Thursday, September 20, 2012

JokiLeaks: In the Church of Joey Dauben, Brandy is Judas

Besides his book, Joey made a big docu-drop on the ECO2 page right before his bond revocation (I guess he knew he was screwed). The first one we will discuss is "Want to Know why the ECO was Shut Down"? Well it was partly Brandy's fault (passwordgate again).

Joey goes on to say "See, I fired Brandy L. Owen and Curtis Butler from their editor roles on Jan. 14 after I was made aware of postings, broadcasts and published articles that were outright, vicious lies about me after I was imprisoned".

He then goes on to say that Brandy lied and she tried to take over the ECO while not updating the Amber Hagerman story. Joey said "Ironically, Brandy’s takeover and betrayal came after a random reader from New York stumbled upon my Amber case articles…[it was this connection that produced a friendship that ultimately resulted in this New York friend wiring $5,000 to bail me out of jail on March 22, 2012.] This New York friend’s uncle is a Supreme Court justice. Friends in high places indeed. It was also divinely ordered, before Brandy’s mutiny, that the Amber case updates led me to Northern California; three custody and abuse cases I started investigating led me to my future wife, who is moving to Ellis County this month."

He follows up that with this doozy "In my letter to the DA’s office, which is now a matter of public record, I told them about Brandy, Curtis and John Margetis’ three-month campaign to deny me and my family access to The Ellis County Observer in which to mount some semblance of a defense against the property forfeiture. So, the official, public, court record now mentions and details Brandy’s “team effort” of betrayal. Don’t spend the 30 pieces of silver all in one place, Brandy. John Margetis"

And the beat goes on "She is and was a liar, just like Margetis, just like Curtis Butler. She should be a real woman and admit she lied about me. Her lies and association with demons to engage in what she did kept the Amber Hagerman case updates from remaining online; it also severely damaged my family’s efforts to raise money through PayPal for my legal defense and bail. The PayPal button (a special thanks to those who have contributed) was located on the sidebar of The Ellis County Observer." Damn you Brandy, you are the reason he only raised $200, its your fault.

Joey again repeats his earlier claim of "So, Brandy can allege all day long in phone calls about having “the dirt” on me, but she neglects to tell people the three years of “I’m in love with you” and “I want to give you oral sex so bad” text messages…while she’s a married woman of six kids, while her husband was cheating on her with a stripper; can’t forget the lesbian tryst with an ex-reporter." While saying that since he is better than a normal man, he has dealt with Brandy with great patience and understanding. He then goes on to say that she will be, henceforth, forever known as Brandy Van Hoskins. So let it be written, so let it be done.


  1. I like where he makes the statement, " I’m tired of being falsely accused." If only he had some sort of understanding of empathy for the people that he spreads gossip about.

  2. I dont think you understand how this works. Everyone he accuses is guilty, how do we know they are guilty? Because HE accused them. Anyone who accuses him is a false accuser. How do we know its false? Because they accused HIM. Its quite simple.

  3. I have got to quit reading Joey's writing. It is so confusing! I have a question which may be answered somewhere but I haven't found it. Why did Joey need to get passwords from his editors/administrators? I have a couple of webpages (no Facebook, it's of the devil :) ) and I know all of my passwords. My son may also have some of them but I don't have to ask him for them. Why does Joey have to ask anyone for his passwords?

  4. I think, and I'm like you I read it once and I refuse to go back and re-read it, Joey claims that Brandy changed the passwords and then wouldn't give him the new ones.

  5. My favorite part is. . ."all the womanizing" dont forget your other flavor of ice cream JD. What a fucking moron. Yeah a teameffort with 2 people i like less than joey which even i didnt know was possible. What a fucking moron. Hey brannon why dont you come on here and confirm that you and i were on the phone trying EVERY password combo we could think of and were prepared to pay the renewal fee. hey daddy D you piece of filth feces scumbag cockroach (is that all of the favorite adjectives DD?) found a stack of handwritten joey letters from jail might have to do a blogtalk show to illustrate how great you are at fucking your kid up in the head. LOONEY TOONS but let me show ya where its at now.. . joey conceded about password gate on the phone to me and APOLOGIZED for password gate bullshit and THEN Ask me to publish for him and collaborate and how my traffic was on ELlis county times. well sorry not helping someone violate bond restrictions and go to jail myselfBOOM I am right back to being wrapped up with b

  6. Joey has this thing about sticking to his script even when he agrees its probably wrong. I like how he doubled down on the Brandy was just trying to get in my pants all those years, thats why she was with me.

