gets the entire cookie jar today me thinks.

  76. This was the most real Joey post yet. We had a call out to Yahweh to strike down Wilson, Thompson (Navarro DA) whoever the president is and whoever fucks me which is nobody. I guess you are back to thinking I'm a female again. Thats good ole classic Joey, I have missed that. Come on Joey give us some more, your time is short, let it rip.

  77. Its actually how her bestie Connie has lived her whole life, extremely vulgar culty people. Presley sadly is trying to keep up. After all this time, who'd be a normal friend to her? Call up most anyone who's lived in Roseville ca for 30 years and they'll tell ya all kinds of crazy shit the Bedwells have done. Timmy has done the "end of the world run" already. What I don't know is how he had to eat crow explaining to his teen kids when they were holed up (literally) in the cold mountains of Jordan why Y2K didn't kill the world and they'd have to return to a normal society because Yaweh did not show up. Yet somehow they're still believing their god will appear.

    I sit here trying to fit into David's head, Joey's head, all the crazy ones and it hurts my brain. I cannot fathom their realities. Extremely sad.

  78. Such a fun Joey expedition day. (I had an appointment that was cancelled. So much time on my hands...)

    105 Fun Joey Facts!!!! Yay!!!

    When he moved to New Hampshire for "law school" he already had 32 of his 41 monumental goals accomplish. I wonder what number he is on now? I bet he has done everything a man can do!

    "Personal I love my new home state of New Hampshire. I spent most of my life in Texas and I decided a change was good for me. I like to tell those I meet "I was born to live here." There are monumental goals I would like to accomplish, and quite frankly, out of a list of 41 that I wrote down, I've accomplished about 32 of them. My way of thinking is very different. I don't believe in "work." I believe true freedom can be found when you work for yourself, or if others work for you. I have ideas, energy, ambition and a willingness to learn new things every day. I used to go to bed reading an encyclopedia (one letter a night), and I've read the daily paper since I was 13. I draw maps of towns that I want to build. I draw concepts of real estate developments that I want to oversee. My heart is as big as this planet, and I've got the ego to match it. I'm not perfect, nor do I try to be. I have a salty tongue, I have sharp opinions and I absolutely despise liars. The stuff you'd ever want to learn about me can be found in a Google search. Try it. You might laugh. My background from Texas is pretty famous, but I don't apologize for what I did during my years as a newspaper guy. Please don't be intimidated. I'm really an easy-going guy, and I never forget where "I came from." I have no problem meeting new friends or being nice to hardcore opponents. But I'm a goofball. I have a warped sense of humor. And I have two of the most adorable four-legged creatures ever created living with me..."

  79. Ahhh, you are gonna have some fun reading all his stories. Wow, I had forgotten just how run down and poor the Dauben's really are. Its funny how they all seem to think they can tell everyone else what to do or how things need to be.

  80. Given 2 adults in their now mid-50's I presume, have been working full-time all these years, I cannot imagine how poor they really appear to be. I knew what their home value was worth via tax records and googled an ariel shot on google maps but had no idea that's how dilapidated their home is.

    My guess is that Joey learned from Daddy. Joey hates to work, Daddy probably hates to work. Mom's been the breadwinner while Daddy Dauben sits back and tinkers with his first love, muscle cars and twucks, maybe even BIG Twucks like I had as a child. Tonka? Something like that.

    Well that's my 2cents. Momma's probably been footing the bill for her 2 baby boys with no end in sight.

  81. Sexy Time!!!

    Oh Noes!!!

    You are right. I haven't even really started reading the stories yet. I'm putting them off because he is so smart. I'm not sure I could comprehend all of his words. The picture book I'm making is coming along well though.

  82. Aww Ginger loves you Oreader.

    If it were me thinking about flipping sides, she'd hire the marching band and a u-haul to get me out of here. lol

  83. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 7:06 AM

    Sorry, I hate to profile, but the property looks like you'd expect to see pit bulls chained to the front porch and fight roosters in the back yard.

