Monday, September 3, 2012

Presley Dauben Whining to the Police

Even though the focus is on Joey these days, lets not forget that Presley is still out there causing harm to her half sister on a daily basis. Presley came down to put some Joey Juice inside her, but after about a month of that she ran back to California. This video she posts as some kind of proof of the conspiracies against her, but actually, it only proves how irrational and self-centered she really is. You can hear her crying in the video "but you never called me to talk to me" and the officer calmly says thats because you are not the victim in this. "But I was a victim", yes but thats a separate issue.

Lately, Presley has tried to file charges against Shane with the guess that poster "yappy" on here is working on behalf of Shane and stalking Presley by posting on here. She also accuses me of working for Shane which is simply a lie. She won't end her crusade until the authorities end it for her by taking away her freedom as they have to her former lover Joey.


  1. Crossing fingers this is the one where she's using my posts to state "shane" is stalking her online. The officer tells her people are commenting about her but that what they're saying isn't deemed stalking. She also said Shane is contacting her friends. He says are they on the restraining order? She said "no". He said ok then that's not a violation is it? She's whining that a few people are saying 'bad things' about her on a blog and brings up some crocodile tears. You can tell by the tone of this guys voice he's not buying into her games. I mean really, if you don't want people YAPPING about you online, shut up! Zip your mouth and OH don't 'antagonize' your own father who has NOT been charged with any crime. You have no right going around calling him names, laughing with Connie talking about guns and blowing his head off. That's sick and as far as I'm concerned, you are PROVOKING OTHERS to stalk him.

    Grow the hell up little girl before you really get in over your head. Can't wait for her to get a copy of my declaration. I'm not going to let her use my comments in a court of law against her father, a man I've never met, never spoke with, don't know who he is.

    Below was the video I was speaking of.

  2. The video she was stating about a couple of my comments is found here:

    She goes onto say how people are saying bad things about her on a blog and that someone said they heard she's living with Sue. Ok, Presley where does Sue live? No one on here knows.

    She shows the officer a couple of points where I (Yappy) was speaking on this blog as proof her dad is stalking her. No Presley, I'm not Shane and you'll be able to get your hands on that declaration I sent. I'm not going to sit here and allow you to use some random people online as any proof you have to hurt your father. it shows how unbelievably desperate you are. I do not know Shane, never met him, never spoke to him either, don't know how to get a hold of him. Only what I read online, its easy to see how your story changes and you're full of crap.

    You lie and lie and when it comes to a court of law, I'm not going to tolerate you using MY opinions about you against anyone!

    I would think you sitting on your facebook laughing Connie how you'd love to get others to blow Shane's head off is threats intimidation and a form of stalking. I don't doubt for a second you and your sicko wackjob Connie friend would love it if someone would actually volunteer to murder your father. I've seen you be so demented and sick online. Its time you grow the hell up. Its beyond pathetic to watch how mentally ill you are and whine and pout and destroy your little sisters life as if its some 'funny' game to you.

    Ginger, you should know that Presley has already joined Connie in threatening and intimidating (AND LAUGHING) at the victims of Connie's (alleged) child rapist father. It took all of 48 hours before those two started in on the child victims of rape.

    Of course everyone else who claims child rape in Connie's world is telling the truth BUT those two children. So its ok to whine and cry about me slamming Presley who I believe is lying out of her butt and she calls the cops but she see's nothing wrong attacking other apparent rape victims for fun.

    The difference between you and I?

    I don't say anything about you for the fun of it Presley, its because I'm SICK to death about how it affects your little sisters world.

  3. damn, sorry Ginger. One post didn't go through, so I started all over again. Now I really puked all over this one. You can delete one if you wish.

  4. Oh gee forgot. There's one other very glaring difference. Tim Bedwell has been indicted on 34 counts of child rape including penetration. Your father has been investigated inside out including FBI and was found not to have abused anyone.

    If you're going to claim you're a victim of sexual assault then you of all people should be extremely ashamed of yourself for laughing and poking and scaring the victims of your friend Tim Bedwell.

  5. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 3, 2012 at 2:07 PM

    Well, either I don't have permission to view the links Yappy posted or they've been taken down. I hate that I might be missing a real freak show.

    New posts on Connie's FB page suggest she and Presley have seriously gone 'round the bend. Connie posts a lot of scripture, stuff about Pope John Paul II rising from the dead and Bible codes.
    She said John Paul II was shot in the heart and survived a mortal wound. I thought he was shot in the stomach, so I checked - he was shot in the stomach.

