Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Brandy Responds

Over at her new site, Brandy Owen responded to the charges raised by Joey in the Dallas Voice article.

There Brandy, free plug.

Anyway, the article is of BrandySpeak, that being it makes perfect sense to her but we tend to have no clue what she is talking about, so I will attempt to paraphrase it:

In response to Joey's claim that she took down the website without his permission, she claims nuh uh, I just didn't renew the yearly fee.

On the suicide watch story, she says she needed verficiation and said that in the article, (I cant remember it) and that she also mentioned that she knew Joey would never committ suicide. (ok but you said that with the inferrence being that they were setting him up for something that would look like a suicide).

She claims that her saying anything about admitting that he sexually assulted that boy is untrue. I can back her up on this to a degree, I think the part someone is feeding to Joey had to do with a post or a comment she said about the possiblity of "if" he did it, not that he in fact did it. But clearly from this we can see that someone is feeding Joey information and twisting it so that Brandy is in a negative light.

Then she goes on to explain the passwordgate. She changed some, some were stolen, some were taken by the DA's office and she shut out Brannon because he was trying to be a CUNTinuious source of inspiration to Joey on the ECO. Brannon and Brandy were going to go in together and try and restore the ECO when they find out that everything was changed and that the DA had seized it. Wouldn't there be some kind of court order somewhere to back that up?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gay Dallas News Source is the Only Outlet Coverning Joey Duaben Now

The Dallas Voice, a LGBT affiliate, has an interesting article up on Joey Dauben with lots of new parts to pick out.

First, apparently Joey has only now been appointed an attorney and that attorney is refusing the case. Joey did confirm, as was reported here, that he is facing charges in Ellis County but they are not true because he is a journalist (too bad they are going to prove he is just a blogger in granny's basement).

Then, there is this paragraph:
"Since his arrest, the Ellis County Observer website has gone down, and Dauben said in the letter that former associates had turned on him, lied about him and taken down the website without his permission. He said legal action would be forthcoming in connection with the alleged misappropriation of his website. Dauben said claims by former associates that he was on suicide watch and that he had admitted to sexually assaulting the teenager are “lies.”"

Ohhh Brandy, you better hope King Joey never gets out of jail because it sounds like this is aimed at you. You lied and said he was on suicide watch, and you let his website go down in flames. His whole life's work crashed into nothing in less than a month. Poor Joey, sitting there in jail alone, with no friends and no trial set because no one wants to take on his case. So Brandy, care to clear up your name, Joey just called you a liar?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Joey Dauben Backed Ovilla Mayor Resigns Today in Disgrace

After being found quilty of several ethics violations by a unanamous City Council, including his allies, Ovilla Mayor Bill Vansycle had to resign today in shame. Joey was a stuanch supporter of Vanscycle and called all those that opposed him "malcontents". As usual, being supported by Joey is always the kiss of death. If Joey supports you, something must be seriously wrong with you, and in this case it was. Well, from judging by what Joey considers ethics, I guess he would still say this Mayor was innocent.