Sunday, September 16, 2012

Joey's First D-Day is Tuesday Morning at 8

According to Daddy Dauben who is going to take a vacation day to watch his son who is is so proud of, Joey goes before Judge Carroll in downtown Waxahachie Tuesday at 8 a.m. For those looking to get that all important oil change, tire rotation, or state inspection done with David, you will have to re-arrange your schedule. Anyone going to be there and give us some live first hand updates? There are three possible outcomes:

1. Joey is ruled not insane and not in violation of his bond (not very likely but possible)
2. Joey is ruled insane and ships to the funny farm immediatly (I give this a 40% chance)
3. Joey is found to be in violation of his bond restrictions and heads back to jail (I'd say about a 50% chance on this one)

I hear Cypress Hill is going to be there to perform


  1. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 16, 2012 at 9:34 AM

    In case number 2 is correct, the judge will order a psych exam to prove Joey is insane before Joey is shipped off to the funny farm - right?

    Please, oh, please if somebody goes to the show, please remember the name of the doctor if Joey is ordered to submit to an exam. I'm serious, there is a particular doctor that does contract work for the county that, if chosen to examine Joey, will add a extremely interesting dynamic to this saga.

  2. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 16, 2012 at 10:02 AM

    Yep, Joey, et al, does not disappoint with the time he's got left on the outside - lots of new activity on ECO FB

  3. I think the last name of the quack dr. is Dunn

  4. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 16, 2012 at 12:42 PM

    @Brannon: Thanks. That's not the one I know. Too bad, I have a lot of dirt.

  5. “For 12 years I have exposed the dirtiest politicians in the Dallas area, and they have fought to have me shut up and shut down. They can shut me down, but they cannot shut me up.”

    Oh I think you are about to find out that they can. Since the media simply doesn't care anymore about his little travails, there is no outlet for Joey to get him story across other than his facebook page.

    Also, did anyone notice in Joey's diatribe that he said he "uncovered the members of his grand jury" like is some secret story he busted open? And we are to believe that Joey is innocent of the Navarro charges because he uncovered the pedophile ring inside Kevin's house, of course he did this after the incident and with knowledge that his charges were most likely coming.

  6. Hey Brannon, has Joey already seen this "quack"?

  7. We all know that Joey is probably crazy but I think your percentages are way out of line. If I understand what is going on, the issue for Tuesday morning is whether or not Joey should be examined by a shrink to see if he is criminally insane or in such a mental state that he cannot assist with his defense. I haven't seen the docket so I don't know if there is even a question of him violating his bond conditions is going to be before the court at this time.

    Having said that, the most likely event is the one you give a very slim possibility. Why? If the D.A. has not put a motion before the court for sanctions because Joey has violated his bond conditions it won't even be brought up. Also I don't believe that Joey is legally insane though he is crazy as a loon. Sounds contradictory doesn't it? But it isn't. Texas still uses the McNaughton rule which hinges on 1)Whether or not the person would know the nature of their actions; and 2) whether the person knows the action to be morally or legally "wrong." Although Joey may be crazy, and may be suffering from a mental defect, I don't think he meets those two requirements. His actions were performed maliciously, so that negates the first test, he knew the nature of his act. That negates an insanity defense.

    I believe the most likely outcome on Tuesday will be the judge granting the D.A.'s motion for a psychiatric examination but he won't be shipped to the funny farm, simply ordered to appear at a time an place for said examination. Like I said, I am unaware of whether the D.A. has filed a motion for bond revocation or amendment. If he has that could change the picture but without it I would say that Joey going home is a 99% possibility. If this is also a bond revocation hearing the odds of him going home are probably 50/50.

    Just my $0.02 worth....spend it wisely.

  8. the way I understand it is this is about bond revocation due to Joey violating his bond restrictions. The insane issue is I guess part of that, but I think the main crux of the hearing Tuesday is if he has violated his bond. I think Wilson is just ordering this evaluation just to cover his own ass.