  84. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 7:22 AM

    @ Gingersnap: as regards this post "This was the most real Joey post yet. We had a call out to Yahweh to strike down Wilson, Thompson (Navarro DA) whoever the president is and whoever fucks me which is nobody. I guess you are back to thinking I’m a female again. Thats good ole classic Joey, I have missed that. Come on Joey give us some more, your time is short, let it rip"

    Appears Joey may have violated another bond condition - drinking. The post you responded to read just like Joey sounded on his radio show - drunk. That was good ole classic Joey in more ways than one......

  85. Yeah, I think if he could delete it today he would but last night he was inebriated and emotional and got caught up in the moment. I still say at this point, why hold back, just let it all out Joey.

  86. I know it's not Friday, but since Joey is going away soon, I thought we might enjoy seeing his shining face a few last times. I could have made a slide show or video, but we've seen those. What we haven't had is a game. This is probably a game that could be found in Highlights magazine. I thought I'd keep it simple so the ECO gang could play along.

    The rules are simple. Count the Joeys:

  87. I say 17

    btw, if anyone has a problem with the name of this blog please refer to this set of pictures. The better game to play is count the adult males in all those pics.....0.

  88. though most may point out that Rachel Maddow counts as one.

  89. Rachel Maddow? I thought they were ALL of Joey???

  90. I'm actually really impressed. You didn't get even one of the Maddows in your count. Nor did you fall for the girl on the stairs at the bottom. Even though I thought the likeness in the kissing one was pretty dead on, I guess that it was a girl receiving the kiss that gave that one away.

    I bet there are a few pictures there that Joey wishes were him though.

  91. If only Rachel looked a little younger in the flag. Joey could totally steal that and say it's him.

  92. yeah I mean you see the one with Joey frowning as that girl hugs him, thats our little Joey.

  93. There is a fairly new post over at "Special Ed's" place. He links to a video from the CW news in September '09. So, Joey was 28, almost 29, and they begin with "a former North Texas High Schooler is speaking out after being thrown in jail. . . . " I guess when you don't mature into adulthood they don't call you a "man" or "former North Texas resident." You just become a "former highschooler." Probably would have been more accurate as a "former North Texas 7th grader."

  94. I just saw that you linked that video on the Daddy Dauben Foot Mouth comments. I missed all the "lol" drama. I always forget to look and old posts for current craziness.

  95. yeah you can miss a lot if you dont go back and check every now and then. Maybe I need to put in a recent comment section. That is hilarious about the former north texas high schooler, but when you think about it that was the high point of his life anyway.

  96. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 2:16 PM

    Oh darn, I only counted 15. I didn't count Rachel, though I must have missed 2 younger Joey's.

  97. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 2:22 PM

    I agree, he's already busted - why not say every thing that's on his mind? Don't give up hope, he seems to be more of a nocturnal creature. Maybe he'll be drinking tonight and get it all out.

  98. yeah thats what I want, and so does he. Come on here and give us one more speech for the ages, he can start it out with "You people....." and then let us all have it and put us in our place. I will even put it in my post so that all his legions of fans can read it. Its kinda funny how the roles have reversed, Joey used to try everything he could to keep me from posting on his site and I'm trying to do everything I can to get him to post on mine.

  99. If you don't find them. I made an answer key I can post.

  100. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 3:13 PM

    I knew we weren't the only ones to bust Joey for on-line activity. I found this on FB:

    Erica Morse-Boddorf You have not idea how much that means to
    me, so thank you. We have a battle on our hands right now, in an
    effort to protect Hailey's family from Joey's onine terrorism. I'm asking
    everyone to reach out to Ellis Co. DA Patrick Wilson and Navarro
    County DA Lowell Thompson to ask them both to revoke Dauben's
    bail. We've been sending e-mails to both offices all morning to
    show he's back online. We're also asking that Brannon Bridge
    be charged as a co-conspirator for allowing Dauben to access
    the Internet via his account. Flood the Ellis County Observer's
    FB page with demands that he stop this nonsense. On that
    page, you will also find the e-mails from Dauen to Turner where
    he admits leaking the photos, although he continues to blame
    me. Hailey's family does NOT need this. Voices need to be
    heard. The more of us that work together, the faster his bail
    will be revoked.