  7. ... .wrapped up with butthurtler and johnny margarita. Joey was sore i wouldnt publish for him. . i know i know over 50k in hits this year and i dont even do anything with it that is why he is so mad at me. i wouldnt be his internet bitch anymore poor joey. and someone needs to tell joey thirty pieces of silver is only about 600 dollars that is not a lot of money to grownups dumbass. yeah i am judas joey is jesus HE REALLY BELIEVES THIS so excuse me while i decide wher i will go shoppping on saturday to spend 500 and then 100 on bacon, scallops, king crab legs to eat while i burn a giant pile of the palmer post balch springs beacon frost focus and so on. all of the archives . ..up in smoke. he better be glad he is back in jail my husband is losing his patience with him.

  8. I just dont know what it is you see in Margetis. But, Joey said you and John are a team, so I guess that must be true. Oh and the only reason Amber Hagerman's killer still roams free is because you didn't update the news feed.

  9. OK, that could make sense then.....if true. But we have to consider the source....something Joey never did.

  10. Real rich. . I am the reason the amber hagerman murder goes unsolved.. . Whatever helps him sleep at night. You say little kid i say piece of self absorbed white trash ignoramous who doesnt care that i am a mother of 6 and asks me to publish for him which could land this mother of 6 in jail too doesnt care presley was/is fighting for her sister fly out here and see me joey jesus dauben no matter he is facing child rape charges just come visit and live with him. Real good guy there. Rot in jail joey dauben

  11. Ok i take that back. If or when joey gets out of jail i am going to kick him right in the nuts and punch him in the nose. Already talked to my mom about watching my kids and my dad about bailing me out if i ever get the chance to see him again. They agreed this is worth getting arrested over.

  12. I think some people on here might hold you to that.

    Here you go spending all those years putting your neck and name out on the line for Joey and now you are his Judas. So he came to you to use your blog as an outlet for his stuff?

  13. It's a bit off-topic, but this is something I just remembered. Years ago, Joey wanted to start a band. He had no interest in music or playing an instrument; he just wanted to be in a band. He had a name for it. As the years have gone by, I've come to find this name very interesting - it's So to Speak. It fits Joey very well. Here it is on MySpace:

  14. I think he was intrested in the sense that he liked certian kinds of music and wanted to be a rocker, he just lacked any talent or the disciple and work it took to become one. He also wanted to be a city planner, President of the US, a Lawyer, an elected official, a developer......same story different title.

  15. That statement fits more than just that list:
    I think he was interesting in the sense that he liked certain types of news and wanted to be an investigative journalist, he just lacked any talent or the discipline and work it took to become one.

  16. nope I dont ever remember talking to u on the phone about the passwords... lol jk....ya there was one time we were trying to get them... however u did take me off admin at a later date... wahhhhh wahhhh wahhh my life is over why did you take me off admin (that was a Curtis impression) but ya I could care less that you took me off admin

  17. B, I get why you're pissed. But what I don't get is this - you are smart.

    So why the hell didn't you drop Joey's ass long ago and stop being his pussy / editor? He used you all along like Farris started to use you (or maybe still is). She's as bad or worse than Joey, just call all her victims from the past 15 years. But back to my question.

    Why didn't you get rid of Joey the moment you saw what he was doing to innocent people? The guy is garbage and this is exactly how he works. When you're with him, he's as happy as pig in shit. Dare step away from him, he kicks the life out of you and makes you to blame.

    It just goes to show what will happen to Brannon if he ever dares to walk away. The scumbag doesn't have the maturity to take any ownership of why he's where he is at this very moment. Mommy n Daddy Dauben sure help that a lot with their fine toned enabling skills, they should give a course on it.

