Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Patrick Wilson Gets the Last Laugh

The Waxahachie Daily Light didn't take long

The quotes from Wilson are just priceless:

“This blog is owned by Joseph Dauben, all of the content on this website goes through his fingers and into cyberspace. He was supplied that information in an offline interview and put it online,” he said.

In his closing remarks, Wilson said that Dauben was not a newspaper publisher reporting a news article, but a vigilante holding a diatribe against the victim on the Ellis County Observer blog.

“This is a guy in Mabank, Texas hiding behind a computer in grandma’s house calling for a ‘public execution […] only amplified by my own comments,’” Wilson said, quoting Dauben. “If you type (the victim’s) name and city into a search engine this is what you will find. Dauben intended to harm his reputation, standing in the community and cause physical harm.”

Wilson encouraged the jury to give Dauben probation, but assess a maximum punishment of five years and a fine of $5,000 to “force him to be a productive member of society.”

“Give him the maximum hammer to hang over his head, so if he violates his supervision the court has the flexibility to give him up to the maximum five years. If you give him the minimum sentence of 180 days, no matter how he breaks his supervision, even if he commits another crime, the court can only give him 180 days jail time. And I suggest a hefty fine, at least $5,000 to obligate him to get out of grandmother’s house and work and be a productive member of society.”

OK I'm going to need to take a break for a few while I continue to laugh uncontrollably. I may have to laugh until it gets light again on this one.


  1. What Ginger said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ bahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  2. I never rejoice or laugh in the misery of others. I think its low of a person to laugh at the suffering of other people.

    I didn't even really think of this but....
    If Joey gets convicted in the Navarro case, that will be felony #2. Often the courts are more easy on felony #1. I think often there is "deferred adjudication" offered as an option prior to trial.

    If he is convicted on felony #2, for sexually assaulting a 15 year old boy when he was 26 years old at church camp, I hate to say this but he's going away for at LEAST a decade. Especially if the conviction comes as quickly as this one. This case was easy potatoes compared to the next if convicted. He'll get 10 years and be a registered sex offender if convicted.... Wow.

    As for the Ellis case, he's going to also be credited for time served I'm sure. Probation is a decent punishment for something like this.

  3. its pretty bad when the local DA is more of a father figure to you than your default dad. Daddy Wilson gave Joey a big dose of reality that Joey's absentee parents clearly never have. I'm sure it will be ignored and they will in fact double down on everything in Joey's final two months of freedom, but still it was good for Joey to hear this, even if its about 10 years too late.

  4. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 14, 2012 at 3:55 PM

    @ Jimmy S: Get a grip! We are rejoicing at the effectiveness of Karma and the judicial system. Would you think probation is a suitable sentence if someone had hurt Mr. Buchert because of Joey? Joey's misery is self inflicted - it's a fact, it is what it is, nothing there with which to commiserate or rejoice. Joey got off easy - this judgement doesn't begin to punish him for all of the times and ways he's hurt other people.

  5. yeah he got off light except they are going to take away all his toys. No more vigilante hit pieces for Joey. But here is my prediction....he is getting out of jail tomorrow with his new restrictions, he is going home to his chunky fiancé Presley, his parents will continue to subsidize them and they will feed off of each other and eventually violate his restrictions like he did the first time.

  6. Sorry to break your lil ole heart Jimmy, Imma still laughing and Patrick Wilson rocks. Grandma's house but the jokes on her because Joey is the big bad wolf. Hey Joey, dedicated to you with love.

    this life hasn't turned out quite the way I want it to be..... ENTER ZZ TOP

    I need a a credit card that's got no limit.....My own star on Hollywood Boulevard
    Somewhere between Cher And James Dean is fine for me........ I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels,
    Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes...... And we'll hide out in the private rooms, With the latest dictionary of today's who's who, They'll get you anything with that evil smile, Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial

    Well, hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar

  7. once again Jimmy gives us his Joey defense:

  8. When is the Navarro trial? Was it delayed till next year?

  9. This isn't a defense. I didn't defend him.
    I just don't laugh at the misery of others. It's something I feel is morally wrong. The suffering of other people is not what I find rejoicing in.

    The victim's suffering, I don't rejoice in. The offenders suffering, I don't rejoice in that either. The Jury found him guilty, fair and square. He will now suffer the consequences of it. It's sad that all of this happened in the first place. That's all.

  10. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 14, 2012 at 4:30 PM

    LOL Gingersnap, that is PERFECT!

  11. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 14, 2012 at 4:33 PM

    I concur. Just a matter of time and opportunity.

  12. Jimmy, we are laughing at the top down dressdown that Daddy Wilson laid on him in court today. He literally bent him over his knees and spanked his ass today, and it is funny as hell. Joey is fine (at least for now), this was just a slap on the wrist and the victim is fine as well because no one reads the ECO. So stop being gay and learn to laugh at funny stuff.