  101. This could get interesting. Joey has gone after them in his lastest manifesto's and Brannon has said he is the one posting stuff on the ECO facebook page.

  102. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 4:26 PM

    I so wish I didn't have to work out of town on the 18th. I'd be sitting as close to the front row as possible in the court room. I can't wait to hear about Wilson's arguments and evidence and witness testimony. I hope somebody capable of giving us an objective, accurate recap can go. I really, really want to know who is going to give Joey is psych exam, if it is ordered. I have an interest if it's a particular shrink in Waxahachie. I could give you enough info on that shrink to start a whole new blog when Joey can't entertain us any more.

  103. " On that page, you will also find the e-mails from Dauen to Turner where he admits leaking the photos, although he continues to blame me."

    On the ECO FB page? Where? (admittedly, I despise facebook, so I'm vaguely facebook illiterate even though I've had an account since early in it's inception).

  104. that so called post from Erica, is old she posted that when Joey first got out

  105. Someone needs to phone Joey. Ron Paul has just dawned his own tinfoil hat after he heard about joey.

  106. Ah, thanks Brannon. I didn't go back that far. Not going to bother either.

    I don't know enough of the Erica back story to know if she's legit. Obviously there is Dauben propaganda out there on her. It's all so convoluted I can't tell fact from fiction in an easy glance. I also read some of the Kevin's house stuff today too. It also seems overhyped if not completely made up. Funny. There might be something to some of the stories Joey reports, but the crazy he infuses them with makes them unreadable. So Kevin's house could have been complete Hell and I'll still doubt anything I see about it because Joey jumped on the wagon.

  107. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 5:52 PM

    It's not on ECO page. I was just mindlessly clicking on names found on ECO, B/Springs Beacon and Joey's pages, amusing myself during a conference call. I clicked on Angela Mitchell, I think. Brannon is correct, she said the original post was in March. Which indicates Joey was noticed on line shortly after his release. Angela posted it today. I found Erica's page but she's private. I saw several lengthy threads on ECO early in the year. I'll see if I can find it again.

  108. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 6:01 PM

    Brannon: what do mean "so called post"? Do you doubt Erica wrote it? Did she file a complaint against you? One more question, Joey puts himself in the middle of a lot of little girl drama - with all that cat fighting back and forth I couldn't figure out if Angela is a Joey supporter or if she's trying to hurt him. Why would she re-post Erica's note now?

  109. Angela is a bigtime supporter of Joey, which of course means she is insane and therefore not going to make logical moves.

  110. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 6:16 PM

    @ OReader: I found it, here you go -

    Let's go ahead and post the facts on this one now, Joey. While you were behind bars, Russel Turner came forward to prove you were the one who leaked it. DA's have already been notified you're back online:

    Erica Morse-Boddorf Nope. But I want THIS posted to Brannon's page:

    1 September 2011
    Russel Turner
    Erica, I would love to Kiss and make up, but I wont lie to you, you have every reason to feel the way you do and I feel bad because it was me that gave that to joey... but under these conditions...

    August 25
    Joey G. Dauben
    Rusell, what's this about a skull photo?
    Lisa's afraid to send it, and Erica isn't responding to my question about it...

    August 25
    Joey G. Dauben
    I just want to see what it looks like...
    August 25Russel Turner
    can you give me an email address, I'll see if I can have it sent to you...
    August 25
    Joey G. Dauben
    It won't be published, leaked, etc. I just want to see it for my own eyes.

    1 September 2011
    Russel Turner
    at least you know that you cant trust me, I'm sorry Erica... I should of asked you first...

