Monday, November 12, 2012

Joey Dauben's Ellis County Trail Starts Tommorow

According to my sources and verified by Brannon, jury selection gets under way for Joey's Ellis County charges tomorrow. I guess not being able to get a qualified jury pool has set the Navarro county trial back till possibly the first of the year. This makes things complicated both for Patrick Wilson and Joey because now this show goes on first and will be in the full spotlight. Will Joey take a plea deal as he could be out of jail instantly if he did? Will he stick to his guns and go all the way in this trial risking his freedom? Has jail changed Joey's outlook on this at all?

Joey is certainly guilty in the Ellis County charges, but is it severe enough to warrant a prison sentence? After all, it was just Joey being Joey, but then again maybe that will be the main point Wilson will try and drive home to the jury. How will Shane and Presley's presence effect the trail? Will they be able to find a jury that has not heard of and therefore formulated an opinion on Joey in Ellis County? Will Joey's attorney ask for a change in venue? Will he ask for Carroll to recuse himself? Lots of questions coming up, hopefully Brannon can give us a play by play.


  1. from what I understand Navarro had 66 potential jurors only 5 were qualified, also it was based on the fact that they knew of Joey, so if thats the case in Navarro, I dont see how in Ellis County they could find enough potential Juries for tommorrow I would assume it would be a mistrial as well

  2. I bet some were disqualified because they knew of him, but I cant believe that over 90% of a random jury pool in Navarro knew of Joey. That may be the case tomorrow in Ellis but I can't see it in Navarro. But it may be in Joey's best intrest to roll the dice in the Ellis county case and not delay it. If he can somehow beat those charges he could be out of jail and writing stories on his ECO next week as I don't remember the Navarro bond restrictions preclude him from using the net as long as it was not for porn.

  3. Just "knowing of" Joey wouldn't necessary disqualify a person from serving on the jury. The question would probably be styled, "Has your knowledge of the defendant caused you to form any opinion concerning this particular case, either good or bad." A negative answer to that question would require either a peremptory challenge (limited number available to both prosecution and defense) or a "challenge for cause." In the latter case it would require the challenger to prove to the judge that the "knowledge" of the defendant had already influenced the venireman in favor of the prosecution or defense. I seriously doubt that 61 random potential jurors (veniremen) in Navarro county had sufficient knowledge of Joey Dauben to be influenced either way before hearing the evidence.

  4. I was going to make the same argument. If "knowing of" somebody disqualifies people from jury duty, no public figure could ever have a trial by jury. Without looking under a bridge, it's hard to find somebody who doesn't have access to television or internet these days. But, in Joey's case, I feel like the majority of people that "know of" him have formed an opinion. It's like a literary (ha) train wreck. You gotta keep reading. But, I don't believe that many people have discovered Joey yet.

  5. Oh lookie, David Dauben is now referring to a future daughter-in-law.

    David A Dauben shared a link.
    New driving test for my daughters and future daughter in law

    Beth Dauben-Finch I can see Shelby doing this but not Kimberly. How about Presley?

  6. I guess he still thinks Presley is going to become a dauben. I bet Presley is currently living in the Dauben subsidized shanty that Joey was in until his jailing. Oh, and he thinks yappy is Shane. And then notice the latest pic he has of his future daughter in law Presley. She is really packing it on, he cheeks seem to be getting fatter by the week. She also seems to be ageing at an incredible rate. By the time they ever have a wedding people would be asking why that little boy is marrying that old lady.

  7. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 12, 2012 at 10:02 AM

    I doubt that the ECO was that well read in Navarro Cty. Seems more likely that he'd be better known as a result of legit news sources that reported on his arrest, trouble getting an attorney, re-arrest, etc. I agree with OReader, if they've heard of Joey, it's either through the ECO or local news and they know enough to have formed an opinion as to his guilt.

    I was wondering the same thing as Ginger. If Joey is found not guilty of the Ellis charges, then does he walk away without computer restrictions? Or, will he remain in jail for violations of the Navarro bond?

  8. I dont think he violated his Navarro bond restrictions, which would mean he would have a strong interest in resolving the Ellis county case as soon as possible.

