Thursday, September 6, 2012

Connie and Presley Show their Support for Pedophiles

So beyond disgusted..

There we have some of the fascinating discourse that goes on in Connie IBedwell's circle of friends, including her sister in crime Presley Dont Call me Crowe. The really interesting part is that they both put the name Tuma at the end of their names. Tuma is the name of Connie's father who is now charged with sexual crimes with....yep you guessed it, a child. Its interesting that as they devote their entire life to this public campaign against those they accuse of being a pedophile, they place their unwavering support for real pedophiles in the process. Presley had to drop everything and run out here to ellis county to shack up with Joey and now she wants to change her last name to include the name of her bff's father who is also accused. Just like closeted homosexual's who spend their whole lives bashing gay people, these two seem to actually have some kind of sick obsession and love for actual pedophiles.


  1. Where exactly is there any evidence to support this allegation ?

  2. well Tuma is the name he gave himself when he came back from Alaska. He told Connie its because its their TRUE Jewish historical name. I'm going with authorities and that say he was 'hiding' under an assumed name.

    Very sick family.

    He's charged with 34 counts of sex with TWO minor Joey and more sex assault charges against an adult.
    Here's the link with the details.

  3. Oh and some of 'evidence' is with the two little girls who had to face a grand jury. Young girls, penetration, medical, consistent stories, dates, times locations, etc.

  4. Wait , so many of the Joey complaints are that he had no "evidence" and there is some problem asking for some "evidence"

    In between the crab pot and salmon violations this is what you refer to

    Case number: 12-14100
    Type: Sexual assault 1, Assault 2, SAM 1 X 10, SAM 2 X 24
    Text: On 2/3/12, the Alaska Bureau of Investigations in Fairbanks received a report that Timothy Bedwell, 51, of Fairbanks, had sexually assaulted an adult and sexually abused two minors.
    Investigation revealed that the incidents had occurred in Fairbanks over the course of several years.
    During the investigation, Bedwell fled the state and changed his name.
    On 8/16/12, Bedwell was indicted by a Fairbanks grand jury on one count of 1st degree sexual assault, 1 count of 2nd degree assault, 10 counts of 1st degree sexual abuse of a minor, and 24 counts of 2nd degree
    sexual abuse of a minor. An arrest warrant was subsequently issued, and on 8/30/12, Bedwell was arrested in California.
    He is currently awaiting extradition back to Alaska.
    Author: CJG0
    Received Friday, August 31, 2012 12:31 PM and posted Friday, August 31, 2012 12:55 PM

  5. What a truly horrible and evil man, here is the report from yappy:

    Location: Fairbanks

    Case number: 12-14100
    Type: Sexual assault 1, Assault 2, SAM 1 X 10, SAM 2 X 24
    Text: On 2/3/12, the Alaska Bureau of Investigations in Fairbanks received a report that Timothy Bedwell, 51, of Fairbanks, had sexually assaulted an adult and sexually abused two minors.
    Investigation revealed that the incidents had occurred in Fairbanks over the course of several years.
    During the investigation, Bedwell fled the state and changed his name.
    On 8/16/12, Bedwell was indicted by a Fairbanks grand jury on one count of 1st degree sexual assault, 1 count of 2nd degree assault, 10 counts of 1st degree sexual abuse of a minor, and 24 counts of 2nd degree
    sexual abuse of a minor. An arrest warrant was subsequently issued, and on 8/30/12, Bedwell was arrested in California.
    He is currently awaiting extradition back to Alaska.
    Author: CJG0
    Received Friday, August 31, 2012 12:31 PM and posted Friday, August 31, 2012 12:55 PM

    So Presley wants lightning to strike and take out her dad who there is no actual evidence of molestation other than her ever changing stories, yet she takes up for this man. I think at this point Presley even smells like a pedophile she is so close to them now.

  6. Yes Joey, a police investigation followed by a GJ indictment (not to metion Bedwell fleeing the state and changing his name) means there is some pretty damn good evidence that he did it much like your case.

