Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Joey Dauben Backed Ovilla Mayor Resigns Today in Disgrace

After being found quilty of several ethics violations by a unanamous City Council, including his allies, Ovilla Mayor Bill Vansycle had to resign today in shame. Joey was a stuanch supporter of Vanscycle and called all those that opposed him "malcontents". As usual, being supported by Joey is always the kiss of death. If Joey supports you, something must be seriously wrong with you, and in this case it was. Well, from judging by what Joey considers ethics, I guess he would still say this Mayor was innocent.


  1. But he has a mustache! ? !

    I thought we always trust a man with a mustache?

    Or do I have that backwards?

  2. How did I get in moderation?

    Is the word "mustache" automatically flagged?

  3. Alitwist! You're back! Great to see you again. A mustache makes a man very mysterious - didn't you find something written by a Joey D. that said any man with a mustache must be a pedophile? Or something like that...hee hee. I guess Joey would know, eh? I know someone else who likes to grow mustaches for the winter, but I am not legally allowed to speak to him

  4. "97% of pedophiles have at least one mustache. This also applies if you are female."

    I am sure this is a true stat (as I found it on the internet).

    I am not sure what the "at least" part means. I was too frightened to keep reading...

  5. there are lions and tiger and Altwist OH MY.
    glad to see you back

  6. Aw. Thanks.

    I will be by now and then, but gonna be busier with work for a bit.

  7. Please, Ginger, put up the like buttons! lol.

  8. Who is the John r huff jr fella that keeps posting on joey and his families fb?

  9. YesGodIt'sMeMargaretFebruary 4, 2012 at 6:20 AM

    BosqueNorse on form spring and wordpress? Same John R Huff that posted on ecosucks in october saying Joey was gay but didn't know when to come out (or something like that)?

    I don't have access to what is being posted on the Joey related facebook pages. What's been said?

    The JRH jr on eco sucks links to a facebook page with same photo as bosquenorse on form spring who says he is gay and "smiled" at a joke saying Justin Bieber tasted like food? ? Creepy much?

    And, there is another JRH on facebook with a guy pictured straddling a huge teddy bear. I can't tell if it is the same guy pictured.

    Anyway, what has been said on FB?

  10. YesGodIt'sMeMargaretFebruary 4, 2012 at 6:23 AM

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention:

    John R. Huff Jr.’s Bio
    Professional Historian now retired and
    pursuing my own independent studies
    and research.

  11. YesGodIt'sMeMargaretFebruary 4, 2012 at 7:06 AM

    I could put a few quotes here regarding his preference for young classy males including something about remaining celebate for 30 years and it being time for the young/son companion search to begin..

    But I will just provide the link so everything is in context:

    I have no problem with homosexuality. I don't have a problem with an older adult having a relationship with a younger adult. I couldn't do it since I have no desire to have a sexual/romantic relationship with somebody I don't consider a peer, but that is me personally. I do have a problem with having a relationship with a child or lusting after children. . . I don't think this guy has given any indication of that type of inclination. However, the son comment seemed odd, but maybe I am taking it in the wrong context . . .

  12. YesGodIt'sMeMargaretFebruary 4, 2012 at 2:12 PM

    Too much info?

    I'll simplify.

    No, I see no indication that he is a lawyer.

    He is a gay Christian retired professional historian who had been celibate for 30 years but is interested in younger classy males.

    He posted in October that he knew Joey and asked if Joey was gay. Joey supposedly answered in the affirmative, but was not ready to come out officially at the time.

    Those items are for sure the same guy that posted under that name at ecosucks because all postings lead back to same facebook profile.

    The other person on facebook seen with a teddy bear may or may not be the same person.

    So what was posted on the facebook pages?

  13. He asked everybody on joeys wall if they thought he looked like a lawyer in his profile pic. Posted on another a link to the unfair treatment of gay people..... Hmm if Joeys gay im pretty sure he struggled with being a messianic jew.

  14. YesGodIt'sMeMargaretFebruary 4, 2012 at 2:30 PM

    Who knows. Seems odd that a "friend" of Joey's would ask him, get that answer, and then go online and post it...