    Presley, don't you feel oh so special? Your lover-boy future husband talks about 'the hottest woman he's ever seen' in his book and it ain't you. Some lawyer in LA. Ok Joey, rule #1 in marriage. YOUR WIFE is the hottest woman that's EVER crossed your eyes. Period. No matter what dumbass. You already broke the 1st rule.

  18. aack! Ginger, no editing :/ fine-tuned.

  19. For awhile i believed in what we were doing. I didnt read every little thing he posted or commented on. He started downhill about a year ago. Some of these people trashing him are not so 'innocent' example being erica bone lady she really did the things joey published about her. Another mike greenlee, he really did the things joey published about him. But when it came into the child molestation and family courts stuff i really became perplexed and concerned because of the huge dependence on he-said-she-said and young children were/are involved. Barbara doesnt use me, she paid me quite well for my services. I actually kinda sorta maybe took advantage of her and we have not talked in about three months. But yeah i will kick him in the nuts make sure and set up a paypal donation for me bet i will get more than 200 dollars

  20. I think fine toned (as in muscle tone) or fine tuned either one works with their "enabling skills."

  21. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 20, 2012 at 1:08 PM

    I'd buy a ticket to watch.

  22. I have a feeling if you keep your word and nail his kiwi's but good, your parents will get a ton of donations to bail you out. He burned a huge bridge when he decided to toss you under the bus. But I guess that's how daddy raised him. He's not grateful nor loyal to anyone but himself. (take note Brannon, 1 slip up and you're under there too).

    If he went downhill about this time last year, he knew what he did was criminal and knew he was going down. He must have taken on sex abuse allegation cases because he figured it would end up being a good alibi. well like everyone says on here, in his head it sounds good.

  23. well yeah brandy you would get more than $200 but thats because you hijacked his paypal donation link to the almighty ECO. If you hadn't done that he might have had like 20,000 or so.

  24. yes mama enabler reminded everyone how the big bad county took Joey's income away. I assume the 20,000 = zwd (Zimbabwean $ money) right?

    BTW, I adore Ms Godwin >

  25. So, I've been meaning to try my hand at animated gifs. I probably won't have time tomorrow, so here a couple of quick attempts based on a couple of gummy inspirations.

  26. ^^^^^yappy is jealous ^^^^^ Love funday!

    Ginger, the padded boob room. duh

    Was it Brannon that posted Shelby has the password to the FB ECO now and is going to keep it running? Prolly not a good thing hey.

  27. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 20, 2012 at 4:03 PM

    Good job! I wasn't expecting the 2nd one, it made me jump. Then laugh hysterically.

  28. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 20, 2012 at 4:39 PM

    @ yappy: I was thinking, with Joey all locked up in the "safe part of the jail", lacking paper, crayons and stamps, and access to the internet, it might get a little boring until the next court date or he gets his pay card worked out. Maybe if Shelby is in charge of the store, she'll help us pass the time. Prolly a good thing for us, hey?

    Ms. Godwin has no idea how right she is. Joey wasn't on blog radio just once on Monday. After time ran out on the first one, he and Angie cranked it up again. Joey wants to talk about how he's going back to jail at 8:15 in the morning, and it's all Brandy, Curtis' and Shane's fault. Angie cuts him off, then shuts him out completely after about 15 minutes - Amy drama is more interesting. The last 5 minutes is all about Loryn and her drama.

    BTW: Amy has been found, safe and sound. Actually, you were right, she wasn't lost. She just doesn't want to talk to any of the looney tunes that were looking for her.

  29. They aren't perfect, but I feel satisfied with my attempt. But, I had fun, and that is the best part.

    I don't think Brannon is as entertained with the FB blogging as Joey was. Joey is going to have to hand feed Shelby. And even so, I bet we get tons of creative spelling and 4 letter words.

  30. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 20, 2012 at 4:49 PM

    Yeah, I hope she doesn't write in short hand, takes me too long to figure out what's being said. I think you are right about Brannon - he posted on Tuesday that he would add more detail about the hearing when he got back to his computer. Well, it's Thursday and there's nothing new. He must not have gotten back to the computer yet, not a good sign that he will entertain us with blogging.

