Monday, September 17, 2012

On his Last Night of Freedom, Joey Announces He Has Completed His Book

Angelina Mitchell did a blogtalk radio show for Joey on his second to last and now last night of freedom. Tonight Joey revealed that his 12 years of extensive work in journalism has resulted in him publishing a "gurrilla style" book which he has published and made available (where you could find this, he won't say). He goes on to say that if he is put back in jail tommorow it will be due to Erica Moorse, Curtis Butler, Brandy Owen (where is your book Brandy?), Shane Crowe, Barbara Farris so on. The chemistry between him and Mitchell is awefull, they both talk over each other and I would much rather hear some good old fingernails on the chalkboard than to listen to Mitchell attempt to speak. He said he will go after santa claus, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy for sex crimes. And he repeats that this is not for for my own glory but its for......well he couldn't come up with anything else so I guess we revert back to the orginal theory.

I personally hope this isn't the last we have heard of him because I'm gonna have to find other ways to amuse myself after this, but for the good of mankind I guess he must be silenced. Special Ed, where can we get this book of his and do we need crayons to "connect to rings"?


  1. So is it a coloring book or a picture book?

  2. I bet it has a crossword puzzle in the back. I want some more joey blogtalk radio shows, especially one on a friday night or sat night. I loved playing the drinking game to words like "linked to, ring, pedophile, ladies and gentlemen, only media outlet to report it"

  3. Blame all the above Joey because nothing is ever your fault. Poor little Joey, things just happen to him because of the evil corruption that needs to take down the powerful ones like Joey. Looking at ECO on FB, there's all but 3 likes on any given post Joey places on there. 2 of the 3 are his dad and sister. Yes, Joey, see what a following you have? You've done well to have such a massive following.

    Ah shucks Joey if you're headed back to jail in the AM, see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

  4. Ahh what a tough night this is going to be for the Dauben family. Joey is no doubt going to have trouble sleeping all alone in his undisclosed location. His fiance ran off and left him alone in his time of need. Mommy Dauben will be checking out the personal adds while at work tommorow while Daddy tries his best to connect all the dots of the Joey conspiracy theory. Meanwhile, sister Shelby is going to spend most of her time in front of a mirror trying to figure out if she is left or right breasted.

  5. oh my... it's not a 'tell all' book. it's a 'tattle tell all' book. and what is with this host? ROFL

    @gingersnapthornoftruth, I hope you can get a copy and put it on the internet for us. ;)...

  6. I think he should refer to his book as 'the manifesto'.

  7. yeah, he should, afterall Mein Kampf is already taken

  8. Stop playing that game. That much alcohol can damage your liver.

  9. I know, I'm completly lit after about 8 minutes of the show

  10. I like Diaries of a Madman better.... Diaries of a Madman- The Joey Dauben Story

    Theme song for Joey "I fought the law and the law won".


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