  9. yappy yappy yappy for the last time yappy isn't Shane dumbass DaubensNovember 12, 2012 at 1:35 PM

    LMAO OK. I have an internet phone. I tried to call David and was hung up on. I give up. I really do. Y'all are sooo incredibly stupid, truly!! I LIVE IN TEXAS YOU IDIOTS!!!! I do, I really do. Frick, you don't even have the balls to talk to me when I call. You'd rather keep your head so far up your ass and believe what YOU want. Fine. Do what you wish, believe what you want. I TRIED to tell Shelby about our friend that died near Beaumont last spring (2011). I tried to tell her all kinds of things to prove I'm not Shane. I EVEN gave Shelby the actual article of his death days later. If I'm going to make up some stupid shit stories, I guess it must be an amazing coincidence that my story matches the article right? Daubens really give Texas the 'inbred' name, you really do. Presley IS NOT and never has been my target!! JOEY went after a very good friend of mine and I'm all but certain Ginger knows who that is given a couple posts went to moderation when I 'yapped' a bit too much about it.

    Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. I'll even give you one more IDIOTS!! I was at a funeral Oct 28 in Canada. If Ginger goes back to see her IP's, she will find one from a city called Red Deer Alberta. ASSSSuming Shane knows no one in Canada or from Red Deer, how the hell would I know Ginger will have that on her list? I hope at the very least, Ginger can find and list that IP because it would have been me. I ALSO ASSSSume if Shane had to go anywhere, he would have to leave his child with Presley's mother since I hear read a while back on Connie's facebook, that Presley's mom received a bit of custody or visitation back.
    Give it a rest, you are all very stooooopid people. I'm actually amazed that your son did not end up in jail much much earlier than this. WOW

  10. yeah but you see the problem with that is I'm in on this conspiracy too. You see, Shane had me start sniping at Joey about 7 years ago on the ECO and then eventually make up this website all so that I could help run a defense for him when everything hit the fan. Shane is like the smartest most powerfull human being ever to walk this planet. And he set up this "greatest conspiracy known to man" all so he could molest his daughter and get away with it.

  11. Where are they going off on you as Shane now?

    I think it's pretty clear you aren't Shane given a lot of the stuff you have said. I don't keep track of everything, but pretty much everything I've read leads to the conclusion that you live one place and grew up in another, both are pretty obvious. You'd have to be really good in keeping up with your stories to keep up with all the tiny details. (and you'd really have to have at least lived in TX at some point, I don't think Shane has?) Like, we talked about the Myrtles in LA, really, who is going to go to the point of figuring out how long the drive is from a location in TX . . . Ginger can verify your IP address isn't Cali, and I'm sure it stays the same. Unless you invested good money in a proxy server, you aren't going to find a free one that puts you in a specific place over and over and over and over. Sooooo stoopid.

  12. yappy yappy yappy for the last time yappy isn't Shane dumbass DaubensNovember 12, 2012 at 1:50 PM

    Oh no what will David do now? Here's a freaking screenshot of my hotwire booking MINUS the hotel name and address and of course I deleted my name too. You can see I made the trip alone, my spouse had to stay and work and care for the kids. You are a loon Dauben, a low life scum loon. If you think for a second you spewing your crap about Shane bothers me one bit on your facebook, guess again. Say what ever the hell you want. I'm only on Gingers blog to show everyone else how dumb you are. So pick another target to call Shane, I will not have MY words being used in ANY court of law trying to make claims I'm Shane or it to be used against him. I don't know the guy, never met him but my words are mine and my reason to see your son behind bars are for a dear dear friend of mine who's suffered beyond any comprehension because of your son and that person has nothing to do with Presley or her father. Joey is a monster and so are you as far as I'm concerned. I pray with everything in me HE will go to jail for a very long time. I've stayed awake many many long hours watching my friend cry and have a broken heart allll because of the endless nightmare named Joey!!! Your son is a low life trash and he has hurt many people. Enough, it has to end somewhere. Now cut the shit, it's getting very old.

  13. Shane is apparently psychic just like Connie.

  14. yappy yappy yappy for the last time yappy isn't Shane dumbass DaubensNovember 12, 2012 at 1:55 PM

    LOL Ginger. You must have got all that 7 years back by bible coding. Am I right?

    @Oreader, David Daubens facebook, he's ranting about Shane yappy Crowe. He can yap all he wants about Crowe until the cows come home but I wont' have him or Presley or anyone else use my name and link it to Shane only to serve their purposes. Yes, been to Myrtles Plantation a couple years back with my middle daughter, she loves haunted things, was very creep to stay there. I've visited and still do visit New Orleans every chance I get. I was not born in Texas but I've lived here a long time.