  9. Brannon wouldn't have the name of the psychiatrist (Dunn) if one hasn't been ordered by the judge as of yet. At least that's how I understand the courts to work. Judge makes a recommendation and generally appoints a person. My hunch is Joey has already seen a shrink and the results will be discussed on Tuesday.

  10. If you guys really believe Joey is crazy based on your comments, then it is mean to go after a mentally ill person so badly.

    Why is there so much hatred over this guy? The worst you can do to him is leave him alone... You know this.

  11. Yappy I have the papers talking about the Bond Revocation and The Psychatric... which I told Gingersnap if a friend had them scanned I would send... that apparently fell threw... but he as of now has not seen one

  12. I dont hate him at all. He amuses me greatly, thats why I keep tabs on him.

  13. Angelina Mitchell does a blogtalk radio on Dauben, Amy Charron, Hailey Dunn, etc. Her voice is hilarious.

  14. Dr. Mitchell Dunn is the quack Satan is prescribing... I find it amusing he's doing the whole Hailey Dunn case... n then the DA says we want Dr. Mitchell Dunn to examine him

  15. so what you are saying is, its a Dunn deal huh?

  16. about 5 minutes into the show, whos on the line? Is that Joey? He's talking about ECO writing stories on Amy. I don't know Joey's voice well, I assume you do Ginger. If its him, he's frucked!

  17. You probably have a better grasp on what is going on than I do with this hearing. But I still believe that Joey is not "insane" under the definition of criminal insanity in Texas.....but very few people are though we have more than our share of crazy people. :)

  18. not that its a dunn deal... but they call him crazy then use a psych with the same last name as what he had been covering... surley there are more quacks out there then ones with the names associated with the stuff he had been covering

  19. holy Joey joey joey joey. Its an internet show. Can't help yourself can ya? Holy dumbass lol. Well, have a nice day Tuesday Joey.

  20. There are other quacks sure, but I gonna give you a new word for your vocabulary (and maybe that was a new word too) but your word for the week is coincidence. I know its a bad word in your circles, but it does happen.

  21. you are right, he is not insane in the strict definition that is needed for standing trial. I think it has more to do with his defense strategy and Wilson wanting to cover his bases just in case. I'm mainly having some fun with the fact that he is ordered to have the evaluation in the first place more than I think something is really going to come from it.

  22. permit me to make the Joey defense....its an internet show but I"m just calling in on my telephone, I'm not on a computer and the throat cancer lady is the one who set everything up

  23. Ok Joey you don't understand crap listening to this blogtalk. Amy's mom has had the child for almost 4 years. If she was going to adopt out the child, it would have happened long ago. 2nd, her step-dad was on a oral surgeon review board long before Amy had her child. Every medical board member IS appointed by the Gov of Texas. so duh, whatever.

    If you actually read the court files and Amy's psych files online, you'd see Amy's history and the evidence of child abuse against HER (Amy). You're such an idiot. Think you can call yourself a journalist? You can't research CRAP dumbass. LMAO Joey. Because Amy has a 'story' you buy into her song n dance hook line and sinker without doing any research? The child was abused and starved by Amy, Amy left her in the care of a homeless person that painted her house. Amy traded her $10K wedding ring for a toy poodle and on and on and on. Not to mention the many times she ended up in mental institutions over the course of her life.

    All this keeps proving is how unbelievably stupid Joey is and how little he actually looks into any story.

  24. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 16, 2012 at 4:55 PM

    @ Curious: thanks for the .02 cents. What you said does sound contradictory, but I can understand why Joey wouldn't be sent to the funny farm. Seems to me that Joey does not view his behavior as legally or morally wrong. It appears Joey is acting out on delusions, paranoia and narcissism. We see his behavior as being malicious but he sees it as necessary, a call from God to save all the little girls in the world from pedofiles and the rest of us from corruption.

    So, if I understand you correctly, Joey will be held accountable legally for his behavior if he's found competent - that would indicate Joey knows his behavior is wrong but malicious because he did it anyway. In this case, what is the possible penalty?