    Presley posts some links to a blog by a guy, who is Catholic, that takes conspiracy theory to a whole new level - in a Chicken Little meets Soylent Green, Joey Dauben method of connecting imaginary dots kind of way.

    Re: the link Gingersnap posted - it's obvious Presley took lessons from Joey on ambushing cops. I recall Joey did the same thing to a cop in Ellis County early last year, then posted only the part he thought made the cop look bad.

  6. I'll see if I can get a copy of this audio. Its a video but she had it 'hidden'. The cop MUST know her antics though because he said outright I KNOW you're taping me. Glad the law enforcement realizes how manipulative these people are.

    Oh Connie's catholic thing is a riot!! She loves to tell people at Easter all the Catholics drag out his body and drink John Paul II blood. Even funnier? Presley is a Catholic by her accounts but loves her crazy friend no matter what Connie says. Presley seems to soak up all this crap which baffles me.

    i wonder what the hell is going to happen when the world goes on and on as normal, there's no lightning, no bloodied up zombie pope, no PowerTexasranger style super hero's from the sky, everyone goes on with their lives, kids go to school, people work, no Gods appear from the sky like some derranged lunatic looking for 'lunch'. Connie's dad goes to prison for life for real child rape, Joey goes to jail, probably 10+ years for child rape, Shane's youngest kid grows up, gets a normal job in her very normal life, blocks n deletes her crazy ass big conspiracy crazed sister, Connie's kid also grows up and pulls a "Dyandria Darel" on her too, Connie is left with holding her "" sign on the corner of downtown Sacramento, old, wrinkled, not married, still working as a waitress at Suede Blue in Roseville while the entire town keeps yapping about "those crazy wacked out cultish freaky Bedwells" as Roseville has for the past 30 years about that family apparently, Presley maybe gets married, has 3.2 kids, 2.3 of them taken from her because the judges ran out of children to rape and make their BIG BUCKS on..., also working at a restaurant waitressing because she's 'just that awesome of a worker and can get good tips"...., and the rest of the 8 zillion Catholics keep pulling out good ole JP's body to drink that endless blood, springtime comes and goes and promises more lightning in the forecast while Presley and Connie strip to the bone dancing in the streets laughing and clapping "THIS MUST BE THE MOMENT", she should know because she bible-coded it and Yahweh NEVER lets her down EVER (of course he doesn't because Connie has her kid, a normal rich joyous life, a great husband, great job, PTA president at the school, basketball coach on her daughters team, and on and on and on ..

    It's all so normal and logical.
    well.... helll.... I ran out of things to yappppp about. WTH are the odds of that?

  7. I still fail to see how this is anything but exactly what you
    Complain about Joey doing. Now of you know anything about what is really happening or has happened Not just what's in court summaries. Presley is over the top ... So what. If there is any truth to her allegations she is entitled and based upon her losses in court. She can be really angry. So you make fun of her bc she was with Joey. Says a lot about you and not much about her

  8. Nothingbettertodo.... I don't know if you've seen Connie's other friend Loryn Rider? She plays her games exactly like Connie (after the fact) kinda like a monkey see monkey do they have going on. Its hilarious. Same kind of mother issues, lost her kid. But the moment she lost her kid she tried to murder her ex and his pregnant spouse. That info is online in the courts. its amazing. She's under investigation for attempted homicide trying to burn the house down coincidently only like 12 hours after to losing custody to her ex, she now calls a pedophile conveniently.

    Why WHY aren't any of these mothers / parents normal, balanced people with no past or history of insanity? They can fool the FB / internet public and cry a good story but in the end, they don't realize taking their shit online only makes it 1000x's worse for their case in real life.

    Amazes me how people eff their lives up and then can't figure out how to undo it. Ohhh presley did you even know about the investigation against Loryn or did you ASSSume she's a 'normal' mama like your mama who lost custody for nooo reason whatsoever?

    Presley, you'd serve yourself well to learn from these people and NOT do what they do. Get it? IF NOT, your 'future' ex husband will has ooh so much ammunition against you. After all, you put it all up online and that never goes away completely.

    I see Presley the very same. Kids with no custody, frothing at the mouth waiting for her Gods to pierce lightning out of their butt or eyeballs or whatever you nuts imagine.

  9. Barcus or whatever your name is. I never ever care what others think about me online. You don't know me n vice versa. Joey and his life and WHO he attracts speaks VOLUMES to his own character. he's a slime ball nutjob who created his own reality and some how thinks he is some spectacular person because he knows how to buy a few .COM's so therefore, he's now a journalist?