    Geesh, sorry for the rant Ginger, maybe I need a time out.

  15. Well, for that matter maybe I'm not even real. Maybe I'm just some automated computer program formulated by the elites inside the illuminiti? I'm mean after all Joey couldn't figure out who I am so the only logical conclusion to that is because I was never real to begin with.

  16. Presley-Chubby Cheeks-Tunafish made a response under Daddy Dauben's post followed by a sentence that Daddy Dauben could use in practically every situation he could ever find himself in "I didn't know that".

    Presley Renae Dauben-Tuma Lets clarify something: Shane Crowe lost custody of his oldest child due to abuse. I have spoken out about the physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse he forced me under. My baby sister Minor child has spoken out against Shane and said that "Daddy pinched her kiki (private parts) and dug his elbows into her back". During her mdic interview Minor Child told CPS & Sgt Ken Powers of Sutter Creek PD that she "couldnt talk about it" and later disclosed that Shane put "medicine" on her private areas & they were only red & hurt when she was with him. Amador County courts have given him full custody.

    3 hours ago via mobile..

    David A Dauben I did not know that,do you have youtube videos we can share with the world

  17. A working plantation in Louisiana about an hour or so from New Orleans. Oak hills? Oak something. We went on the property not knowing you had to buy tickets. It has 3 slave houses to the right still standing.

    My daughter's 16th birthday, she received backstage passes to Aerosmith in Houston on July 30 of this year and these were her floor seats, she was 3 rows back.

    Yes David, you can say my kids are spoiled ...... only to a point but they have worked and do work very hard for everything they have and get. There are no free rides in this home. I think I mentioned on gingers blog before how my very young son has his own little dog scoop pooping business and rakes in over $10G a year. More than your baby Joey made in his entire lifetime ....ooops except when he gets to sue a County or government right?! My kids know the value of hard work, they are raised by old fashioned standards. They HELP their community, they volunteer, they don't whine and complain, they've never been arrested and I guarantee you they never EVER ONCE hurt a soul on this earth. Not one of them. AND if their actions ever caused pain to another, it was rectified immediately by myself or my spouse. YOU on the other hand raised a monster and you continue to prove what a feeble minded jerk you are. Instead of having Joey be accountable for his actions, you enable and placate him. He will never get better nor become a productive part of society if these are the role models he continues to have. As a consequence, he WILL have to learn the hard way because his parents did not do their job.

    Now IF I were Shane, could I actually 'remember' all the stories I wrote on Gingers blog (ie, my son's business or what he earns)? Not a chance. So go back and dig for that info, it was a few months back. LIARS cannot recall what they said a week ago.

    And I know I posted this before when talking to Brannon on here. Pralines is my favorite place to eat in New Orleans. Here's a shot of the restaurant from when we last visited.

    now David you can go say "OH Sure, you can google these places and come up with pictures." Ok David, google these places and see if any of these specific EXACT images are online? You won't find them because they're only on my hard-drive. I won't bother with this anymore. I cannot stand your son but you are way wrong to my reasons why. Now I really do need to shut up. I'm sick of seeing this over and over. I'm sick of it because I know Presley has tried to use MY words in HER court hearings against her dad. I know that because of what she posted on Connie's facebook. You cannot go around making allegations that are not true. I am very vocal and have strong opinions but just because a 'stranger' believes Presley is full of shit or more likely, she believes some abuse happened to her because her mother told her many years ago (creating false memory) is more likely the case. I don't believe her, its that simple. If she cannot handle strangers not believing her then she needs to shut up and get off the internet. Otherwise its all fair game right?! Now fluff off. I'm tired and want to go watch my DVR'd Dexter from last night.

    Oh and Oreader, I do use a hidden proxy IP program, I don't know where it shows my IP is but it won't show my actual city to my knowledge other than I assume when I was in Canada a couple weeks back, I think I logged on with the regular Hotel access. I use it because I'm tired of being stalked by the crazies. Their favorite game is to out and harass and hurt others if you don't agree with them. I don't like that game, I'm just fine with being somewhat anonymous.

