Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Great Freedom of the Press Group, Where are They Now

Just three short months ago, Joey Dauben and his gang at the ECO where doing daily blog talk radio shows, at least 5 new articles (hit pieces) a day at the ECO, and promulgating his propaganda all throughout the Facebook world with new Facebook pages going up almost daily. It was getting so bad that if you were slandered by him Thursday and called in to his radio show Friday you would have to refresh his memory. His victim list was truly massive but he was always right and they would always be wrong because God told him so. Looking back at it now, it’s clear that Joey had to go to jail. It doesn’t really matter what they got him for, but for the sake of society and mankind his destiny belongs behind bars.

It’s also interesting to look at where his band of brothers are just a few months after the music stopped. Brandy, his right hand woman, is in witness protection (meaning I don’t want to be a witness) and hiding out somewhere deep in the woods with her youngins. Brannon was grounded by mommy. Curtis went fishing. Connie and Barbara took a quick cop out and took their drive by circus elsewhere once they realized that they can’t get any more publicity or money from this. Anthony still doesn’t know what happened and why everyone left. Lorraine is dealing with this by playing comment wars on my blog, and Joey's two dogs have run away while granny was sleeping with the door open. The ECO has turned into the "Tallahassee Told You So" and no one cares anymore. Funny how fast this titanic sunk, and how fast everyone jumped off.


  1. so Joey isn't getting bailed out?

  2. I dont know, we just have that one post on the ECO that says that, no verification from anyone else. I find it hard to believe that anyone, including his financially strapped family would want to piss away $20,000 on Joey. My point in this post is even if he does get out, he has nothing to come back to.

  3. Amen brother. The ECO is finally gone and I hope it doesn't come back for the sake of mankind.

  4. I'd say I wonder if Joey will have some prison rape stories when he gets out, but I guess you can't rape the willing. (Unless they are 15)

    Bada Bing!

  5. You know an its really interesting looking at this group of characters that roamed the ECO. We make fun of them calling them a cult related to Joey, but the actual truth is they are a part of a cult, its called the parranoid conspiracy theorist cult. There is a common thread here with Brandy, Brannon, Lorianne, Sharon, that Drive by trash, Linda Lewis, and Anthony. They are all rabid conspiracy theorist. They all lack a college education, for the most part they never had much experience in the real world and they allow this crazy thought to become their god and it changes their world view. It gets so bad that they must only surround and associate themselves with like-minded individuals who will never question their lunacy. Then, you have the scammers like John Margetis, Barbara Farris and Connie "iBedwell". They come in and and feed off these poor people's crazy minds and try and turn their efforts into personal profit for themselves. Really, all of the people associated with Joey were either there for the support group aspect, or to scam those that were there for the support group.

  6. maybe somebody put up their house for Joey? that is to get the bail.

  7. I called the jail and there isn't anything pending. I understand he is on a few individuals mailing list. And it isn't stamps, paper or even crayons.

  8. I read this earlier and it went right over my head. I laughed out loud when it dawned on me.

  9. This is a piece of shit post. My thinking is lunacy and lacking any college education or real world experience? You are an asshole and live in fairy tale land. You watched that movie with over 1500 phd's and master degre
    es tell you 911 was an inside job? Or yo
    u just like insulting people that shake up your littlt "the government loves me" paradigm? Joey was wrong calling you a waste of a vagina, you are a waste of a ball sack ...and
    spine. Fuck
    you die. I went to college long enough to know that it is just more bullshit you have to pay to have shoved down your throat. The day I walk into an educational institution and they teach REAL history, like who Joesph Stalin was and what the fuck ovulation is... Then I will hang out. You I am getting more on board with the de-population thing everyday. Fuck you all get a life or die already you fucking hypocrite jack offs

  10. Well I learned about ovulation, genital mutilation, kegels, and sex positions among other things in my human sexuality course. Good colleges are institutions filled with all kinds of ideas.

    Junior colleges, not so much.

    But, unless you pick a specific professional degree plan like engineering, undergraduate programs aren't so much about what you learn as that you are capable. They show future employers that you can finish something that is elective. You demonstrate that you have drive, intelligence, and an aptitude for learning. They help to show you are not lazy or a quitter.

    And as it becomes more and more evident that are public schools are failing so many, it becomes even more important to have additional education. I never took a single college course in English because my high school education provided me with the ability to get credit simply by taking a test. I do not write as well as I could, but I am HORRIFIED that Joey's friends were allowed even into high school with their writing skills.

    Seriously, it really seems to me that the people that needed additional instruction are the very ones that didn't get it.

    I have to think if Joey completed at journalism degree, his life would have.taken a completely different path.

    So, Brandy what fine institute of learning did you attend?

  11. Wow, you sure came back angry and menstral. But thank you for proving my point, as your incoherent ranting sounds like a conspiracy cultist who lost her tribe. No wonder everyone calls you Joey Junior.

  12. And I realize you must type with quite a bit of pain on your hands as you have spent the last few weeks scrubbing and scrubbing, yet even after all that you still cant seem to get that blood off your hands. There is only one way to remove it Brandy.