    Seriously, keep enabling his fantasy world Baracus. Its a wonder WHY he's facing what he's facing in the 'real world' isn't it?!

    They're all insane. I don't live like this, don't think like this, and the 'normal' people of the world can easily sit back and see just how f*cked up these people are (joey and presley included). They don't GET that their self-imposed delusions have put them exactly where they are in life today. THEY did this to themselves. Not the gov't, not some zombie pope, not any grand bible codes, not some signs from god, not some establishment pedophile rings. Their own actions and what they feed their minds each and every day become their reality.

    Its very sick and very sad to see. I and others know the ending and as much as we YAP about the obvious, the sick minded like Joey will never get it. FORTUNATELY they will have to learn the hard way in prison which I strongly believe Presley will be one day too. They inflict FAR TOO much pain on the true innocent people trying to live normal lives. Karma is a bitch.

  10. Connie + videos of her telling her story + facial action coding system = making up shit as she goes. She is a liar. Her face tells the story. I haven't watched video of Presley, but my guess is that it would tell the same story.

  11. Wow yippy your comment really speaks volumes..... About you

  12. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 4, 2012 at 10:43 AM

    @ Yappy: Loryn Ryder is the cookie vs cock girl, right? I think it was after reading "evidence" posted on her site that I became convinced all of these mothers are causing their kids' problems. It boggles the mind as to why Loryn et al has chosen to copy Connie's methods. Why do they not see that not only is it not working for Connie, it's made her situation much worse?

    As regards Presley, I hope she uses the brains our good Lord gave her and prevents a pregnancy with a man she does not plan, or can't stand, to live with forever. Clearly, this was the first mistake all of these mothers, and fathers, have made - they laid down and made babies with people they seemed to like for the length time it took the alcohol buzz to wear off. None of these people were ever committed to each other or child rearing in the first place.

  13. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 4, 2012 at 10:49 AM

    @Oreader: I had the same thought re: facial action. Every time I see a still shot of Connie with her little girl, her face looks fake, like an advertisement model. She gives the camera her attention and doesn't seem to be connecting to her baby.

  14. I wish Presley would grab a clue but that's beyond wishful thinking. Its very easy to spot these moms that aren't actually parenting or have the childs best interest. Yah, Loryn is the cookie monster woman. Her and Connie rant how pedophiles make little children use cutesy names to hide their abuse? OMG I can't tell you how many names we came up with when ours were young.

    I read in the Ohio courts, police reports where loryn is currently being investigated for attempted murder. Hours after she lost custody both front and back doors of her ex's home were set on fire and his wife was 9 months pregnant. These are crazy chicks.

    presley doesn't get that Connie does suffer from schizophrenia and now with Connie's dad facing life in jail for (of all things) child rape, how does presley think she can keep this up associating with psycho's? I think she's become one of them like Ginger spoke of the other day, it CAN be a choice with what you feed your mind.

    If you WANT to believe in Bigfoot, you WILL find as much odd evidence to prove your theory. The point is, WHY would you waste your life looking for a hairy Yeti Sasquatch? Presley has decided her life's mission is just that, looking in the woods for a tiny pile of hair. But at some point like Connie and the rest, they will come to realize just how much of their life was wasted, and by then its too late.

  15. Oh no better clarify before joey jumps on me. We used cutesy names for our kids privates when they were young so not to embarras them if they had to go potty and such. I've seen Loryns proof too, what troubles me about Ryder is that she appears to be the one abusing her child.

    There were pics she took of the little girls neck (red finger print marks) yet no mention at all at rushing the child to the doctors or anything. Just made the kid sit in the playground so her mom could take the pics. Its too obvious to see LR also do the monkey see thing. Connie claimed there were death threats on her child and in a matter of 2 days, Loryn had some odd audio of her child saying 'he'll kill me'. Ok, was she reading the child a scary story book and asked her to repeat it, pressing record?

    LR screamed another time about the child being very ill, yet again, no doctor, no follow up. These women FORGET their own lies. You watch hours later on their FB and they're oblivious to the earlier chaos and people who were genuinely concerned. They're off laughing and partying it up until someone points out their KID is supposed to be on her death bed at the moment.

    I'm glad the courts get it right most of the time. Not saying system is infallible but most of the system truly cares about the kids.

    (See Presley... normal balanced thinking) That's how it's done chicky.


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