  31. No such thing as a false accusation when it comes to Joey... that is when he is accused. This entire saga is an incident of his own making. It is not like he was not warned by multiple people to knock off his BS, but he persisted. That, and the whole child molestation thing. Did anyone notice how he identified the alleged victim in his "book"? "semen on the face is not evidence of a crime". Now that chapter heading tells a lot!


  33. oh wow this show is hilarious, Angie can't figure out what is going on she even fell for Jokey's little fake accent, which was stupid anyway. Poor Joey, he has to go out with a bunch of crazy ladies talking over him.

  34. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 20, 2012 at 6:29 PM

    Another good job!

  35. Ehh I responded in haste earlier. I occaisionally think on how utterly terrified Joey must be about his October court date and I feel sorry for him. then i feel pity for him. but i still want to kick him in the nuts.

  36. Nope, I still have everything that I had before..and did just update the blog

  37. lol that's pretty cool. What's the reference to 006? Am I missing something?

    I don't pity him. He's responsible for his actions and now there's consequences to face. Joey hates societal rules and doesn't feel he has to abide by them. This article sounds pretty damn scary. I'm sure Joey has or will be facing solitary a few times. C'est la vie!

  38. First off, B I'm kinda pissed off that we haven't drank together before....Yappy: If I was in Solitary Confinement, the story would be diff.

  39. Hey, so since when is Ovilla an affluent community? Their per capita income in 2000 was $35K. Seriously? In the scheme of Dallas/Ft Worth, that isn't exactly much. There are more than a dozen other cities in the area that rank higher. HP has nearly triple that income & UP double.

  40. I think compared to where they were living, everyone else looked affluent.

  41. I know. Only the most opulent homes are made of anything other than siding. Bricks and stone are ostentatious.

    The Dauben house is a spacious 1120 square feet (yes that includes the addition).

  42. Oh. My. God.

    I just kept reading the Ellis CAD page. Their ANNUAL property taxes are only 60% of my MONTHLY property taxes. It must be really tough to come up with that $613 dollars every single December.

  43. I never had pw's to ECO FB Brandy would never give them to me. I have the txt saved still trying to get them.

  44. Ovilla is made up of two types of homes very old and very new. So you see quite a range of income and housing. The 1100 sg ft homes and the 3000 plus homes. And then there is Ali Sharif multi million dollar home.

  45. The fence at Ali's home probably cost more than any house in Ovilla. Lol

  46. Gave * oops. It's that 5th grade English. I just don't care. If you can't read between the line thats not my fault. What's funny is ya'll make fun of someone who accepts their flaw. So it don't bother me ya'll have nothing better to do with your time.

  47. Also, im not hiding behind fake names like majority of ya'll. I can face the "real" world.

  48. Whatever nevermind the way I wrote it was right. I do go back and correct myself.

  49. Yeah. I just looked that one up. The porches alone are double the square footage of the Dauben home. They'd also have more space if they moved out of their house and into his garage.

    I don't get the allure of big fish, small pond living. But, that's just me.

  50. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 21, 2012 at 12:28 PM

    Are we talking about the house south of the traffic light in Ovilla, on the east side of FM 664? The one built like a fortress? If so, I'd just like say I have a serious problem with the audacity of someone of that geographic origin, coming to this country and building a fence like that in a town like Ovilla. Well, doesn't matter if that's the house you are talking about, I still find it disgusting.

  51. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 21, 2012 at 12:47 PM

    According to Connie, Shelby is running the ECO now.

    Aaliyah Connie Bedwell I don't even know how you can help and being in Houston.. I don't know if you should get involved.. Look what they are doing to Amy and Joey G. Dauben..
    Yesterday at 1:58am via mobile · 2

    Cory Sem Joey is also friends with Judy... What is going on with him???
    Yesterday at 2:07am

    Aaliyah Connie Bedwell-Tuma They just threw joey in jail again saying he needs to be mentally evaluated.
    Yesterday at 2:12am via mobile

    Aaliyah Connie Bedwell-Tuma His sister is running his page and might have been the one to friend her
    Yesterday at 2:13am via mobile

    Aaliyah Connie Bedwell-Tuma Anyone exposing all these pedophile rings are being persecuted by the system

  52. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 21, 2012 at 1:11 PM

    Just want to clarify that it's not where Ali came from, it is his audacity and associates that trouble me. One of Ali's employees was arrested for trying to blow up the Fountain Place in down town Dallas (the green pointy building). Another employee held a position of authority in Ellis County before going to work for Ali, was a friend of Joey's and I have reason/experience to believe he was corrupt in his county position.