    1 September 2011
    Russel Turner
    trust no one...

    1 September 2011
    Erica Morse-Boddorf should have asked me first. People hate me now b/c they think I leaked it.

    1 September 2011
    Russel Turner
    trust no one, not because of who you are dealing with but rather because of what you are dealing with... I trusted Joey and in doing so I betrayed you so I'm out, It was my f*ck up though not his, I should know better...

    1 September 2011
    Erica Morse-Boddorf
    It was his...and yours, if I'm being brutally honest. Yours for telling me it wouldn't go any farther than us; his, for putting - IN WRITING - that he wouldn't publish or leak it. Trust me, my attorneys are already on it. Joey will be shut down.

    1 September 2011
    Russel Turner
    he needs to be...
    March 26 at 11:42am · Like
    Erica Morse You know DAMN WELL I never made that claim. You know DAMN WELL those pictures were taken for the purposes of DETERMINING if that was an area LE needed to sweep. You are a disgusting joke, and will be back behind bars, borrowing stamps & crayons to write your hate mail.
    March 26 at 1:05pm · Like · 3

  111. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 6:24 PM

    And, Brannon's response to Erica:

    The Ellis County Observer For the Record This is Brannon that posted this article
    March 26 at 4:26pm · Like · 1

    The Ellis County Observer ya posting that had nothing to do with Joey... it had to do with Ericas dumbass..emailing a newspaper Editor... saying oh I heard you were terrified Joey was out... when that newspaper editor... told her he was not afraid of Joey.... Erica then runs her mouth.... The newspaper Editor then asks me who she was... n why she was going on about her rambling talk I told him... that shes just a psychotic idiot n here is the back story... n then posted the picture n story
    March 26 at 7:59pm · Like · 1

    Erica Morse NICE try, Brannon! Serious applause for the lame attempt at trying to prove YOU were the one who posted the story. No worries, buddy...the DA's have the info, as well as samples of Jokey's writing style from the ECO! And that "editor"...e-mailed his source immediately after about the exchange...proving once again, that we verify facts and sources, you all ECO does is harass innocent people.
    March 26 at 11:21pm · Like

    Brannon Bridge I never said I wrote the Story....I said I re-posted it as in...I re-posted it today because of your harrasment of others
    March 27 at 12:09am · Like

  112. I can read a complete post from Erica and understand completly what she is saying. Sure enough, she is on Joey's hit list.

  113. conversley, reading something from Joey's Posse is like reading a transcript of a monkey mashing a keyboard

  114. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 6:40 PM

    Gingersnap, you saved the day again, thank you - no wonder I couldn't make sense of Angela. I will not waste any more time.

    @OReader: my note was not very clear, sorry. The Turner/Dauben conversation is on ECO page. Erica's note re: bail revocation is on Angela's page.

  115. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 12, 2012 at 6:53 PM

    yeah, and Erica can rip somebody a new one, getting her point across effectively, without foul language or name calling.

  116. Ah dang, I wrote something humourous and pithy... but forgot my password, lol.

    I do not disbelieve all that is conspired, especially pertaining to pedophile rings and child abusers. I've seen my share. I have also been in a mental health facility. Not EVERYONE who works in one or is a patient in one is crazy and corrupt. I'd say half the staff are more nuts than the patients and that half the patients are not getting the help they need. Now link two halfs and their is corrupt behaviour, abuse and more. I never believed some of the other patient's 'stories'... until I witnessed and/or experienced them. There is some horrible shit going on.

    You are not paranoid if they really are out to get you... and because of what you witnessed and/or experienced, some of them are REALLY out to get you. Self-preservation.

    So ha-has aside, there is some truth somewhere in where this shit began. None of the involved are 100% innocent. Some of them are unjustly persecuted. And if one child is harmed, well that is too many in my reality.