  13. Elisa normans dad is sexy

  14. so are you saying your husband left you and you are back in the market?

  15. I iniially came on here being cordial and forthcomming with you then I get on a little bity cell phone screen because my computer crashed lopaded with viruses and you are insulting me with nonsensem elisas normans dad is still sexy

  16. Ok, lets be specific, what part of what I said insulted you?

  17. What's really bad is that it is getting extremely difficult to decipher her from Doughboy Brannon's psychotic ramblings. Joey Stalin...didn't he use to be the judge, jury and executioner too? You're making your children proud.

  18. I guess deep down, the Three Stooges Joey, Brandy and Brannon are all the same when you apply the truth they all respond the same way.

  19. Ok terri stoddard I stuck up for. You many times even had videos about you removed from the ECO and then got accused of "
    Staging" the arguments. There is just. No winning with malcontents.

  20. who and what are you talking about, or to?

  21. Seriously, take a second to read what you are writing before you hit submit.

    Integrity and gingersnap are right. It is hard to figure out your "forthcomming lopaded nonsensem." You say you are on a cell phone, but shouldn't predictive text fix spelling and made up words? Or have you told it YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT? Clearly, college would have been wasted on you. You are freaking brilliant already!

  22. Brandy, what college was it again that was so beneath you?

  23. Yeeahh my point exactly. You had to pay to take a class to learn about sex positions and how to flex you vagina muscles? I would have taught you that for free.
    And I bet they didn't include circumcision in the genital mutilation segments.

  24. Ah fuck yourself anyone who has read anything
    I have written over the years knows - know how to spelll and use grammar.
    It is usinng a blackberry to post on blogs I am new to. If you haven't been reading anything I jhave done than fuck off this is not your business is it?

  25. but why all the name calling and profanity? Joey is in jail now, we need to learn to talk like grown ups, pretend time is over.

  26. I have read plenty, Brandy. I am not new here or at ECO. just because I recently moved and got a new IP, doesn't mean we haven't crossed paths before.

    You are being lazy and are full of excuses. This is not new. You are full of crap about the college thing. You are not as smart as you think you are.

  27. I always figured that you relied heavily on a word processor to filter your grammar and spelling. You are doing a good job of proving it is probably the case.

    Then not than. That isn't a spellllllling error there. I will be waiting for the obligatory "your" wrong from you next.

  28. Is it just me or has Brandy officially went off the deep end?

    And did she just add the "college brainwashing" consipiracy to her list because her history class didn't spend enough time talking about Joseph Stalin? Wow.

    Brandy, where exactly was this college that you went to that the shoved stuff down your throat? The colleges I went to, the professors lectured and they didn't give a shit if you bought it or not. You learned it, took a test and did what you wanted with the information. I seriously can't remember 80 percent of what they taught me in History. They were easy blow off core classes. I took them and moved on to the meat of my degree.

    Now I know this is very hard for you to understand working for the ECO and all, but people can tell you things and you don't have to take everything they tell you as true. Do yourself a favor and go back to college and get your degree. You don't have to take everything they tell you to heart. If they don't teach something you want to learn in your history class, then read a book on it. Who knows, get your degree and you might be able to find a real job instead of working for a wanna-be news site run by an alleged child rapist.

    Damn, these people bring out the worst in me...

  29. I think she is saying she will give you sex position lessons for free Ginger.

    What else could she mean by this sentence:

    "You had to pay to take a class to learn about sex positions and how to flex you vagina muscles? I would have taught you that for free." - Brandy

  30. Joey would definitely be proud.

  31. well I think that was in reference to alitwist, but for that matter I havent got the slighest clue what she is talking about there or any of her other posts. She speaks with such a heavy ECO dialect that it can no longer be considered english

  32. And...Brandy could even get paid working at a real job. Brandy, did Joey ever pay you anything? He was really bad about paying anyone that worked for him. He would just whine and blab about how corrupt everyone was and how he was so poor and his air conditioning didn't work in his truck. He was good at making people feel sorry for him. Is that how you felt? Sorry for him?

    He used you just like he "allegedly" used that little boy he had sex with. He probably whined to that little boy all the time too. That little boy probably felt like Joey needed him. Joey probably whined to Brannon that he didn't think it was fair that people can't wear morphsuits whenever they want and do any kind of drug they want.

    Yep, Joey was a user.

  33. "Pretend time is over"

    LOL, that's classic....

  34. And who uses such aweful language on the "forever" internet, especially with their real name? If she does attempt to get a real job some day, I hope they google her and find out what a classy chick she is. I can't imagine what your kids would think if they read some of your posts and saw what a potty mouth their mom had. You don't talk like that in front of them do you Brandy? Jesus.. I've heard sailors that used better language than this girl.

  35. That's why Brandy and Joey like to "out" everyone. They think people are trying to hide some sort of skeletons or something. Really it is just that most people "get it" that the internet blogging at ECO is all immature bs, but Brandy and Joey obviously didn't or don't and volunteered their real names.