    John R. Huff Jr.
    on October 31, 2011 at 11:50 pm
    Well, yeah. I asked him today and
    says he is gay but not ready to
    come out yet. I have known Joey
    for a long time and know that he
    has been looking for a way to
    come out – this advise is great.
    Thank you.

    But everything related to Joey is weird.

    I wonder how this guy even knows Joey.

  15. Where was it posted and why?

  16. YesGodIt'sMeMargaretFebruary 4, 2012 at 5:46 PM

    It was on the ecosucks blog on a spoof/humor article about joey coming out. I don't think his comments are a joke, but I don't know the guy or how he knows joey. So not a clue why.

  17. Uh. I just googled that Bosquenorse name and saw where he posted on Topix that he thought the ecosucks site might be slander (his word, not mine). He posted that BEFORE posting that he wrote that he asked Joey about being gay. So I think he might be a troll.

    Or maybe he thinks Joey is cute and is going to visit him in the slammer and pretend to be his attorney.

  18. Bahahahahaha! That guy is either a troll or some sort of investigator. lol. I can't believe this is coming up again. I tried to find out who that guy was a few months ago and came up with the answer I just gave you.

    Recall that article is spoof - that's all I'm gonna say. I wasn't sure if that "troll" was Joey or one of his other friends so I sort of played a joke on him.

    Since then, I've seen him going around to Occupy meetups and suggesting a protest or meeting and not showing. I don't think anyone has met him.

    Good laughs. Good laughs.

  19. Yeah the guy has a pretty prolific web history for about nine months that paints him to be a 53 year old gay guy looking for younger men. That much may be true, or he could easily be an invention of Joey & friends used in investigation/trolling.

    The former is probably the case - some lonely nerdy dude looking for man boy lovin'. However, I don't buy the "I asked Joey & yeppers, it's true" crap. Totally trolling then.

  20. lol. I was thinking more about if this guy could be completely imaginary (probably not, but I can see why they could have created such a character). Anyway, I was absent-mindedly googling and I typed in "John R Ames gay." My property taxes are going to be totally f@#ked.

  21. lol. i bet the "i asked joey & yeppers, it's true" was a joke on the troll. i believe the troll got really mad at eco sucks for that. i'm not sure, but i think maybe that's what happened.

  22. sometimes, blogs get to be trolls too.

  23. "Or maybe he thinks Joey is cute and is going to visit him in the slammer and pretend to be his attorney."

    That would be hilarious if Joey's been making all these threats to sue everyone like Brandy through some Bosquenorse troll. Bwahahahahahaha! Now, that would be elaborate.

  24. I just love Joey Dauben. In fact, I might have to create a new blog to express that. I mean, he is entertainment that keeps on going and going and going. I have never heard of such a thing! So much fun.

  25. Trolls say funny things when they are mad. They revert to their natural language of trollese.

  26. Joey doesn't get conjugal visits yet, does he?

  27. Eww eww eww eww.

    On "the kennel slave market" (eww eww ewww), BosqueNorse posted:

    4/7 relation
    I am very discreet and looking for a
    Dad/Son partner. I can also be
    interested in a large bear type for
    only sexual arousement or as a Dad/
    son partner.
    I am not the so called typical older
    gay male. Closeted and very private
    and expect the same from a

    Yah. Totally closeted and private. This guy is all over the web. Eww eww eww.

    He can't figure out if he is 53 or 63 though. And I am pretty sure that photo isn't of somebody that is either age. False advertising!

    Eww eww eww.

    Truth is stranger than fiction.


  28. And WTF? ? (I advise against clicking)

    GUESS jeans?

  29. OMG OMG OMG!

    That guy was posting all over Joey's blog all the time. I guess he WAS really hot for him! That is too funny.

  30. If the guy really wants Joey, he should just get himself arrested. IJS

  31. Ok, had to click - that is so wrong. that butt is not cute. and wth GUESS jeans - exactly??? not even TRENDY gays? so so wrong. Joey would never go for him.

  32. So I guess that comment about Joey being hooked into the NAMBLA was accurate after-all? Is that what this Bosquenorse thing is telling us?

  33. Yeah, in Navarro county - looks like he might be there a while still. Or does anyone know anything else?

  34. I don't know if the photo is him or not, but it is on his "straypup" profile (right along with the other profile pic he use everywhere). So, it is either him or what he likes.