    I really NEED A TIME OUT

  18. Youtube videos are indisputable truth in their world. If they saw back to back videos on both sides of an issue/conspiracy would their heads explode?

  19. Illuminati huh? They have computer robots to stalk Joey Dauben? HE MUST be 'that special' if you're Illuminati ;) shhhhhhhh it will be our little secret.

  20. OK, back me up Ginger. Now I'm lost. I thought PRESLEY was his oldest. Is she speaking about herself? And of course Daddy Dumbass Dauben wants to 'spread' that info on youtube. Just like his Joey. So if Joey goes off to jail in the Ellis charge, it looks like Daddy wants the same thing to happen to him eh? What a mindless fool. Duh, lets do just like my son, so I TOO can have the same results. Duhhh duhhh duhh anyone want some hotwheels for Christmas? I gots 50000 of them.

  21. I thought somebody said Shane was a stepdad to Presley? But I guess not if they share a last name? It seems like she'd speak about herself in third person. Anything she can do to make it seem more dramatic. And, how long ago did the parent's divorce, it seems Presley was probably old enough to have a say in her custody & he probably didn't lose her due to abuse. If so, why would he have any custody of the other daughter? Does he have full custody? Anybody know?

  22. yeah I think Presley is the oldest so she has gone full tard and now she speaks of herself in third person.

  23. What I recall from the discussion back from late summer? between Presley and Connie was how her mother's little antics of keeping the child all summer long from Shane didn't harm her case because she (her mom) still had or got back visitation of the little girl. I don't know if that means he has full custody, I know her rants keep saying he does. But it appears her mom has some visitation or custody as well (or both). I know Joey posted how there was semen in this minor childs diaper. I keep challenging Presley to back up that claim because that type of evidence is concrete DNA evidence. But over time watching Connie's story, I read Presleys for a couple years as well. I've seen Presley change her story a great deal. Her first accounts from Dr Phil do not match her current story at all. If you have to change dates, ages, times, events and make them more and more elaborate in detail, its generally shows you're not telling the truth. I think Presley believes she was abused, that much I will give her. But because of the very clear changing stories especially getting more graphic as time went on and those details changed as well, it seems theres motive to fabricate new stories to help her mom obtain custody.

    I think her case is a he said/ she said out to slander poor ole daddy with the worst allegations possible to retain custody. If her mother also lost custody of Presley years back to Shane, then maybe there's even more reason to wonder what this mother keeps doing to lose her kids in the courts. I don't think Presley is a step daughter but if this is yet another child, its another 'new' story from Presley. Oh well, whatever. I think she's a hopeless cause. One thing I'm pretty certain of.. Presley KNOWS she's fabricating NEW information and stories so in all, that makes her own 'story of abuse' very very suspicious. Truth doesn't change.

    Its not surprising to see how she's ended up. Adopting one daddy pedophile in Alaska, moving in with Daddy dauben so he can pay her bills and food too and dating another jailed pedophile. Of course these jailed people around her are 'God's and innocent and the one that's her real dad got away with it. She claims Shane lives with his mom or grandmother and has no money. WELL if that's the case, how can the guy be so powerful and wealthy and make a ton of money winning in the court system? you can't have it both ways Presley.

  24. I've never had any interaction with Joey. I briefly ran across a Dallas Observer or maybe it was the D Mag article on him. When he was arrested I came back to the stories & dug a little deeper. When all the conartists and crazies came out, I kept following. I don't know Joey. I have no ties to Ellis or Navarro counties. I don't know a single person that Joey has written about. Yet, because of my educational background and volunteer groups I've worked with, I continue to be interested in this story.

  25. Oreader, I figured you were new. Why do you hang around all this nuttiness? I bet if you tried explaining all these players to some friends, they'd 'defriend' you pretty quick?!! lol

    Guess those death threats don't commence until Nov. 19th?

    Billy's latest: Lawless America I continue to plan to "go off grid" at midnight on November 19. I hope two weeks will be enough time to prepare everything for Congress. We have a top designer doing the graphics for the DVD and DVD box. I plan to use a special browser for postings that can't be traced while I am "off Grid."
    8 minutes ago

  26. Presley and her half sister both share Shane as thier dad but have different mothers. Shane isnt good at a. choosing sane women to marry, or b. not very good at keeping a wife. Both of the mothers eventually banded together in a type of sisterhood deal but once the courts ruled that they could not post things slandering Shane on the net they came up with the idea of using Presley to get their message out.