  117. Thanks for the clarification and copied dialog nothingbettertodotoday. I had other things going on around me last night, and I wasn't paying a ton of attention. In the little time I had to look her up, the only place that popped up was the Austin Articles (obviously FOTP). I wasn't paying attention an mis-attributed an Austin article to be about her also. That person shared text messages with Joey and went on his radio show. Soooo not Erica. (I was having visions of Barbie in my head.)

    Reading a reply that Erica wrote to a profanity laced letter, Erica is a professional journalist who is educated and classy. I can totally see why the Joey gang hate her.

  118. Lorraine Schaffer-HaakeSeptember 13, 2012 at 9:04 AM

    Ginger, I think that you know Erica as "Writersblog74". Carry on.

  119. erica or (writersblog) is the same retard, that said she called PETA on me and they were going to have my youtube shut down, sure enough, nothing ever came of for Erica...Joey was out maybe 3 days or so and she was already trying to get him put back in jail, spreadimg her pathetic lies

  120. 1. Who is writersblog? Yeah, by googling I found out that WB admitted contacting PETA regarding a video by Brannon eating a mouse or something. Otherwise, I get nothing. Has WB had particularly controversial opinions (/why would it matter if they are the same person)?

    2.How do you know these two people are the same? Or is this another random claim like most of the other outtings of people who don't align with Joey?

    3.Why does Lorraine keep coming back?

  121. writersblog is a poster on MVZ's old site ECOsucks and maybe she posted on mine a little at first. But yeah, obviously I should have known who that was, at least it makes sense in Loriane's head.

  122. Uh. OK. I quickly glanced through the first few months of this blog and didn't see that name pop up. I guess only Lorraine knows why outting her would matter. I don't understand why Lorraine would know or care. I don't really see how any of this involves her if she isn't a Joey supporter. Or did writersblog have something to say about Lorraine? Ugh. Drama Queen.

  123. I think one of WB's posts was part of Loraine's subpeona. That still wouldn't explain how I'm supposed to know who that is as Loraine flies in from looney land to pay us a visit.

  124. So in looking at the older posts on here, I saw a couple of track backs from the liberal grouch blog. It's come up in Google before because the guy has written about Joey in reference to Ali Akbar. However, it looks like the blog now has over 35 posts in the last month and a half about this Ali Akbar. Joey always associates with winners. What struck me is that the guy mentions something about Ali Akbar not hiding his sexuality when it might turn people off. So, is this another gay friend of Joey? If Joey happened to grow up in Uptown Dallas, I could understand knowing a lot of gay people. But isn't it odd that a heterosexual Libertarian and Messianic Jew from a tiny Texas town is so involved in the gay community?

  125. I doubt you were suppose to know who she was, since you seemed to distance yourself from MVZ, but MVZ and Erica were buddy buddy over there....

  126. I'm sad. Came in all excited for Funday Friday realizing its Thursday. Now what am I supposed to do?

  127. You ate a mouse Brannon? Ewww. Next time make it a rat please, I hate them buggers.

    Cat lady is back? Hisssssss. Hey Lorraine, hows your buddy Bedwell? Did you tell Anthony that Connie's daddy is a child rapist? Some fine people y'all hang with LSH.

    Lorraine's motto:

  128. haha, nah I never ate it, I made a 5 second video where I put what's called a Pinkie...which is a baby mouse, but there used as snake food, but I set it in my mouth, and then cut the camera off, so people would wonder, but ya I never ate it, and it wasn't

  129. That's funny Brannon! Haha. My oldest has a pet snake and uses live food occasionally.
    Thought you were pulling an Ozzy on a video and I missed it. You probably weren't even born when he did that.

  130. ya, I don't think I was, but I know what your talking about, The whole biting the head off a bat thing

  131. No bats heads but thought the song is fitting for the topic at hand?

  132. Go watch

    Then you can make something for Friday Funday.

  133. On an unrelated note, I heard Obama got wind from the FBI of Presley's facebook comments. He also had some choice words to say about Joey's conspiracy theories.