    If Joey is found incompetent wouldn't this indicate that Joey does not understand that his behavior is wrong? At that point how can his behavior be classified as malicious? What options does the court have to protect the public? Can/will judge order treatment and a forever ban internet access? Or, treatment until Joey understands the implications of his actions, then bring him back for trial?

    If I recall correctly info that the 9/18 hearing is for psych eval and bail revocation all came from Joey's camp. I hope we get an objective report on the hearing as any report coming out of Joey's camp will be slanted (sorry to point out the obvious). As I can't go, I was trying to talk my kid into going for us, but Joey knows the kid, as do some officers of the court so the kid won't go.

  25. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 16, 2012 at 5:16 PM

    Yep, definitely Joey. If you don't recognize his voice, you will know it's him because he says Amy's kid is going to be adopted out to CPS child sex ring in Montgomery County.

  26. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 16, 2012 at 5:18 PM

    Dr. Mitchell H Dunn, MD - Terrell State Hospital, Acting Clinical Director 1995 - present. Mr. Wilson and Judge Carroll ain't fooling around.

  27. That was 30 minutes of unmitigated chaos. Mitchell has no clue how to run one of those shows and we kept having crank callers along with at least 4 different angry woman talking over each other. The sad part is we had our Joey there trying to get into one of his rants but he kept getting cut off. Ohhh if they would have let him go, we could have gotten something worthwhile out of it.

  28. Joey idiot! I'll let you in on a little secret from a very non-journalist person. David Charron IS NOT related to Amy you mental case dumbass. DO your homework before you use or orifice to speak out of! You've connected NOTHING but a mentally ill woman with her child removed legitimately. (per: eco2. wordpress. com/2012/09/15/the-amy-charron-story/)

    I don't have the time to dig through the endless FREE online information in Harris County courts but here's a quick link on 1 document. What do you read Joey? This doesn't tell the entire story but definitely partial showing Amy's consistent mental instability and placing her child in harms way.

    Tell me Joey, did Amy inform you that her former lawyer husband in NYC provides her $4000 a month in alimony? That she spent it on dresses, jewels, nails, hair etc? And the ex-husband DeWeerd tried to get the courts to pay directly the mortgage on the "illegal foreclosed house" you talk about? But the courts refused to intervene even though the ex-husband (now married to another woman) still cared enough about taking care of Amy last year to try and save her from being 'homeless'. Call Deweerd (the lawyer / exhusband) yourself to confirm this you idiot!

    Nothing was illegally done to Amy. She never managed her cash well. In Texas (DUH) you CANNOT take someone's house hold possessions from them. IT is illegal. Look up the law. You cannot even garnishee in Texas unless it is for child support.

    So here's good ole dumbass Joey JOKEY someone called him earlier in this blog, who blindly believes a woman (a pretty one at that) about corruption and the POWERFUL gov't and refuses to dig up the truth.

    You are incredibly dumb Joey. Unbelievable. I am actually amazed at the moment that you graduated from high school at the age of 20.

    I could go on but why bother. Pointless crap about a mentally ill woman Joey wants to hang his hat on (yet again) because she utters the word 'corruption'. smfh

  29. silly me.... garnishee (for Joey) is when someone has a job, has a court judgement against them and the courts allow a garnishee from their wages.

    NOT allowed in Texas with exception of child custody. I thought that needed clearing up because Joey has never worked in his life so maybe he doesn't know the meaning. OR maybe he does know and its pointless for others to civilly sue him in Texas because they will never be able to satisfy their claim.

  30. yeah that seems to be the heart of his defense in the ellis county charges......"you should be suing me in civil court (where I already owe 100's of thousands of dollars and im indigent) not bringing me into criminal court". Even Daddy Dauben made reference to that in his post on the ECO facebook page.