    Under Presley's photo Daddy Dauben writes:
    David A Dauben "If she was my daughter she could have grown up without the worry of rape and abuse,except in texas school system"


    Anybody here a parent of an adult? Would you right that about their significant other? That's just weird. If she were your daughter, her relationship with Joey would be incestuous.

    Oh and the comments about the Texas school system? Your wife is a teacher! Your kids were failed in your own home! I went to public schools in TX, and I may not be brilliant, but I was awarded tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships. I had a very good SAT score & a perfect ACT score. Those are national tests. I also scored 4s and 5s on several advanced placement tests to earn college credit. My entire education has been in Texas public schools. While I have friends that are smarter or better educated than I, my own education is more than sufficient. I have friends who went to low performing Dallas ISD schools. They participated in extracurricular activities and honors programs & were challenged. They received good educations as well. The key factor? They had involved parents. They worked hard. Education is one of those things that doesn't just drop in your lap. You get out of it what you put into it. David, you failed to teach that most basic lesson to your kids.

  28. Well since he has been an unmitigated disaster as a father in every possible category, he can only speak in "what ifs" even if they make no sense whatsoever.

  29. I've only tried to explain this little story once. I really needed a bubble diagram because I tried to explain side stories. I tried to present it as a small town journalist gone wrong / bizarre psychosocial case study. But, she looked at me like I was explaining some episode of Jerry Springer / Honey Boo Boo. I was already embarrassed to speak of it, but I had a couple of glasses of wine in me. I think I was trying to get her feedback on some legal aspect of it. However, it did NOT go over well. Never again. It is my deep dark closeted interest.

  30. oh and regarding 'defriending,' if I posted any of the conspiracy/ political/ other crap that these people post on their facebooks, they'd think I'd gone insane. I don't post on fb often because I have no desire to share intimate details. I've had a few instances of accepting friend invites from people through work only to later find out they were the chain mail forwards of facebook. Quietly defriended.

  31. I can't imagine how much more of a loon Presley would be if she were his child.

  32. Billy really needs a PR person.

    Lawless America Kathy, the We the People powers-that-be posted a rude message, and they have not done what we discussed. It has become a never-ending source of distraction for me with bickering and the like. I scheduled the Meet Me in DC event as an important milestone in the Lawless America project. I can't work with folks who appear determined to hijack our effort. So, that's it. We will have our events all by ourselves. Sorry!

  33. Sorry, I missed the first part of his post in that:

    Folks, I am very sorry to report that the We the People group is not cooperating with me, so Lawless America is asking them to remove the name Lawless America from their January 9, 2013 event in Washington, DC.

  34. And you know OReader, there is a similiar reation to those that I would classify as legitimte people that knew Joey. Yeah sure, Joey's idiot followers still stick up for him but all those that actually had a real job and knew Joey view him as an urban legend at this point. When the subject of Joey comes up in those types of circles its something along the lines of "oh that was such a shame, what a waste of talent and a life" and then the subject is quickly changed to something else.

  35. Billy doesn't like people who aren't lock step. Goldie says he filmed some fakes. Bill says "Name names." The appropriate response would be something like, "Goldie, we have taken & will be taking additional steps to vet and research all participants that will be included in the movie. We didn't have time to research everyone before filming, but rest assured, we will check their documentation before editing. If you have any concerns regarding specific people, please contact me in private."

    Anyway, the whole back and forth is interesting. Billy really really needs a PR person. He comes across as really arrogant. He doesn't have this whole cult leader thing down. He is supposed to be arrogant and narcissistic behind closed doors. Everybody should know he's an ass, but he is supposed to put on his jolly grandfather face for the outside world.

    Oh yeah, and victims of judicial corruption often have PTSD. Or at least that's what Billy's groupies say.

  36. Somebody linked to this website. It's basically an ad for a book by a counselor who has coined the term "legal abuse syndrome." She's basically calling it a form of PTSD. While I think this doesn't deserve it's own "syndrome" & her main motivations are book sales, some of the tidbits on her website could prove useful to people like Connie, Presley, Joey, et al.