  7. BTW, The Dude had to pull the plug on his blog. He tried and he tried but he could never figure out what keystorkes are. Also I think he had to pull the plug becuse the Ex (you know the one he didn't beat because he is a gentlemen, though he wanted to) was getting close to finding his location and hitting him with his past due child support.

  8. Tuma is Connie's married name? I couldn't find a Tuma in the PD reports. Has Presley been asked if she supports this Bedwell fellow? I see on facebook pages a knowledge of the happenings here.

  9. here is sad fishermans new Blog:

  10. Should the name of the Blog be Joey and Presley are little kids?

  11. tuma is the name he made up when he came back down here to hide from his impending charges. Notice how Presley is putting his new made up name at the end of her name and one can only assume she is doing that to support him. Now, do you have any more really basic and elementary questions of simple concepts you cant quite grasp or can we move on?

    Also, why are we making up a new name now? You don't like Barbacus anymore?

  12. no but you could put in a reaquest for "thankGodJoeyandPresleydonthavekids"

  13. yeah I saw that, I'm currently in moderation waiting for the answer of who the "I" is in Why did I Pick Curtis.

  14. Ya, it's a sad shame he did that, on another note I decided to create one:

  15. ahh yes, the special ed show is back. And on top of that it looks like we might get a good ole fashion Freedom of the Press Group quarrel. I sure hope this ends up where I think it will...drunken youtube videos, come on you both know you want to. Now if we could only just get Brandy to come out of the woods and play.

  16. The Blog post had not identified some of the players info and I had questions. I guess if it had these elementary concepts it would be easier to grasp

  17. Nice Polo shirt BB! Everytime I saw JGD he was in wrinkled clothes that looked at least a couple sizes too big. I think he shopped in the Walmart sale dept. But not BB, he's stylin.

  18. Oh I see. You want the young rape victims names. IF the post had the full names of the victims, it would make it more factual? Spoken just like Joey. Already out to harass and hurt the innocent.

  19. Joey believed Connie Bedwell's story blindly because of a video she coached of her kid in the dark and spliced it all together, added words and tossed it up on youtube. In other words manipulating the public into thinking the chatter is what they really heard. But thats the only evidence she has. After all this time and begging her to provide factual court documents from her hearings, she refuses and puts up crap pieces of paper she can find.

    Joey will slander and libel over 'evidence' like she provided but would no doubt scoff at a serious long criminal investigation with several rape victims. That must be a conspiracy and Connie must be a truth teller.

    I can't get over the mindset of them. SMH

  20. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 6, 2012 at 1:50 PM

    I like the new one better. I'm with Gingersnap, ready for some drunken videos........

  21. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 6, 2012 at 1:54 PM

    Oh, no SBSP aka whatever - that was falling on the floor funny!!! So funny I can't even bring myself to abbreviate my amusement with LMAO.

  22. so Ill be updating the blog when I get home, also on there it has my twitter feed which is updated just as much if not more...

  23. lol, forgot to change the name, the xwife was me

  24. Special Ed Bridge. Are you going to visit Joey in prison? Hoping for congenital visit with Joey? No, they don't allow that in Texas. Joey will get to meet some body who will have a new name for him-- "Gurlfriend"/ Joey "Gurlfriend" Dauben.


  25. lol Brannon, xwife. Thanks for Curtis's blog. Does he really think others believe its not him writing? Kinda sad. What's your blog name? I can't keep up.

  26. duh, I'm a dumbass, saw you posted your blog above too. Thx

  27. I wonder if Joey's "Dream Team" of attorneys and ex criminals Rodney Ramsey (the plea to the Class A Misdemeanor instead of the felony) and convicted Felon Todd Phillippi (ex lawyer AND ex con) along with Mark Griffith will be there to support Joey?

  28. (and Griffith is not an ex criminal) Just Ramsey and Phillippi.