  13. I'm hearing it might be delayed till january

  14. It's sad this happened at all Jimmy? Umm I'm pretty certain Joey has the capability to stop his fingers from typing on the computer. Plain and simple. Since Daddy dauben wants to hang his hat on the conspiracy gov't to blame for all his families problems instead of realizing they enable a lazy useless very aged internet bully, that's their problem. Playing ostrich does not mean you get a get out of jail free card. And yes Jimmy, I'm laughing at what Patrick said in his closing. He appears to get exactly what Joey is about. He's not a journalist, he's not president and CEO of anything, he's a little freaking JOKE that bought .com's and wrote crap.

    I highly doubt Joey will learn from his errors based on the mere fact that Daddy dauben doesn't either. For you to support a little circus freak show is beyond my understanding. You do not have a clue the deeply serious damage and heartache Joey caused many many many people. Today was 1 victim but in truth, Wilson should have nailed him on at least 100. He got off easy, poor Joey, someone is laughing at him.

    We're not calling out for anyone to kill him, maim him or do ANYTHING illegal to him. The legal system is handling it just fine. Kiss kiss Jimmy, nighty nite nite, don't let those bed bugs bite.

  15. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 14, 2012 at 4:59 PM

    Jimmy: Ginger and Yappy are right. It is falling down funny because Wilson nailed it and he got to say it out loud. In front of God and everybody.

    Now that Ginger brought it up, you do seem a little obsessed with whether or not Joey diddled the boy. What's that all about?

  16. NBTDT, exactly! If we were laughing at Joey's guilty verdict, we would have been making fun on the blog headline Ginger posted. It is about what Wilson was able to say to Joey. Even Wilson WANTS joey to become a productive member of society. You cannot do that and still live with Grandma, even the BIBLE says so.

    If anyone saw Castaway, I keep thinking the perfect ending would be to hand Joey this:

    Joey's a lone wolf in a world that won't accept him until he plays by the rules (AND LAWS) of life and modern society. To be a decent respectable person, it takes courage to admit that you have seriously effed up your life and will still face those who hate you.

    It is time for Joey to eat crow, learn true meaning of humility and realize there are no shortcuts in life IF you want to make a name for yourself. There was a time in this land when a handshake and your NAME was the legal way to handle a contract. Written form meant nothing when ORAL meant everything. Looking another man square in the eye and told him you WOULD do what you said, followed through and held your side of the agreement, was how you measured the true soul of that man. WE still do that today in our household with our kids and it seems to work wonders. When they can't look us in the eye, there's a long silence and showdown until they cough up the goods.

    What does Joey's name mean? What also has that done for his entire family? His sisters, mom and (well uggg even David too). What about cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews? Grandmothers? "yay, my son has accomplished being the most notorious Texas internet bully AND a registered child molester". Ok step up to the plate and change. Its never too late until you are 6' under.

    If you actually KNOW Joey in the real sense of the word, then do him a favor and give him a seriously good kick in the ass and tell him enough IS enough. Its time to grow up Peter Pan.

  17. BTW, I didn't add for Jimmy...... the Wilson volleyball analogy is to show JOEY has NO TRUE FRIENDS but could keep his sanity by inventing a friend to work through things and FIND A WAY back to REALITY....

  18. MmmmKay Jimmy? My ever so very sarcastic son told me to dedicate this to Joey AND you. (WHERE he gets it from, I'll never know, damn kids).

    Isn't it sweet how it starts out with Joey climbing out of his very own treehouse? I guess that must be his new digs BEHIND Grandma's house right?

    (for David's conspiracy crap... NOTICE WINK WINK WINK ;) ;) ;) how I said the other night how I live in Texas and then proceeded to speak or write tonight on this blog about ZZ Top, Beyonce AND the Beer CAN house). All in Texas, ALL in / or from Houston. Dontcha love the Illuminati and their little secret subtle hints???) ;) Kiss for you too David, sleep well. At least you still have your poppa Wheelie, that's a good thing, right?

  19. Beiber & Nickelback are from Canada . . . weird.

    My hit & run contribution. Busy night.

  20. OMGODDDD I was just IN Canada for a Funeral. *faints*

    Help me baby Jesus, Tom Cruise and Oprah. :O

  21. ^^^^ one is from Jerusalem, Scientology and Obama's original minion. God help us all, there's no way out.

    Ginger? Ginger? Ginger?





  22. A confirmed video of a COMPLETELY PRE-PLANNED pre-ordained HOLLYWOOD Illuminati Movie created just for this JOEY moment .. DAMN those conspiracy non-existent fires (assuming lighting here)... that they created in this 2006 Hollywood movie especially for the Daubens. Help me Jewish God.

  23. Must kill sponge bob.

    Jimmy, really, when you whine about Joey's current unbelievable circumstances that could NOT have been prevented in any way shape or POKE "yappy" and yappy is then known to bounce around like a frigging frog in boiling water.

    The above photo references boiling frogs, Canadians AND native American Indians. In Canada, Indians from India are called East Indians, but in Texas just Indians. So when you meet an actual for real Indian in USA, (which is now a politically bad and incorrect word....) they are known as Native Americans. WHY Am I talking about this? I do not know, my fingers are controlled by a piercing weird sound from Alaska names Haarp. Shhh do not disturb. Wilson please don't jail me, I'll be good, I promise.

