Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Joey Dauben/Presley Crowe Disconnect

Joey devotes an entire chapter in his "book" to Presley, the love of his life the one he is going to marry. Yet Presley is hiding out in Califorinia with her sister in crime Connie IBedwell. No facebook posting, no nothing from Presley related to her future husband going back to jail. Hmmmm, me thinks there is a misunderstanding between the two. Here is Joey on the topic:

Chapter 12: Presley
My story with Presley is still unfolding. It is by no means worthy of a chapter, but of a journey. I am happier now, in the middle of my legal turmoil and travails, than I have ever been. Simply devoting one chapter to her does her no justice. Of all the womanizing and crazy antics I’ve gotten myself into, Presley looked past all that. I knew that one day I would ultimately meet my wife, and I knew that the day Presley text-messaged me with, “since guys mature slower than girls, that’s why it took you 30 years to find me,” she was someone special. She wasn’t just a story, a subject who has been through Hell with her father’s abuse of not just her, but of sister Skyler too. I would need a second book just to talk about Presley, so for that reason, I will cut this chapter short. Books need endings, and right now, our lives together have only begun. Whatever you call it, fate, destiny, divine inspiration, I know it took me 30 years to find her. When Barbara Farris lied and gave her (as she has done with numerous others) false hope of flying Presley to come see me, I was comforted with the fact that one of my sisters flew Presley down. I met Presley while in jail in Navarro County (she visited me two days out of the three she was here), and when I was released, I met her in Red Oak. Ironic that the two towns that my legal cases were based in were also the towns I would meet Presley in. No other person on the face of the planet means more to me than Presley Renae Crowe, and no stunt, legal trick or false allegation from her piece of filth “father,” Shane Sam Crowe (or anyone), will separate that bond I have with her. I’m pressed for wanting to write more, but it will have to wait for a much happier ending than the one this spells.


  1. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 19, 2012 at 3:36 PM

    Presley is confusing me. I noticed the disconnect between she and Joey. But she's got a new FB page, Presley Raene Dauben-Tuma. WTH?

    And, I don't want to carry tales and such...........but, I noticed on her new page that she's looking a little more full in the bosom and wearing a shirt with empire waist that looks a little full as well............

    Nah, certainly she's smarter than that. She's probably wearing a miracle bra and the shirt looks full because she's leaning forward a bit.

  2. Ya think Yahweh put a bun in the oven? oooie a little Joey-Tuma? Praise Jesus!

    She actually has a FB with Dauben-Tuma?

    I was kidding around the other night when I wrote her name like that but ICK. 2 men with REAL child rape charges. If that isn't mental and scary, I don't know what would be.

  3. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 19, 2012 at 3:46 PM!/presleyrenae

  4. wow, she is like Presley Rene Crowe-Dauben-Tuma and she hasnt even been married yet.

    Why dont we just start to rumor that she is carrying a Joey Jr. inside her? That might be fun

  5. Presley may have the hots for David? I can't figure this chick out. She left this note tonight on Davids page.

    Ginger, I think there is a Jokey in the oven. I think its why her eyes look extra googly.

    The last thing we need in this world is another child claiming false allegations of daddy rape


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