Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Joey Dauben's Bond is Revoked, He is Back in Jail

As per Brannon's twitter feed. Score another one for Wilson (guess he isn't a stupid as team Joey was portraying him as). My bet is he has breathed his last breath of free air for about 15 years. I hope he had fun last night on his computer.

Daddy took the T-bird away.


  1. http://oi49.tinypic.com/2m6u1w9.jpg

  2. I am (mildly) surprised. I gave it a 50/50 chance on the bond revocation. What about the mental evaluation? Of course this doesn't mean that he will be held without bond. I have no doubt a bond amount (higher) will be set and other (stricter) bond conditions will be applied. Of course if he violates those conditions a judgement NISI may be taken against those posting the bond. Dangerous grounds to be walking on.

  3. Oh well maybe we can read his book

  4. Wilson was never going to get jail time or any time on the Use of identifying info charge this was the only way he was going to get his way. Find someone that actually knows Wilson and vindictive mean and stupid are the adjectives most commonly used for him

  5. If Joey kept his nose clean, it wouldn't matter what Wilson tried to get on him. You can't blame Wilson for doing his job. Joey chose his own fate here.

  6. No dispute Joey stuck his nose out, but there is a dispute about Wilson his job is to seek justice not anything else. I did look at the ECO page and boy it sure looks like JD was on there and that would not be smart.

  7. If Joey violated his bond conditions, then it is just to revoke his bond. There is nothing vindictive about that.These are the consequences of breaking the law.

  8. The Daubens look like a Washington General player who starts his own internal investigation because there is something fishy going around with all these games against the globetrotters.

  9. And it begins!

    Joey's fiancee Presley Dauben-Tuma (she has 2 last names cuz apparently can be married to TWO sick pedophiles at once according to the House of Yahweh cult).... prepares for lighting.


  10. Seriously, look at their eyes. Its like they are actually excited and happy Joey went to jail? They are crazy.

  11. So they have finally figured out they are the problem, and they are assisting the lightning by putting electrical conductors on their heads?

  12. Well I'm sure Joey can rest peacefull tonight knowing they are on the case. Surely they are making fun of themselves. Poor Joey, at his hour of judgement his friends even his sister is out making funny pictures and treating it like they are on vacation.

  13. Shelby gives us an update for all his legions of followers to write to him:

    Shelby K Dauben Bever

    Joey is at the Waxahachie Jail his VISITATION HOURS Tues. thru Saturday 2p.m. to 10p.m. UNLIMITED PHONE CALLS (972)-825- 4936. Write to 300 S. Jackson Waxahachie, Texas 75165.

    Keep in mind 2 Visits a Week(please allow FAMILY for one of those days or go with us)

    He will be ID'd in a few hours maybe round 4 for his NUMBER to be able to send mail etc.

    I will be there EVERYDAY AFTER WORK AT 2 or 2:30.

    I asked about his Phone Card and

  14. FYI:


  15. Yes, David Webb is back in the picture. What a story that one is.

  16. that is a skillfully worded article, you can kind of get what David Webb really thinks of the situation by the way he verbalizes Joey.

  17. http://i48.tinypic.com/22b0aw.jpg

  18. What kind of jail allows "unlimited phone calls"? Sounds more like a hotel than a jail.

  19. To the pokey he goes.....

  20. http://i46.tinypic.com/voy7vt.jpg

  21. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 18, 2012 at 11:07 AM

    Darn job! I feel so left out this morning's fun. Got back an hour ago, trying to catch up.......

    I found the book - http://eco2.wordpress.com/2012/09/16/book-freedom-of-the-press/

    @ BA: if you had any doubt about about Joey's internet activity on ECO FB page, check this out, it will remove all doubt - http://eco2.wordpress.com/.

    @ yappy: Either the news hasn't hit CA yet or Presley and Connie do not care. As of 15 minutes ago, nothing posted but their smiling faces (with Presley looking a little crazy in the eyes) calling on Yahew for lightening strikes in their own dramas.

    @ Gingersnap: I agree with you re: David Webb is skillful. But it's a read between the lines thing and it appears to me that he has one foot out, like he's not sure and hedging his bets.

    @ Curious: any guess as to how high the new bond will go?

    @ OReader: didn't want to leave out, so Hey! and ditto on your response to BA re: Wilson vs Joey.

  22. This is pure guess work on my part because I don't know what his original bond was on the Ellis County case. If it was $5k to $10k you can probably triple or quadruple that. If it was more than that you can probably double whatever it was. But, and here is the clincher which will probably keep him in jail, since he has already proven that he will not live up to the bond conditions, any bondsman with a lick of sense would hesitate to post a bond for him meaning he might have to make the full amount in cash. That might be difficult. As I recall the last "bond drive" (I'm probably the only one that remembers those from WWII) for Joey got less than $200.00.

  23. well he had a mystery woman from NY come post his $5,000 bond. Like you said, its probably going to be much higher and I wonder how many mystery saviors he has left out there.

  24. Oh wow, thank you Joey for leaving us this pile of crap to sift through.

  25. Damn it. I thought I bought the right book. I got an early release copy on Amazon last night. I was already halfway through. I guess I will put it down.

    It was a pretty interesting tale of one man's journey into mental illness that lead to a life behind bars.


  26. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 18, 2012 at 12:35 PM

    I was thinking that might be the case, no one in their right mind will want to put up the money based on Joey's inability to abide by bond conditions. If bail conditions are more strict, Joey will probably be more enticed to attempt to out smart authorities.

    Should we start a pool to see who can correctly guess the person(s) most likely to take the risk of a judgement in order to spring Joey? I'm betting the NY mystery woman is out this time.

  27. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 18, 2012 at 12:36 PM

    Too funny and very fitting, based on last night's radio blog

  28. Yes daddy, cling to your stupid desperate 'conspiracy wheels'. Same tree, different apple.
    Hint to David: Shelby posts Joeys in jail/visitation 6 hours ago. You and Vicky Keller are the only ones that pressed the "like" button. NO ONE cares. Nada. Zip. Your kid is a criminal, look in the mirror and move on with life!


  29. "Semen on the Face is not evidence a crime was committed" - Does that actually have to be one of his chapter headings? ugh.

  30. Well, Joey lost another battle. Maybe he should learn to read the conditions of his bond next time. Or in his case, when he is released on PAROLE HAHA.

  31. http://rlv.zcache.com/im_your_prison_bitch_card-p137123224152351098en8ks_216.jpg

    Joey's valentine's day heart LOL


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