  134. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 13, 2012 at 4:25 PM

    I had the same thought. Strange bed fellows.......or, maybe not so much.

    Can't believe y'all missed the baby mouse thing. Well, you didn't really miss anything. Brannon almost lost me forever over that one. I remember a post about somebody calling PETA. WB probably went away because the conversation was hostile at the time - full of personal attacks, power plays, threats, back biting, finger pointing and bad words.

    Wow. All of a sudden I realize how much I appreciate you guys...............

  135. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 13, 2012 at 5:12 PM

    Has anybody taken a trip over to ECO FB page today? There's an update on the Hailey Dunn case. It's a masterpiece, I'm speechless.......this will take a little time for me to process..........

  136. Its taking me all day to process it, in fact I still can't process it.

  137. I think it was me that made the comment about PETA but I was just joking. I was thinking about how funny it would be if the PETA radicals started harrassing Special Ed. Can you imagine the hilarity of being a fly on the wall watching those two go at it?

  138. haha, ya Like it, I'll be working on a video, and should be done by morning

  139. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 13, 2012 at 5:43 PM

    It's like Brannon ran data provided by Joey through OReader's conspiracy program. At the end, all I wanted to know was, did they get the 5th wheel moved? That seems to be the easiest question to answer. There's a lot to ponder with that post.

  140. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 13, 2012 at 5:48 PM

    PETA vs Brannon. Oh man, there's an idea for a Funday Friday.

    But, we can't tease Brannon right now, his dog died.

  141. Ok, I'm beginning to think Navarro did some weird experiments on Joey. There's no making sense of that.

    I'm all but sure in a murder case, the DA would keep the actual confidant's name quiet. Yah, sure. ok then. right. um yup.choke. gag. credible source. *sigh* at least I'm thankful he's off Amber for now.

  142. sorry about your dog Brannon. :(

    No - no one should bother him right now unless its directly about the video he's going to make tonight.

  143. That's hilarious. I had the same question. Did the guy help move it or not?

    The rest, who knows. I know there have been questions about mom and boyfriend (drugs, failed and refused polygraphs, weird obsessions), but ultimately a little girl is still missing. Sad. I agree about the conspiracy machine. If that is "a(n) investigator" writing, he is extremely poorly written. I tend to think Joey is taking random bits of stories and patching them together in a quilt sewn together with conspiracy thread. The poorest grammar is in the beginning, and both the grammar and punctuation seem to improve throughout.

    Did anybody else notice that, or was it just me? (To me if the argument is that it was casually written & the writer knows better but is lazy, shouldn't it begin better written and get sloppy as the writer gets tired?)

  144. New video? Its about time Brannon. please, no mikes. If I have to send money for bud, I will. No raspfluffyberrylemonspiked hard or not pretend crap. Beer. that's all that matters. You have a new shirt?

    Is it wrong for me to like Brannon and can't stand Joey? Brannon has a way of growing on people.

  145. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 13, 2012 at 6:24 PM

    I agree, it appears to have several authors. Or maybe one author in different stages of sobriety. Some of it looked like classic Brannon, maybe he started it & Joey finished it. I discounted the "a(n) investigator" pretty quickly. At best, if this is a real person, I'd bet it's an informant - somebody that agreed to snitch to stay out of jail.

    Did anybody see a connection between the Lubbock, Snyder and Slaton perverts to Colorado City and Hailey's disappearance? I think the conspiracy program would have done a better job of connecting the dots.

  146. You've learned nothing nothingbettertodotoday. You don't need to know why there is a connection. There is always a connection.The why is not important. This is the same for the politically driven cover-up. Fighting crime and public service is just a front for pedophilia. Always.

  147. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 14, 2012 at 3:52 AM

    Very good point, thanks for bringing me back down to earth. I certainly was over thinking the whole thing. I feel so much better now that I don't have to figure out the why of it all.........


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