  53. I just looked up the guy on It's this one 3412 FM 664 MIDLOTHIAN, TX 76065
    SHARAF ALI $2,393,250. It appears to be that property, yes.

    I don't get why anybody wants a "compound."

  54. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 21, 2012 at 1:33 PM

    That's my point, why is such a protected "compound" needed in Ovilla? I've lived in this area since 1980 and I still don't even lock my doors, we leave keys in the ignition of our cars. Makes me wonder what he is afraid of or what he is hiding. I also wonder how much he pays his yard man. I pass by there several times a month and it pisses me off every time I see that wall around the property. The gate in the drive way is designed so that you can not see into the property when the gate is open. And the pretty flowers in front of the gate, they piss me off too.

  55. I understand a wish for a little privacy, but a few trees, bushes, reasonable fencing can do the trick around so much land. It's not like he lives out in some high traffic area or right up against the roadway. I understand the large walls for mansions in more populated/smaller lot areas. (like Beverly & Preston in HP or Strait Lane or off NW Hwy and Inwood, etc ) But in a non urban area? It seems very, very strange. There are high profile actors and athletes with less security (& even more valuable property).

  56. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 21, 2012 at 3:14 PM

    I don't think the walls were built for privacy. There is plenty of land for sale in Ellis County with bushes, trees and hills for privacy. In fact, not far from where FM 664 dead ends into Bus Hwy 287 there is 3000 acres for sale. Chuck Fairbanks has a nice set up on FM 1387 between Midlothian and Ovilla. I don't know how much land he has, it looks like about 15 acres. The house is built behind a hill so you can't see it from the road. The hill blocks noise from the road, which has more traffic than FM 664. In front there is a pipe fence and open pasture with show horses, much better, more peaceful sight than an ugly wall. Oh yeah, and Ali's place is about 1/4 mile from police & fire stations. I figure he's screwed if the gate is closed, the power is out and there's an emergency. That would serve his pretty flower planting, 12 foot wall, don't look at my house, behind right.

  57. What the text messages saying I don't have the passwords? Or when I gave you fb passwords and thrn you changed it and wrote it in a letter to joey and then never mailed it to him? What is so fucking hard to understand that the god forsaken site was seized and I had nothing to do with that?
    Another thing, my name was all over the eco and associated with the eco in many different sites linking to us NOT SHELBY DAUBEN - BRANDY OWEN I was getting letters from dallas law firms, australian law firms, investigators at my house, crazy freakos on my phone, emails and so on threatening civil and criminal action against ME BRANDY OWEN NOT SHELBY DAUBEN. Is it sinking in yet? So I am just supposed to voluntraily relinquish any access to means of getting myself out of the monstrous disaster I was thrust into. So just keep blamershifting and putting my name in your mouth nevermind all of the other nonsense I wouldn't have given it to you for the simple fact you think prolly is a real word.

  58. That makes no sense. We all know why it did thats not the issue at hand. I never ran ECO so whoever said that has it all wrong. The pws i was given did not work bc accts been hackes by hmmm the two we know of. You want your name kept outa ppls mouths but you can't seem to keep Joey's outa wana punch him in the face and balls. Really? Because why he can't hit you back. Shoooooot. Also, haven't you been warned in all this by state officials to stay off blogs....perhaps another lie? I personally don't talk bout you bc your not worth my time. I just answered the question at hand. I personally think your obsessed but who am I to judge situations and people I know at face value.

  59. Brandy it's so funny you wana make fun of my grammer when.......(well to keep innocent ppl out of the mix).. you should know where I am going with this. Feel free to message me and I'll fill you in to your face if your as clueless as you are obsessed.

  60. Did Brandy mess up in her writing above? Miss-spelled a word. Sit down and sthu.

  61. Also, the letter was never sent because he either got out or I had visited him. Know your facts my dear. You didn't give me crap if anything you wanted his ipad,comp. Etc and called me. Why? Yet your pissed bc he wanted netbook back or whatever. Btw was that returned?