  31. for the record I was drinking earlier.... I shut my car door 3 times n after wondering WTF.... found out my car door would not shut because of my phone....Im still able to use it...... but boy does it have some cracks in it

  32. Brannon, you make me laugh. Why do you hang onto Joey? I don't understand you because I actually like you. Sorry about your very broken screen but have to ask dude.. why are you driving when you are drinking? Dude, not ok. My buddy in Beaumont was tossed from his vehicle and hit by a semi a couple years back, picked up in pieces (true sad story). He was supposed to have supper with us but passed and went to the bars with other buddies. Not cool Brannon (if you were drinking and driving). Shit happens man.

  33. For the record, our buddy was texting and drunk while driving. What a waste, still busted up about it. That was discovered after Beaumont PD investigated and found out he texted his girl in St Louis seconds before being thrown from his truck. No phones/ no texting/ no drinking with cars. ever.

  34. ya I was in passenger I wasnt drinkin n drivin...nor would I...I go to a friend of mines house in Bristol... I give them my keys... and just have access to my remote that allows me in the car... only

  35. n sad to hear about your friend, yappy

  36. Insanity, in all its legal aspects, is extremely complicated and I am far from an expert. But in considering Joey's mental state the only case being heard Tuesday is the Ellis County case. So the question before the court, after he is examined, will be "Did Joey know the nature and quality of his act when he posted private information about a minor child on the Internet?" I think a study of the writing Joey did shows that he was aware of the nature of his act. He did it deliberately, and with malice aforethought in order to create difficulty for a father who was falsely accused by the child's mother. His attempt to justify himself under a "journalist shield" law is a "mistake of law" and is not a defense but it shows that Joey's state of mind was not such that he could not understand the nature and quality of his acts, he understood them well enough to defend himself with a law (even though he must never have read the full law, only the heading). Ergo, he is not insane and is criminally responsible for his acts.

    Personally, I think the Ellis County case is the weaker of the two cases that are pending. BTW, strangely enough, Joey could be found not criminally responsible in one case due to insanity and criminally responsible in the other because he isn't insane. Important feature being his state of mind at the time of the criminal act in each case. In the Navarro County case the fact the act was covered up and the ensuing e-mails to keep it covered up show that Joey recognized the nature and quality of his acts and so would not be considered criminally insane.

    Another possibility would be that Joey be found incompetent to stand trial and the judge could order treatment until he is competent to stand trial. But this only happens in extreme cases and Joey depending on some law, which doesn't exist in the form he believes it does, doesn't come near to qualifying. Usually this will occur with someone who is catatonic and uncommunicative, conditions which have never applied to Joey. :) I think Gingersnapoftruth has it correct when he/she says the D.A. is practicing CYA. Joey's actions are often bizarre at times and would cause many of us to believe he is nuts (as we see that condition in the world around us) but that isn't criminal insanity and the D.A. wants that officially recognized so he may prosecute Joey to the fullest extent of the law.

    I hope I have all of this right but this is a very complex area of the law. Here is an interesting factoid; the insanity defense is raised in fewer than one percent of the criminal cases nationwide and is successful in less than 0.002% of the cases. Joey's cases are certainly interesting but I predict he will be found competent to stand trial and will get his day in court.

  37. My reading comprehension must be dropping as I age. I just read the facebook page a second time and it clearly says that the hearing on the 18th is for bond revocation and to order mental evaluation. So I was mistaken thinking it was just for the mental eval. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

  38. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 17, 2012 at 3:39 AM

    @ Curious: Yeah, I get what you are saying after I thought about it over night. What Joey did to the falsely accused father was malicious, he was trying to hurt the father. Then Joey defended himself and apologized for writing what he did about the father when Mr. Ramsey (if I recall correctly) called Joey out on what he'd done. If Joey was unaware that what he did was wrong, nobody could have had an impact on him and he wouldn't have apologized.

    I'm sorry to hear that the Ellis case appears to be the weaker of the two. I think both cases are of equal importance. Joey may have physically hurt the little boy in Navarro County but he's definitely hurt hundreds of people with the ECO in full view of the public. I don't see how a lot of what Joey prints or posts can not be considered ciminal negligence. Once Joey calls for violence or prints/posts false information it's on the air waves forever - you can't unring the bell.