    Good DAMN those USA Genius blog tests, they put me at the top 1/2 half of 1/2 of 1/3 or 1/8th of 18/19ths section of Einsteins wacky useless IQ tests. Its no wonder I'm being used to hurt, maim and destroy all that is, was and ever will be Joey.

    Ginger, really, block me now. You won't regret it

  24. I drank eleventy-two beers tonight in an attempt to make y'all laugh at Joey so Jimmy could find something to whine about in the morning. "Good damn" Good night! LIfe's not fair, gimme my crayons.

  25. NoviceTrainwreckSpectatorNovember 15, 2012 at 2:36 AM

    I think you guys are being kinda harsh on Jimmy. Clearly he's interested in the train wreck that is Joey Dauben or he wouldn't be reading or posting on this blog. And let's all be grown ups and admit most of the laughs and shots taken are at Joey's expense. Whether he deserves the cheap shots or not is up to each individual to decide. I don't think Jimmy is defending Joey, I think he is empathizing. And further, I don't think any one here is reveling in all this drama bc we're bad, immoral, heartless SOBs. I don't feel bad for Joey. The justice system worked and he got what he deserved. I don't applaud his punishment bc I know he is suffering. I applaud his punishment bc that is what the system is there for and far too often offenders slip through the cracks.

  26. NoviceTrainwreckSpectatorNovember 15, 2012 at 2:50 AM

    How many times has this been delayed? If the State is going to bring charges, it has an obligation to prosecute within 180 days unless there is good cause for delay. I'm curious when Joey will raise a 6th Amendment claim and push for transfer of venue. Come on Navarro County - show up for jury duty!

  27. I would agree with you except Jimmy has been on here for about 4 months now bitching and whining, calling all of us cowards and losers for still covering the Joey saga. He was an acquittance of Joey, but even though he hasn't got the slightest clue whats going on or how it got to this he still keeps putting his foot in his mouth and lashing out on here.

    Now, since we now have a ton of new traffic on this site (second highest ever last night), I will state for all the newbies that I know Joey personally and have nothing against him personally. He has never gone after me, and we are on good terms. But I despise what he has turned into. He has become a monster. The things he says, the lack of controls the inability to check anything out has been criminal for over 5 years now. Joey was convicted yesterday on one count over literally 1000's of others that could have applied. He truly deserved so much worse, but they decided to do it as one event, and that one alone.

    Now, if and when he gets a prison sentence in the Navarro trail, thats a whole different deal. I probably will feel sorry for him then, not because he doesn't deserve it, but because I know he probably wont make it. He would be like a child thrust into a serious adult world all at once with no one to help him through it. Thats the point where I will feel truly sorry for him, but not today.

  28. from what I had heard, it was his attorney that had delayed the trial till the 29th last month. Then it was a jury pool problem that caused them to delay it the last time. I agree with you that it is taking forever but none of that seems to be on the State in this case.

  29. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 15, 2012 at 4:20 AM

    I don't think we've ever denied that we laugh at and take shots at Joey's expense. Maybe I'm missing something, isn't that the whole point of this blog? I'm pretty sure most of us come here just to laugh while we watch the Joey train wreck. Our cheap shots are nothing in comparison to the shots Joey took at innocent people.

    I lost patience with Jimmy because he refuses to reconcile the Joey he met, that was a "budding journalist" working for tax relief and beer in Palmer with the SAME Joey that used his blog to hurt other people just to satisfy his own ego and agenda. It's not a matter of empathy. Joey isn't feeling bad because he knows he hurt others and broke the law. He doesn't believe he did anything wrong. He thinks his victims and the government are wrong and there is a world wide conspiracy to shut him up. When he admits his guilt and changes his perspective, the door will open for empathy.

    Jimmy minimizes the damage Joey caused with his blog while he seems obsessed with the Navarro charges and whether or not Joey is gay. That frustrates me. Other than denying his inclinations, what difference does it make if Joey is gay, bi-sexual or straight? I have no opinion with regard to validity of the Navarro charges. And I don't care, other than hoping the truth will be heard and having confidence that the case will be appropriately adjudicated. WIth regard to what Joey posted on his blog, he is guilty as hell and he should have been prosecuted - for this crime and the many others he got away with.

    WIth respect to your statement "And further, I don’t think any one here is reveling in all this drama bc we’re bad, immoral, heartless SOBs: Thank you, I agree.

  30. Personally, I think people have been more than fair to Jimmy. When he's asked questions, they've been answered. And, they've been answered civilly until he has played the "you are all anonymous bullies" card. Even then people have explained why anonymity doesn't change our opinions etc. Eventually, his broken record routine gets old and people get testy. Often times, I feel like he is just playing a game. Like he's going to ask for evidence that Joey did anything other than fight taxes and corruption & we are all going to be stumped.

    I'd also like to point out the difference in the definitions of empathy vs sympathy. I'll never be able to empathize with Joey.


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