  29. I thought so. Even you know the charges are true!!! No denying he's going to "the joint"

  30. In other news, 'Special Ed' was spotted protesting at the DNC with....wait for it....could this be the 'new and improved' Joey ? (nice job changing appearances, and politics there Joey)...under an alias! omg...all the aliases:

    "'Special Ed' Hunt and his dog, Babe, visit with an activist identified only as Harris during a break between protest marches Wednesday."

  31. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 7, 2012 at 3:25 AM

    OMG! There's more than one Special Ed???

  32. Wow, so according to the special ed show (episode one), Brannon has only been around Joey for two almost three years now. Seems longer than that, but maybe not.

  33. Spotted at the local soda shop (where there is no WIFI in sight) . . .

    I guess this explains why it is so quiet here.

  34. Trouble in paradise as Joey gets kicked to the curb??????

    The smiles on their faces tell a different story. . .

  35. They must have been on two for one special.


    You know what goes well with matching brain tumors?
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    Matching unicorns!!!

    (this one is for the Yapster)

  37. (matching powersuits also help for all those pesky court appearances)

    That's all for today.


  38. somehow I think they might try and print that picture and put it on the fridge




    Another Joey "growing" up pic. Good at luring teen boys.


    Joey at Christmas

  42. OMG Funday is back! I can't believe its' been a week already. You guys are insane LOL! Love love love it!!

  43. He fits the part so well, it took me a minute to realize that was our little Joey.

  44. Joey shouldn't feet bad about his chubby years, I've seen a similar photo from Ryan Seacrest. And Ryan Seacrest is sooooo cool now.


    The battle over Gay Teens.... Joey comes out

    Joey "Gurlfriend" Dauben and his MAN (life behind bars)

  47. Some of those pics really need a warning. I almost choked to death laughing.

    Never ever eat while viewing this blog.



    I found this online...hahaha

  49. Back to Gingers original post.

    WHY would someone (Presley) follow her bff friend Connie (confirmed schizophrenic and now Connie's father is a very sick child raping fucktard).

    WHY oh WHY oh freaking WHY would Presley align herself with these men so closely?

    She has a father where her story changed all the time about her father's alleged abuse. New things that she recently spewed does not exist anywhere in Dr Phil's notes or her earlier files in court.

    = liar

    Then she hooks onto this amazing international multi-millionaire Joey Dauben who will tell her she's the hottest thing since grits n cheese and she flies her ass halfway around USA to become his snuggle bug.

    Clearly the honeymoon phase lasted all what? 2 weeks? Presley never speaks of Joey again AND to others who think they're still together, Presley ignores their inquiring minds too.

    Now Connie's father - new very serious repulsive child rapist comes on board. Presley not only supports her BFF she actually changes her own name to TUMA.

    Looking online on Connies page, some are wondering the change name is a 'marriage'.
    Well you can say that in a way.

    Connie believes her daddy's bullshit bible-coded crap. HE alone has been her religious educator forbade her to even approach a rabi for guidance. She herself has admitted since her daddio knows it all ala Yahweh, she has zero reason to ever set foot into a synagogue.

    She's NO jew. SHe's a psychopath with a mental illness where her daddio as the SAVIOR of the family manipulate and brainwashes his kids and controls them. He forbade them to attend any church or synagogue.


    A man that at best made $20,000 per year as a maximum in his entire life and had zero training but wacked letters from THEEE house of Yahweh in Texas psychopath (Note to Connie and Presley Dr Phil calls the House of yahweh one of the top 10 SICK ABUSIVE DANGEROUS cults in the world).....

    Timmy speaks from House of Yahweh teachings and brainwashes his kids to HATE their former life-long custodial mother, condeming her to be the devil in disguise and to FORGET about their years of sexual abuse and rape by Timmy and his buddies James, Ed and 3 more I will keep to myself for now.