    "Choose your battles carefully.
    Get treatment...FAST.
    *Don't be afraid to acknowledge your problems may have started with, or evolved into, what is classified today as a mental problem or problems.
    Stop expecting people to be as outraged as you are.
    Try to find meaning, purpose or projects that don't involve the fight.
    Your friends and family have left, not because they are necessarily bad, but because you have become too much of a weight for them to carry.

    Part of my recovery was realizing that ALL OF US tend towards abuse of power when we get it. The one most likely to abuse power is the one who thinks they are above doing so. It takes a short time to learn to exercise power, but a lifetime to learn how to avoid abusing it. That is true for YOU, ME and ALL current abusers of power. If you don't fully comprehend that you will go from being abused to being an abuser.

    ***A word of advice for those affected and infected by legal abuses: During the usually lengthy litigation process we tend to meet and perhaps befriend a lot of angry people on some level. Many turn into conspiracy buffs or people that are ANTI this and that thinking they have the system, conspiracies or 'the plan' all figured out. For many this becomes feeding on their anger in a negative way instead of recovering from it. Consider other friends. There comes a time when you need to climb out of the fox hole and be around people that aren't at war."

    Presley & Connie, Please read the ***ed parts 10 times each.

  37. k, I will be trying to do updates as it goes on, Any updates will be sent to my twitter account, and I will only be doing updates till 1pm and then I have to go to work

  38. damn, here is my twitter account meant to add that:

  39. Brannon!
    I am not alone! I can't sleep so I'm reading my Soap Operas aka Lawless America chit chat.

    Anyway, here is a screencap of the going off the grid exchange. I made this a condensed version so you all could read how kind Bill is to his followers. Only Bill knows what Bill knows. You know nothing!!

  40. the problem for Bill is he has hundreds of vampires that have gone on camera for him and now they feel vested and a part of the project. Thats really bad news for Bill when you are running a scam operation. Once these vampires finally figure out they have been conned they wont just learn from it and move on, they will literally eat that fat bastard alive and bleed him dry. Just watch when some of the vamps figure out that he goes "off the grid" right during thanksgiving and then Christmas.

  41. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 13, 2012 at 5:03 AM

    Nancy had the same thought I did - if Michael Moore hasn't been arrested, then why would the government concern themselves with Bill? And, maybe I'm too hung up on semantics, but don't you actually have to be arrested before you can be incarerated?

    Re: WTP - I think Bill's got an interesting twist. Based on earlier posts, it appears WTP was catching on to Bill's scam last week. I think he lost them when they figured out he doesn't have a meeting place yet, doesn't have any congressional meetings scheduled and no DVD's ready.

  42. Is it just me or did his facebook posts from 10/21-11/9 disappear (including the original 11/7 regarding that it would be prudent to go into unmarked vehicle in undisclosed location)? I really hate scrolling through fb, so it's entirely possible it's me. But if he did remove that post, I wonder why.

    Billy certainly thinks highly of himself. And yes, in order to be jailed, you'd first have to get there somehow.

  43. Potential witness for the state
    Christopher Buchert
    Richard Boone RO Police
    Gary Dollar RO police
    Nick Flores RO police
    Dave Smith RO police
    Jeff Ward
    Shane Crowe

  44. Joeys attorney hasnt got up there yet when I left

  45. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 13, 2012 at 8:22 AM

    WOW. Wilson did call Shane. I can't wait to hear what that's all about, but I still thinks it's for the punishment phase, if there is one.

    Robert who? Is that the guy whose stuff Joey posted?

    Not a very long list. I'm surprised.

  46. I forgot who the Robert guy was and here are the notes of questions regarding the gov. part: they had asked what do you think of these statements and such:

    Potential witness for the state Christopher Buchert
    Richard Boone RO Police
    Gary Dollar RO police
    Nick Flores RO police
    Dave Smith RO police
    Jeff Ward
    Shane Crowe

    How do you get your news
    there  are 3 people that know DA one potential Juror is the DAs lawn man and also some ladies daughter works for DA 

    What newspapers, Magazines, and websites do you read?