    He said he had a bubble butt and likes guys with bubble butts in Wranglers.

    I bet the photo is at least 20 years old, but even when Guess jeans were in style, that fit wasn't.

    And am I wrong, or is the patch missing? Like they were bought at Ross or something? I have no problem with discount stores, but I don't want to buy anything where an external component has been so obviously removed, ya know?

    There are creepy old lonely straight guys and gay guys. I totally think he fits the creepy lonely dirty old gay guy.

  35. Farris has disappeared. It appears she even took down her blogtalk cacklefest. All of his supporters definitely have slithered away.

  36. We Miss You Joey GangFebruary 5, 2012 at 1:01 PM

    Oh, that's too bad about Farris - imagine all the pedophiles she could have freed from prison. She was so close and yet so far away. Guess she'll have to change her name again?

  37. We Miss You Joey GangFebruary 5, 2012 at 1:07 PM

    Well, that does appear to be a bubble butt - but I'm not sure that's quite the idea I would have imagined. Maybe a BIG bubble butt would be a little more truth in advertising, but hey - there's a picture to give the full story.

    All this about bubble butts right after I just googled "Santorum" - he's coming to Plano this week. Now, talk about a google problem.

    I can't unsee these horrible images of bad gay fashion and santorum. It's just too much.

    I'm with you alitwist about the creepy straight and gay guys. There are both kinds. I've experienced a creepy straight guy in my life - he wore Levi's with the narrow ankle fit - not so hot either.

    But the GUESS jeans on a bubble-butt old gay stalker of young boys (looking for a Dad/son sort of relationship) is just too much.

  38. Romney likes Gap skinny jeans too...
    Obama has his dad jeans...

    Why is it none of these guys can simply ask a sane sales person?

  39. So sad she never fulfilled her dreams!

  40. BosqueNorse posted on some football website a couple of weeks ago about liking Brett Favre's bubble butt.

    So lonely...

  41. Was there ever a tweet so true:

    "@ERlC_CARTMAN: #SheProbablyAHoodrat if she's taking bathroom pictures"

  42. She will pop up in a few months with a new "snake oil" gig.

  43. Ha ha. The Seinfeld repeat tonight features Kramer buying super tight Wrangler jeans that he can barely move in... I bet I know what somebody else is watching...

  44. Does Kramer have a bubble butt?

  45. Oh BosqueNorse...lookie here what we got for you...

  46. The last post went to moderation...

    I'll repost this link to a great pic for BosqueNorse:

  47. Very well rounded buttock.

  48. Http://

    Watson here will tell you that I never
    can resist a touch of the dramatic.

  49. Http://

    Watson here will tell you that I never can resist a touch of the dramatic.

  50. Blasted spaces.

  51. I dont watch for Kramer I watch for this

  52. Here, Sherlock. Technology has changed just a bit since you were investigating.


    Mustache & bubble butt. It doesn't get better. BosqueNorse, I expect a thank you.

  54. Joeys B Day. Not a way to spend it. I see that Huff Jr really wanted to let him know how he felt

  55. Aww. Poor JoJo. I wonder how many cards he got?

  56. I bet he did get a few cards, but the question is how many did he get from people outside of the jail?

  57. So he does have a lawyer or not? Seems incredibly long time to have represenation.

  58. those anonymous people took down the cia website

  59. Not a Terrorist Just Trying to Make a PointFebruary 10, 2012 at 5:21 PM

    Everyone wants to keep disrespecting the rules of the what do they expect?

  60. DIdn't joey use to support that Ramsey guy? I see that he is suing some Ovilla people.

  61. yeah, in fact Ramsey defended Joey the first time he was locked up in jail. They are all buddies.

  62. nothingbettertodotodayFebruary 14, 2012 at 1:11 PM

    The published a piece on Joey today (2.14.12). Based on this report, Joey still doesn't have an attorney. The court appointed an attorney yesterday, but it appears the attorney "refused the appointment". Joey told the reporter that he has been indicted by an Ellis County grand jury, but the "charges have no merit".

  63. oh wow, thanks for the heads up, I'll post a new story on this


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