    Just because TIMMY is facing child sex rape assaults and is now in hiding, he google's names, comes up with TUMA and waaalaa, brainwashes his Connie into believing that's their real bloodline name. LMFAO. CONNIE DO A TRUE search on your family background. Bedwell + Luis = NOOOOOO TUMA no matter how many generations you go back.

    your father pulled a flipping name out of his hat to HIDE from authorities in Alaska, plain and simple you idiot.

    presley, whaaaaaat the fruck are you doing girl? You are so deep in this shit you can't see what the truth is. History is. how this all came down.

    Outside looking in, I had no doubt this would be somewhat the ending of Connie but Presley, why the HELL are you drawn to hanging on to REAL LIFE child rapists?

    Can't you see there's something truly fundamentally wrong with this?

    never in my life have I EVER seen a BFF lend her support to a friend down on her luck struggling with a father facing child rapist charges... the BFF Presley says "OK, I'll change my name to TUMA too and we'll BOTH be married forever to your daddy".

    Yes Ginger, I think these women are actually drawn to the real child rapists. Only they cannot see just how unbelievably sick they really are showing themselves to be.

    (yes I live up to my name, make no excuses for it. I am thee Yappy)

  50. So, it is what I thought, Curtis moderates...and seems to not let comments come thru that he don't like...he use to do that to Brandy all the time...that's cool, WordPress wars it is....also I made another video yesterday. lol this is gonna be fun

  51. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 8, 2012 at 3:32 AM

    This is a little off topic, but interesting: The Ellis County DA's office dropped charges on the Ennis HS Sr. that was charged with rape last year. According to the news snipit I heard, the victim said something on the stand during defense cross exam that blew up the DA's case. Not sure if Wilson was the prosecutor, but not a good thing for his office.

  52. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 8, 2012 at 3:56 AM

    Also, I hate to be the PC police but: I hope you all are making fun of and teasing Joey because you believe he's hiding his true sexual identity. If so, it's brutal but the photos are funny (some of you are very talented) and Joey can stop the teasing by coming out of the closet if he's gay or bi-sexual.

    Making fun of gay people in general is not fair or funny and it's just not nice - it's an indication of homophobia. Homophobia is an indication that a person is not secure with their own sexuality.

  53. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 8, 2012 at 3:59 AM

    Where's the video? Have you posted yet?


  54. I can't speak for "lol" who posted those particular photos, but I didn't look at them as anti gay. I saw it as making fun of Joey because yeah, I think he's hiding/denying a part of himself. He's been so quick to call people names at a time when he was supposed to be a reporter. I think it's a just a jab at Joey's. I'd guess it wasn't intended to be any worse that Joey dancing or doing anything else silly in the other photos.

    But, I don't know if that is what "lol" intended or not. I just don't have a problem with anyone being gay.I do think it is dumb to hide or ignore it. We live in a pretty modern world. Joey could still find a Christian church or a place in a conservative political party even if he is gay.

  55. or Messianic Jew. But, my point is there is no reason to deny your identity. It's possible to be homosexual in pretty much any walk of life. I'm sure there are still obstacles, but any person that really has a problem with it is somebody you don't need in your life.

    Kumbaya my friends.


  56. ya, it was made 2 days ago:

  57. ChicThatKnowsTheDudeSeptember 8, 2012 at 6:41 AM

    I heard The Dude got mad that Republicans put "no more porn" on their platform and so he finally decided to go liberal and start protesting out of a tent. That's what I heard from some chic who he said shouldn't be allowed to drive or anything, but should have to pay for his meals. I also heard the chic finally had enuf and told him to buy his own damn bacon. Then she drove away while he walked off with just a backpack.

    I seriously just don't get some republican men these days...especially the really poor ones who hate women, but want women to bring them bacon, and love porn. That is just on the floor funny. Special Ed should do some videos about that one.

  58. Dauben better start working out because his he's going to have to fend off the "swords" when he's in the big house. And by swords, I'm not talking about a pen he uses when he plays "publisher".