    Have. you ever participated in an online Blog or Forum

    Have you heard  of Cyber-Bullying? 10 out of 55 have not heard of the term

    The Us Government is responsible for 911

    The US gov. is responsible for the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s

    The US government is responsible for the Kennedy Assasination

  47. now there was only one person that said they read Joeys Blog, the rest never mentioned it, also there was one potential Juror that said she didnt care for Wilson because of how long they took with her sons case, another stated that he didnt like The Dave Smith guy one of the witness es and 3 diff people who knew The DA, one being The DAs yard man another the lady whose daughter works for the DA and another that The DA worked on a case of one of the Jurors...then they went on lunch and were starting back at 1:20 but I had to leave so the DA wasnt finished and Joeys attorney hadnt started and after that they were going to start the deselction

  48. So they are trying to eliminate the crazies and conspiracy theorists...good choice.

  49. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 13, 2012 at 8:47 AM

    OReader: I hate scrolling FB too, but I took one for the team. You are right, a lot of postings are gone. Nothing from WTP was left, except Bill's hositility towards them:

    Angela Ehlers Thank you SO much. I understand that there are some issues with the WTP sites. I am not taking sides, but I would like to speak at the event either way :) Also will be recording my 3 minute testimony again and uploading it to Youtube

    Lawless America Angela, WTP has nothing to do with Lawless America. If you participate in their event, you will not be participating in ours.
    5 hours ago · 1..

    Then, this was posted in an odd place. I don't think Chris get's it yet:

    Christopher House OK BILL,We will compile but we have not been able to talk to you in over three weeks , I do not know what Anne or I have not done as asked? but with out an Educational panel I am afraid that you may not get all your message across or even taken seriously! the panel was a chance to go in depth on your movie for more then 2 minutes - possible giving you the two hours to show the movie and explain and present evidence. you well not get that just handing out DVD to Representatives.

    There's link to his web site, indicating he's reached agreement with 2 hotels, but there's still a problem:

    Susan Ramsey Bill this article says the rates are $109. @ the Crown but the cheapest rates I'm getting there are $149.00. Is there are "group code" for that rate?

    This exchanged cracked me up, still laughing......Goldie has lost faith in the movement:

    Goldie Moore I am a nobody and a very special one at that. I can smell these fakes a mile away! they were all over you like flies on shit!
    16 hours ago · Like · 3..

    Connie Fielding I am sure Bill will carefully weed out the fakes and liars! There are plenty of victims for a film!

    Goldier Moore It's going to be another Barbara Farris thing trust me!
    16 hours ago · Like..

    Lawless America Who is Barbara Farris?
    16 hours ago · Like..

    Then there is Pastor Paul. I'd love to know what he's been up to:

    Pastor Paul P. Waldmiller Great to hear from you Paul. My case is in NY but because of the conspiracy of the judges, lawyers and the Filipina Migration Marriage Scammer there, I can't return to NY just yet.
    21 hours ago..

  50. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 13, 2012 at 9:12 AM

    I agree - good choice to weed out the crazy people. I remember now, Buchert was the guy with the original complaint against what Joey posted.

  51. the interesting part is gonna be having Shane Crowe up there, Then Im sure Presley will counter, so its gonna take on its own direction at that point

  52. I think Pastor Paul is lookin to hitch a ride with another Lawless group since he is just chillin in FL/GA. He was asking people from they area who was going & how they are going to get there.

  53. you mean the circus direction?

  54. Billy sure digs deep in that woodwork to findem! Looking a bit at Pastor Paul, a little forum post from what appears to be his daughter. She goes on to tell the webpage owner how to obtain all the police reports and info.... Billy, for such a wealthy man, you sure don't have much for credible backing do ya buddy?

    "Re: Pastor Paul P. Waldmiller

    I am Paul's daughter. From his first wife, who he beat and almost killed. Same with me and my sister. I am 24 yrs old and my sister is 30. He has managed to hide mine and her exsistance out of his picture he paints, his so called life. He talks about having his 3 children from his second wife jenni and says they were taken from him, he also manages to not add he has me and my sister also.AND WE were taken from him too because he beat us and almost killed us. so its not surprise his other kids were taken away from him. He is a FAKE pastor and a FAKE person. He is no "christian minister". He is a ex-criminal and an abuser. He WILL be exposed for who he really is. Im not letting this go any further!

  55. Someone who thinks that Joey is a good person, and was probably set up!November 13, 2012 at 1:39 PM

    I do not think the real illuminati is stalking Joey, I believe that he has uncovered some bad stuff, and the bad people (not the real illuminati) are stalking joey with computers to scare him off.

  56. Ok, I will play along. What did Joey uncover and who is stalking him? I'm going to ask you to do something Joey never did, be specific.