  62. Do i have to even respond to that stupid load of dauben bullshit above? You see shelby i do not make a hobby to discuss joey UNTIL he keeps writing and publishing bullshit lies about me. But thats how y,all daubens roll uh? Write bullshit and legal threats but when it happens back. .??? And it is not a mispelled word or questionable grammar that is a problem, it is the constant abuse of the english language when one is TRYING to make a point that is the problem.
    But yeah i am going to kick him in the nuts and not because he cant kick back but BCuz the little faggot liar deserves it. Beggin for it

  63. B, you don't have to respond. You had a supposed misspelling of a word which was actually more likely a typo that transposed a couple of letters. Yeah, I suppose we could all benefit from rereading what we right, and correcting errors. But, it's obvious you have an appropriate grasp on the English language. Shelby butchers her writing despite having an English teacher for a mother.

    And Shelby what is this about accepting your flaw? What flaw is that? Stupidity? Or is it your inability to spell, conjugate verbs, or properly punctuate contractions? If you know you can't spell properly, USE the EFFING TOOLS IN FRONT OF YOU. Spell check will help you with both grammar and spelling. That's not a flaw you just accept. That is a SYMPTOM of a larger problem. Either you are stupid or lazy. If you have an IQ less than 70, then yeah, that's a flaw we shouldn't make fun of. Otherwise, it's a choice - and thereby fair game.

  64. Aww is that a threat^^^ be careful hahaha and your poor lil hubby aint going to do nothing!!!

  65. Aww so is your husband. Wah.

  66. Oreader are you one Brandy has cheated on her husband with? Seens like you put her on a pedalstool. Why?

  67. Seems* lol

    Ya I guess Im stupid to the English Lang. and perhaps yes Im to lazy to re read and correct it. So be it:)

  68. Really? Pedalstool? ?

    Let's get this straight. You think some stripper that cheated with somebody's husband is going to revere the guys wife and speak highly of her? You truly don't understand how the world works.

    But no, I don't think Brandy is some great person like you assert. I disagree with her views on at least 60% of subjects including conspiracy theories, education, legitimate ways to make a living, and lots more. You probably have a lot more in common with her than I.

    However, I agree with her that you are a moron. I agree that you are willfully uneducated and low class. Your mother taught English. You didn't grow up in the backwoods of Appalachia with illiterate parents. You had AND STILL HAVE the resources to learn not to present yourself as an idiot. Comparing your inability to write anything coherent with Brandy's typo is comparing apples to oranges, and your apple is rotten.

    And no, dumbass, I don't know Brandy nor have I met or slept with her husband. Oh, and I'm not Shane Crowe either.

  69. Holy retarded slut batman. I have never cheated on my husband and as far as I know he never cheated with a stripper. But I do recall shelby telling she cheated on her ex with 26 black guys 4 of them in one day. Now I am thinking wow this is how these people talk to people they have never even met? I obviously gasped when she said all of that and she responded, "I love dick. It is what it is" but hey you don't have to cry for my poor little hubby. My super talented, universiity educated, gainfully employed, no criminaql background
    Land owning husband. Not to mention his beautiful college educated lesbian wife.

  70. yappy aka pain in the assSeptember 23, 2012 at 1:02 PM

    Give Brannon a box of cookies! Yes Shelby pedalstool? O.M.G.

  71. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 23, 2012 at 2:11 PM

    @ OReader: that's a good one! Pedalstool. Too funny!!

  72. Low class? hahaha since i will always be better looking dressed and prettier, hotter, finer and better then her at any given fuckin time.
    So who ever said I was slutty and a prostitute im guessing didnt read that my job description didnt include having to know how to write.
    However i had to know how to read the buildings name: Rogers Hotel.
    Also if yall think i am or was. I laugh because joey would be bailed out already lol.

  73. Petal stool

    I'm sure you can't even pronounce the word properly. So you probably should refrain from using it.

    I don't care if your job description requires you write or not. Being a mature adult should.

  74. yappy aka pain in the assSeptember 24, 2012 at 1:19 AM

    ROFL!!!! Oreader, you actually found a petal stool??