  59. Oreader is right... It is making fun of Joey, not bashing gays....

    However, to "conceal" his identity, others have been bashed and attacked. \

    Joey- there is No need to molest teen boys at Church retreats, there are plenty of males in the world who are gay themselves and living Acloseted and there are outlets to find that lifestyle.. You will be accepted in some places and just live QUIETLY in others (but I dont think you know the word Quiet).

    And what Integrityisbest just staid is true. He is very "boyish". If he thinks his first 12 days in jail was traumatic, that was a cakewalk compared to this. Inmates still get newspapers, Inmates dont like sex offenders. Inmates dont like child molesters.

    There is no way in hell they wont know who Joey is. And they DO love a cute young guy to make there biatch.

  60. No, not bashing Joey because he's hiding his sexual identity. Just giving him a taste of his own medicine. How many times has he called others GAY and bashed them online, how many times has he edited photos and put online. I cant count that high!

  61. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 8, 2012 at 11:32 AM

    Thank you for clarification on all posts re: gay jokes. Wth special thanks to lol, I have no problem giving Joey a taste of his medicine. Especially because, just like his victims, he can't moderate this site or speak out against us the way we all know he wants to. And, I agree - no matter what orientation, in or out of the closest, there is never, ever an excuse to engage a child in a sexual relationship.

  62. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 8, 2012 at 11:48 AM

    On another note, listening to KRLD in the car this AM, I heard part of an interview with the woman that drown her son this week. I was shocked to the point I yelling at the radio "who are these people and what is wrong with them?" It seems that any time I hear the word "Yaweh", it is from somebody that is way past crazy. I can't quote exactly but she said something like, she thought God was talking to her but really it was demons and they took over. She said she didn't remember all that happened, she just knew that she needed to have faith in Yaweh and he would take care of her.

    After I yelled at the radio, I couldn't wait to get back to the computer to let Yappy know: there are so many more of these people than we can ever know about. VERY scary.........

  63. Mike Treis... That is lol!

  64. God help us all. Forget I said that. What's with religious freaks and their Gods? WHERE are the normal people.

    Ok, I'm behind the times. (No pun intended to Joey). well, maybe a bit.

    I never thought our Bobo looked like this. Where's his horse and Chuck Norris?

    Joey I think you're behind schedule, you haven't slandered and libeled Bobo or come up with some dirt. You lost your touch?

  65. I know exactly what you mean about these cult, religious freaks. I have been reading many articles lately that Texas is being named the American Taliban because of all the cults here and I guess, polygamy or rapes or something of young girls and then raping their children too and keeping them out on big ranches where they stockpile all these weapons and call themselves something like 'sovereign citizens' or whatever. Wierd, wierd, wierd stuff in Tejas. (oh, wait.. i before e except after c...well, that's wierd...why does my spell-checker not know that rule?) Maybe it's all the loose border controls? Or maybe something is in the water. But there sure seems to be a lot of strange things happening around the state. In fact, I could swear I overheard the other day that ... oh, dangit ... I forgot what I heard. When I remember, I will write in again. Dang...u all really r like what Brandy said.

  66. I'm not sure its Texas or not. Loons live every where. The internet allows them to hook up.

    Ginger, for your files. I guess since it's "sisters for ever" maybe Presley was raped by Tim Bedwell like Connie. Would that make them Yahweh sister-wives or just sister-sisters?

    WTF Presley? never in my life have I seen any effed up person take on the name of not only child raping Dauben boyfriend but now child raping BFF daddy?

    Are you for real or some gov't experiment reality gong show I'm ON? Damn if its the latter, I hope theres a cool 10 million at the end of this day. Freakshow central with these chicks.HOLY Yahweh.

  67. Joey's theme song for his E N T I R E life.

    Get it yet mama Dauben?

    Joey you can't really whooop ass but you can try to TYPE on the internet how you promise you WILL!