  36. Wait just because I actually had sense enough to get away from the conspiracy and research means I didnt fall into the cult conspiracy? I am not so, and then some, offended and relieved by you leaving me out of that.
    Yes I did disagree with Joey. Does not mean that I didnt honestly carew about him. He is and will be a friend. The ECO is buisness. Joey is human. Even if he had a devilish trouble maker side to him.
    Ego is everything to him. the mnore we post and comment on him even in JAIL the worse it gets.

  37. Oh, maybe you are right ginger. I was giving Brandy the benefit of the doubt that she was still heterosexual and not a closet homosexual like Joey was "allegedly." But, maybe you are right ginger. I learn a lot from this blog.

  38. I mentioned you in the first post, but simply said you went fishing. But yeah I never heard you get too much into the conspiratorial tanget which is why I left you out of that.

  39. I think "I is using a Blackberry" would be more the Blackberry termonology Brandy

  40. Sadly I am a former sailor and I use better language.

  41. Brandt is better off telling people Brannon stole her phone.

    Now is that the way your mentor would want you to respond?

  42. Curtis - we all have to accept that we fell for Joey at some point. Even I did. But I quickly realized he was a sicko and got the hell away. Unfortunately, he didn't like that and attacked me all over the internet for bruising his ego. I have to say that I admire you for at least being honest that you consider Joey a friend and consider him innocent until proven guilty when the whole world has publicly condemned him as a menace (whether guilty of rape or not.)

    Brandy, on the other hand, has a pattern of throwing anyone and everyone under the bus. If she's Joey's BFF and emergency contact for the jail, why is she spilling all his secrets? I don't mind her doing that b/c I don't like Joey. But I look at things this way: stick by your friends and family. If you can't defend them, at least don't attack them publicly!

  43. I've heard Joey use the "somebody must have hacked the ECO blog" excuse before. She should use that one.

  44. From my experience, those who think everybody has some deep dark secret often harbor their own. Generally it is the good people that can get hurt because they don't go around assuming everybody is out to get them.

    The bad seeds think the world is a big scary place because they know their own darkness and think everybody else has the same evil lurking inside.

  45. Curtis, I see you as loyal, yet honest and sane. You have made no secret of your support for Joey, yet you haven't stood by silently when he has done wrong. You never jumped into the conspiracy crap because you are both sane and not stupid. Which, thinking of those who did, you also aren't self centered like they all are.

    So yeah, I don't think any rational person can find a lot of fault in your continued support/friendship with Joey. I am sure if he is found guilty of the charges he is being held on, your dynamic with him would change, but you would continue to be a class act. I don't see you ever hurting Joey in the way Brandy is. If Joey did this, he is ill.

    I know I have called LSH out on her dumb support of Joey, but I want you to know you are respected by me.

  46. female circumcision or male? Both were covered. Both debated.And I didn't pay money for it.

    You haven't got a clue what a real university is like.I still would be interested to know where you went, but you are probably embarrassed to say.

    I would also be interested to know how far from where you grew up have you ever lived? Have you ever ventured out of North Texas? I don't think it is imperative to experience some place else, but some people are so sheltered in their own little bubble they really need to experience life away from safety nets and see that there are other options. You feel the need to tell us you don't need to work, but who affords you that? What would happen if something happened to him? Have you prepared yourself to be self sufficient enough to support a family? Education is another form of insurance.

  47. Thtas a good point, Brandy has a fiduciary duty to tell the internet world what she has found on Joey and if or not she is still supporting him. Yes there is a pending court case on this, but that sure as hell never stoped you guys before so why hide in the corner now, especially when your personal relationship to Joey has whatever left of your credibility tied to it.

  48. @alitwist: Re your last paragraph: How can you call someone out on something that does not exist? Lex parsimoniae indeed.

  49. Yeah, it is definitely hard for good people to understand why people do evil things.

  50. Alitwist,
    I am greatful you can see me that way when others will not. I do have my sore spots, and yes they come out.
    Anon I would not let what Joey says bother you. In a moderate way you are in some good company.
    I will say that there is enough evidence that Joey would be a fool to try and carry this to trial. I do not believe this to be planted or false information. Do I want Joey to be innocent? Yes. Can I honestly believe what I have been told? Yes. Does Joey stand a chance in hell? no.
    I dont know what hurts worse. Wanting to believe something or knowing what you want to believe is a lie. I havent seen Joey's computers other than just looking at the home screen and the ECO pages.
    Did he have a peer to peer file sharing system on his computer? Yes. Was he downloading anything illegal from it? I dont know. Was he using the peer to peer services for research? I hope not. If he was then yes he could be open to everything from software piracey to possession of God and the D.A. only know.

  51. I dont see that happening. Joey is still in Jail.

  52. How cute, you learned a big word when you had to look up something I said. You may get out of the typing pool soon!

    You just go on calling into shows and introducing topics of which your opinion is completely neutral.


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