  39. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 17, 2012 at 4:04 AM

    @ Brannon: Ditto everything yappy said + always wear your seat belt whether you are in the front or back seat. Can't get thrown out if you are belted in. If you want to argue about back seats - remember Princess Di, had she been wearing a belt she would have survived.

    As regards Joey, I think you are a good, loyal friend - which I admire greatly. I also think you have an inkling that Joey is on the fringe and that's one reason why you monitor what we are saying. I just want to make sure you give yourself permission to disagree with Joey, it's OK for friends to disagree, it doesn't mean you are less loyal. The true test of friendship is how any disagreement is managed by both of you.


    Joe inspects his new padded cell. It's unlike ANYTHING he's ever seen.

  41. I was going to make a Barbara Farris Barbie Doll, but I see somebody already beat me to it:

  42. Video to put a face to a voice: I think this is her?

    I'd make a photo to illustrate how trashy she sounds, but she has done a good job on her own:

  43. Oh yeah. This is also super classy.

    The 80s called. They want their jeans back.

    Still not positive it is her, but the video sounds like the same voice as the "radio" show. Although, I couldn't pull it back up to double check.

  44. Monday Funday? Cool. Joey looks confused. Is it just me or do the boobs sag the lower you scale to the ground? The Farris doll will destroy a childs' mind in 10 seconds flat.

  45. Yes, the boobs at the bottom hang a little lower. :-)

  46. Whatever the padded room doesn't teach Joey about women, Angelina is going to show him when she visits.

    Also, this image appears just as Angelina has posted it. It is publicly available on the web as is.

  47. she is one of the scariest "women" I have ever seen or heard. Her appearance matches her voice.

  48. rofl that's exactly how I'd imagine her looking

  49. nothingbettertodotodaySeptember 17, 2012 at 1:58 PM

    Joey is on Angelina's show again today. To promote his book - called Freedom of the Press, it was released today. He talks a lot, could be your last chance to hear him at his finest!

    If you don't have time for this crap, here's a recap: He says he was working Haily's case while at Starbucks, he links the Texas child porno conspiracy to the CIA in Washington DC and he will continue to investigate - no holds barred. Re: the body found near Big Spring - the medical examiner is wrong, it's not an elderly man, it's Hailey. All of the child porno is connected to satanism and cults. Erica Morse can sue him all she wants, she's not going to get any money. If he goes to jail tomorrow it will be because of Erica, Curtis, Shane, Barbara Farris, Brandy, etc. Funny, I don't recall that Angelina actually introduced him, I think she identified him once towards the end, then he identified himself at the end. Somebody was trying to call in at the end, Angie and Joey ignore her, then she goes left on them but you can't understand her rant.

    MondayFunday: thx for the laughs but every time I heard Angelina's voice, all I thought of was the nightie photo. Ick.

  50. nothingbettertodo - he can't bring himself to take any responsibility for the fact that HE alone is putting himself back in jail. Sounds like his mommy trained him very well. No responsibility ever from him.

    He's 'rillly' getting to the truth. He's not saying stuff for his 'glory'. He admits to being 'a little jerk'. Talks about his daddy's low income HUD home. Angelina speaks about the POLE-eece. Joey talks about a registered sex offender then backtracks stating the guy was only arrested and accused of heinous sex crimes (think he was talking about himself). Some big ass ant farm of Joey's. (here's hoping they're fire ants)

    He basically finds the tiniest coincidences and that's Joey's proof of his sex ring. Wonder how Joey feels that 3918 is my cousins house number and their dogs name is Schneider.

    Joey - Y o u a r e n o t a m e d i a o u t l e t. You are a dumbass narcissistic blogger.

    LOL you funnnny little creature aintcha?

  51. I say scroll to the last 3 minutes, its the best. Joey is cut off, some recording of a crazy woman screaming about DC and that's alll folks. If that's the last we've heard from Joey, that's a pretty damn good way to end his sh*t. Cut off in mid sentence......

  52. Who is her first guest? Paula Dean?


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