  68. He has tried to slander Bobo both on here and in his latest manifesto.

    Mandy Mach
    Gotcha@gmail.con Submitted on 2012/06/19 at 6:46 pm
    Bobo made a boo boo. Texas ranger Bobo said in court filings that he interviewed the alleged victim at the Gingerbread House trouble with that is Navarro DA doesn’t have it and Gingerbread house doesn’t have it and Boo boo doesn’t have it. It’s mandatory to disclose these in pretrial and they couldn’t. Interesting stuff

    In his latest edition he ties in Bobo with just about everyone else in suggesting they are all part of a corrupt conspiracy ring.

  69. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 9, 2012 at 4:21 AM

    Remember the Branch Davidians in Waco? That seems to be the tip of the iceberg. I think West TX is a mecca or magnet for these people because there are large areas that are desolate. They can operate under the radar, for the most part. In discussion with a friend that follows this type stuff, my friend indicated that Connie's group sounds like it may be an off shoot of a cult based near Abilene - which is a off shoot of Messianic Jews. Whatever, they are all definitely OFF to a large degree.

    I hope Joey is reading or having this blog read to him, as he appears to be MIA.

    Joey: those voices you hear are not God or Yaweh. As the woman said in her interview, they are demons. So quit listening.

  70. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 9, 2012 at 4:27 AM

    Yappy: thanks for that. But, I'm going to have that song in my head all day..........

  71. I think Jokey firing anybody is kind of like a hobo firing another hobo. No real substance to the action but it sounds like someone was in charge. The only problem is the "company" consisted of a shopping cart and a certain someone's delusions of greatness. Maybe he watched too many episodes of "The Apprentice". "Your fired!"

    Also, some psychology department should do a study on why these loons all seem to have an incessant desire to have "media" involved. Check out most of Jokey's "cases" he brought up...many have a book they are writing (never mind the book is probably a notepad with the words "My book I am writing..." as the only words yet) or they have some radio show or Hollywood is calling them to get their story. Ed had his own radio show because he was going to go after Farris. The show consisted of " we have any in and say something...". Then loon leaches like Keller say they are going to get a show themselves. That skanky Lo Rider...she had one that consisted of "giggle,'s corruption..giggle in and say something.."

    Looks like this Bedwell woman is out there, waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there. I agree with someone said earlier, how all her photos seem staged. She even claims to have Hollywood calling her. Doubt that is true. My guess the only calling she is getting is "fluffing" her way to stardom.

    I think Google/Wordpress/Facebook should have a requirement that these people can only have a page/radioshow/or a YouTube account if they are drunk and summon their inner Jedi.

  72. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 9, 2012 at 5:14 AM

    Brannon: I went to FB this AM to check in on Connie & Presley, but to my shock & surprise, there is post from you on my FB page! My settings are private, I rarely post on FB, just a tool to keep up with family, friends and for my nosiness about the rest of the world. As you don't know me and you are not on my friends list, I can only imagine that we have a mutual friend. I have no idea who the mutual might be and I'm unable to determine who shared your post.

    Seeing your name on my page and knowing that we have a mutual friend were not the only shocking things - what you posted was pleasantly shocking as it seems so out of character. I tried to copy so I could paste here, but the link was coming with the post and I prefer not to do that.

    For all of you that may not know Brannon well - his post was in support of police, fire fighters and EMS.

  73. hmmm I don't know....I got it from a friend Justin Lentz's wall....he runs the Ellis County Informer, other than that I don't know, also....I actually think they get waaay underpaid for what they do

  74. Funny, look who is in row 3 for the google images search "texas department of criminal justice mugshots",or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=a58f97ed59300bb7&biw=1366&bih=606

  75. *you will have to copy the entire link all the way to 606

  76. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 9, 2012 at 8:48 AM

    I agree, they are all way under paid for what they do. I am amazed at how little they are paid to risk their lives every day and everything they do during their shifts puts them at risk for death or injury.