  57. Awww Joey gots a new supporter friend. Joey getting stalked by others with computers? ROFLMFAO!!! WOW buddy that's exactly what Joey did for 10 years. Umm and cut the illuminati crap, how ridiculous can people get. Thanks for the laugh.

    Oh and David should be happy to know since the Texans won, we just got back from freebie Slushys at Sonic. But I only wrote that because the Illuminati set up a direct phone line to my home to feed me info from Texas so I could waste my time and get online because the Dauben family is just that special n powerful n scarrrrry. I asked them if they could change their freebie tuesdays to YAPPY HOUR! They said they'd take it into consideration :P

    Sooo back to the funny illuminati conspiracy crap. Ya think if the Gov't can create a crack cocaine addiction coupled with killing JFK and blowing up twin towers in NYC, they could find a way to get Joey to choke on a hot tamale rather than go through all this drama eh?

    Soo better than reality TV. I still can't get over how I became 'involved' with the worlds most looney toons in North American history.

    For you David, because I'm just that bored. Big wink ;)

  58. Someone who thinks that Joey is a good person, and was probably set up!November 13, 2012 at 8:32 PM

    I guess if he knew who it was specifically he would contact the F.B.I.on them, nobody knows for sure who it is, but, I'm sure it's NOT the Government, of whom I think they are pretending to be to confuse him.

  59. NoviceTrainwreckSpectatorNovember 14, 2012 at 10:11 AM

    Would someone be a dear and perhaps answer a few questions to update me since I haven't been following the pretrial and trial updates as closely as others?
    1. Who is representing Joey in the Ellis County trial? (Please, please say Yahweh)
    2. How many days have been slated for this debacle? (As a guilty pleasure, I only allow myself 15 minutes a day to follow up on the recent news on Joey b/c I'm fairly certain the mere act of reading about Joey/Presley/David is equivalent to huffing a can of paint so I need to allot time accordingly)
    3. Using Joey and Presley as empirical evidence, can we (as a nation) petition for forced sterilization?
    4. Any thoughts on defense strategy? (Since Joey published all the evidence the DA needs to convict him, I am assuming they are going to employ some sort of affirmative defense but, last I checked, "I didn't get hugged enough as a child" and "Joey being Joey" weren't affirmative defenses)
    5. Are we assured more entertainment with a civil suit for libel to follow this trial?
    6. If convicted and sentenced between 180 days - 2 years, does Joey get credit for time served even though the time served was partially in connection with separate charges?

  60. 1. Who is representing Joey in the Ellis County trial? (Please, please say Yahweh) Some public defender
    2. How many days have been slated for this debacle? (As a guilty pleasure, I only allow myself 15 minutes a day to follow up on the recent news on Joey b/c I’m fairly certain the mere act of reading about Joey/Presley/David is equivalent to huffing a can of paint so I need to allot time accordingly) I dont know
    3. Using Joey and Presley as empirical evidence, can we (as a nation) petition for forced sterilization? You certainly have my vote
    4. Any thoughts on defense strategy? (Since Joey published all the evidence the DA needs to convict him, I am assuming they are going to employ some sort of affirmative defense but, last I checked, “I didn’t get hugged enough as a child” and “Joey being Joey” weren’t affirmative defenses) I think from team Joey we have already seen this, they are going to concede that he did it but argue that it should be a civil matter and not a criminal one (aka it was no big deal)
    5. Are we assured more entertainment with a civil suit for libel to follow this trial? Probably not, blood from a turnip adage
    6. If convicted and sentenced between 180 days – 2 years, does Joey get credit for time served even though the time served was partially in connection with separate charges? I would guess yes, at least for the time he has been re-incarcerated.

  61. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 14, 2012 at 12:32 PM

    @ Novice: too funny! Thanks for the laugh re: 1 thru 4. Sad, that it's all so true..........

  62. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 14, 2012 at 12:36 PM

    Somebody messin' with Joey's head?? Nah....... Who could possibly have a reason to do that?

    If it's not paranoia, it's probably somebody that Joey targeted for "exposure" of his "corruption"

  63. nothingbettertodotodayNovember 14, 2012 at 3:41 PM

    Thanks for the validation. Pastor Paul pretty much has all that stamped on his forehead, fake pastor, fake person and a free loader..........


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