    Shelby, the appropriate word you are seeking is = pedestal. When someone is put up on a pedestal like Joey in your family, they see him as a king, authority, someone to look up to. Pedestal.

    The base or support on which a statue, obelisk, or column is mounted.
    A position in which one is greatly or uncritically admired: "the heroes they have placed on pedestals".

    Cherie what were you doing while your babies were growing up? Same thing Shelbys doing now with her kids? Lord help us all if this DNA chain continues to float down the same river.

  75. I think she is saying her "job" description as a prostitute doesn't require an ability to read and write. You worry about where Rogers HO-tel is located and i will worry about the proper formulation to color correct your hair. I saw in Waxahachie at MCdonalds once. I thought you are around 25 but in person you look 40 you have cellulite on your legs, your clothes are too small, somebody robbed you on that hairdo (unless you did it yourself) fake tanning has wrecked your face the lines on your forehead are so deep you need botox and you are not even 30!!!! So let's talk about looks. But really the way you act on this blog is just bringing more shame to your family. Hasn't your mom been through enough with your brother shaming the dauben name?

  76. Really brandy hahaha bitch i look damn good for 3 kids. Thats funny you saw me in Mcds I never go in. WAH i tan not enough to be wrinkled. I DONT HAVE CELLULITE hahaha. You nailed the job description right on the phone messed up b4 I could put that. You beat me...well damn. Your as white trash as they come dear

  77. Dont hate on my hair bc its professionly done and not homemade washed in the toliet shit you got going. Again didnt cps tell you to stay off the blogs your spending to much time defending joey and now your against him..your all so effin credible. Plus your profile pics you look like a drunk donkey however u wana bash beauty bc you will never be as good as me. How old are you just now going bk to school but u dont publically educate your children

  78. I guess i could take wrinkles over a drunk donkey white trash look any given day..

  79. Awww silly whore trix are for Currupt DA's, John Margetis, and the rest of your donkey paparazi.

  80. Oh ya when did you see me also bc i dont normally wear shorts unless I am tan and I havent tanned in a few months and according to that time frame you were still pro joey...

  81. Oh no she di-int, girl you gonna take that from her? Hell naw!!! Hell Naw!!! She ain't playin

  82. Lmao@ginger....jerry jerry jerry...betr yet joey joey joey...

  83. I think the only possible way to settle this dispute once and for all is to have you and Brandy in a mudpit to wrestle it out.

  84. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 24, 2012 at 6:52 AM

    @ G/Snap & :) - LOL. I'm going outside for fresh air, but call me when the hair pulling and nail scratching starts, don't want to miss that part of the show............

    Ha! Just struck me: at least on the Jerry show, there is almost something to fight about, having sex with a looser. The fight between these 2 started over computer PASSWORDS?! Shoot, they probably wouldn't make past Jerry's producers/screeners.

  85. How are you going to bash being a mature adult when you are participating in the same shit? Hmmm

  86. Mudpit?? So she can put her lesbian hands on me NO THANK YOU...rather prefer a ufc ring....:)-

  87. Awe come on, its all about trying new experiences, plus I will give you both a cut of the proceeds from the ticket sales.

  88. New experiences?! Lol...

  89. @B lmao wtf have you actually seen Shelby, cause your description is kinda way the fuck out there and totally off

  90. Lol thank you King Brannon :)

  91. lol anytime Prettywomen ... I think B is just jealous of your looks

  92. prettywomEn? How many Shelby Daubens are there, or is that just another of your stupidisms?

  93. I guess the answer was NO. The Dauben name has not been shamed enough.

  94. awww @lol havent I already told you to shut the fuck up... now Hoskins go play with your gay room mate

  95. All Brannon read was 26 black guys and thought he might have a shot. I bet b would rather look like a donkey than being prone to having sex with one.

  96. Hoskins apparently your a gay gypsy cop so who are you to speak?lol

  97. What are you trying to say lol? Whats 26 black guys have to do with anything?

  98. YOU ARE You're as white trash as they come, dumbass. Try to get it close when you try to insult someone. YOU ARE You're taking all of the fun out of this for the onlookers.

  99. Are you talking about Brannon or me?


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