    I don't know Justin. If/when I figure it out, I'll let you know.

  77. ya, usually if you look at the post, and see who shared it, it would say

  78. Sticks out like a sore thumb, which will make him easy pickings once he gets to the big house.

  79. Aww mama must be so proud. Rofl. Joey U.R. F A M O U S

    Joey, you can give yourself this gift when you get out:

  80. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck.....

  81. Probably what Joey thinks will happen when he's released:

  82. Navarro County has issued new prison garb.

  83. God, will someone please make me stop?


    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  85. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 9, 2012 at 3:43 PM

    Looks like FOTPG blog quarrels are in full swing, and carried over to Joey's old FB pages.

    Daddy Dauben, or somebody posting as Daddy, is playing with fire again. An old posting of Joey's was reposted, the subject was, of course, all about sexual slavery of little boys in exchange for not going to prison. He's still saying Ellis County conspired to bring Navarro charges,, but he ads more people to the conspiracy. At the bottom of the re-posted article these comments are posted:

    David Dauben the false accuser said he cant remember where the alleged abuse took place. he said he was abused in foster care homes. oops wasnt supposed to say anything
    Friday at 4:02pm · Like

    Terry Fleischbein Wow, I didn't know that the false accuser was a foster child. I've worked with foster children for several years and they are notorious for making false accusations. Their accusations against their real abuser are usually true, but they will make the same accusation against innocent people as revenge because they're angry with them or because they like the positive attention they get from being a victim.

  86. Ginger just so you know... when I did my last piece on Curtis, I learned that from in the style, not wording, I just didnt take the whole thing just quoted parts...I look forward to seeing what Fucktard is going to come back with

  87. Yeah I'll try and give it a good run down tommorow (the FOTP blog war). Its just soooo stupid this passwordgate wont die and its making a mountian out of a molehill anyway. I just wish we could get Brandy out of the woods and back on here and in the middle of the fight. I can only understand about 25% of whatever the hell she is talking about but she keeps it interesting and I like it.

  88. Yeah I saw that today, I'm gonna give an update on all the tommorow. Daddy is making another stupid move in touching this topic, but then again if it were a smart move he wouldnt be making it.

    Terry is probably right, foster kids may be more likely to make something up but the other part is foster kids are more likely to be abused as they will be targeted because of their vunerablity. You certianly better have a smarter defense than saying "he's a foster kid they make things up".


    Joey made the news LOL

  90. I have to also say, that I think it's ridiculous that you put your life on the line to help and save people, you get paid maybe barely enough, and that goes for teachers to...but do sports or Entertainment and you get's stupid...

  91. what you make is directly related to how much revenue you generate. Teachers and Officers, while performing a tough and important job, don't actually generate revenue and thats why its called public service. They understand going into it that they are not in it for the big payday. The entertianers and sports altheletes at the top of their craft sell thousands of tickets of people paying to see them and they get a cut of it. It may not seem right, but in a true form of capitalisim this is how it works.

  92. Im confused. Are they all kin? Starting a new clan of Tumas?

  93. Bedwell must have gone to the same conspiracy theorist school as Pedo-Jo.

    Aaliyah Connie Bedwell-Tuma
    4 minutes ago via mobile ·
    So here's the new persecution BS on my family, they just threw my dad in jail last week for 36 FALSE Bull malicious sexual assault charges, life in prison, all trumped up LIES. Placer county told the rest of the authorities that my father is "mass murder dangerous"... They are drugging my dad up in jail to where he is really sick and his feet are turning black. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. And yes LIGHTNING IS COMING! — with Cara Bedwell-Tuma and 2 others.

  94. You know its really ashame, Connie and Joey were made for each other. Presley is trying her best to adapt to this pedophile loving world that Connie is in but she is a Tumafish out of water. Connie on the other hand is right at home in this just like Joey.

  95. This Connie chick, she keeps talking about lightning coming. Seems like her entire family is a lightning rod.


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