Friday, January 20, 2012

Joey's Last Remaining Heir on Barbara's Show Last Night Told us "to die"

So last night, well known liar, felon, and lesbian Barbara Farris does another one of her cackle fests and poor lost puppy Brandy Owen calls in to try and get her conspriracy fix for the night, and she makes this statement to me and those of us on this blog: "you know I'm starting to get on board with the de-population thing, I'm getting pissed off at these people that want to sit around and blog and talk about how I'm lacking an education and how I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist. Hey, if you dont want to listen to what I got to say, then fine, eat all your junk food crap, take all the vaccines, and die of cancer after taking chemotherapy and spending $100s of thousands of dollars on it. DIE, I dont care. You can tell I'm hot tonight, I was on my husband's blackberry reading some of the blogs and I'm pissed off tonight."

Later she goes on to hit us with this dozy "get a life, get a purpose, dont just sit around on the internet and bash people all the time"

OMG, I just dont know what to even say anymore, I'm in stupid overload at this point, I'll let you guys play captian obvious for us here:

ok, I will say this one, no wonder this woman was needing a class in college on how to get pregnant.


  1. "Don't just sit around on the internet and bash people all the time"

    LOL... You can't be serious. Is she really this blind as to why everyone is acting the way they are?

    And she's really going to go on the defense about her education? The reason everyone is giving her a hard time about college is she slapped everyone that went to college in the face. She's too ignorant to realize she made the first insult by saying college was a waste of her time because she's too smart without it.

    I'm so tired of this vaccine conspiracy bs she likes to throw in everywhere. Who cares? If you hate this country so much, move! I promise you won't be missed. Go move somewhere where they have real problems. Then you'll have a real stuff to bitch about. No wonder so many people hate Americans. We bitch about the stupidest sh**. Superficial nut bag..

  2. Yes she brandy the co-pilot in crime with Joey said those actual words last night

  3. Brandy couldn't live anywhere very far away. She needs her entire clan to support her. While I can entertain the argument that a family that has the financial means can allow a parent to not have a traditional job and devote their young children, that is no excuse for lack of education and ability to have a professional career. Having an education and professional skill set also serve as insurance. No woman (or man) should deny that sharpness an education just to have babies. It is a disservice to themselves AND their families. STUPIDITY.

  4. Sorry, should have been "devote time to their young children" and "no parent should deny themselves"

    I am out and about. The smart phone predictive text tends to have a mind of its own.

  5. rtsp://

  6. Well first you have me all wrong. College is good for some people my two oldest children are all set to University. And when my younger children are older I may go back for botany or horticulture. My husband has two degrees and different skills and tsalents that serve as oinsurance for us. You people lknow so very little about and the "world" experience I have. That is okay have your fun at my expense - am enjoying it AND gettting paid for downloaded archives on blogtalk accounts I set up. So thank you for the fanfare. The countries I have to, the languages I speak, the level of education in my house and I use an ovulation chart to NOT get pregnant AND to predict the gender of my children. But I am done having kids and three years now of ovulation charts, no pregnancy or synthetic horomones wrecking my endocrine system. So listen up, as much as you would hate to admit it, you might just learn a few things from me. Hey Ali, are you as crazy as your sister? I know your reading comprehension is just as bad.

  7. The world needs professionals, garbage men, fast food workers. What it doesn't NEED is online marketers but hey I make it work for me. Just so happens that is all that matters to me. I don't even know where you get this "clan" or group thing. I have only ever met Joey and Brannon in person and have zero to little communication with these other people you keep lumping me in with repeatedly. This is more entertaining for me than you people probably know. Flattered, actually taking notes I see. BTW the show was Wednesday night not (hursday night gaah get your facts straight Joey Jr

  8. Your husband's education is not insurance for you. The insurance provided by an education or marketable skills would be incase something happened to your husband where he couldn't work or if something happened that put a big enough financial burden on you that you needed a REAL second income.

    I do not have a sister. My only sibling is male. But, he is doing very well. Thanks.

  9. and by clan I was referring to family. Mommy, daddy, husband, auntie, uncle, siblings, etc. I don't think you are equipped to make it on your own - intellectually or psychologically.

    You little ECO and internet buddies have no support to offer. As you said some of them don't have insurance, own homes, live outside their parents' homes, or have any financial means to speak of. In fact, some are considered transient. So no, I don't see a possible support structure there.

  10. HMM.... Brandy's a truther? Didn't popular mechanics debunk that crap or are they part of the conspiracy?

  11. You not having anymore kids is the smartest thing you have ever posted. Bravo bravo!

  12. I guess Brandy's conspiracy theory mental illness is getting her to conclude anyone with the name "ali" in it as in "alitwist" is someone's sister now? Perhaps, it is the connection of "ali" plus posting on this blog. Yes, I see how smart a sleuth you are Brandy. We definitely should all be concerned about how much you know about us.

  13. Well you could just get your tubes tied but then again maybe that's what the illuminatti wants. I don't know all the nutter rules so forgive me.

  14. wait a minute whats this about two older children heading to college? Whats the back story there, you get pregnant in high school and if so by whom?

  15. I am way too vain. Makes your hair fall out . Look it up . It is BAD to surgically alter you organs but that is just more crazy talk.

  16. Lol megan van zelfden would have taken this and started crying "Brandy threatened to kill me!"

  17. Oh I didn't ask how your siblings were doing so you're welcome, I guess. More of that reading comprehension I mentioed.

  18. And I am not going to lay out my financial portfolio for you or explain what accidental injury and illness isurance is either. But don't worry your little head about me. I
    will be just fine. So keep typing out your ass about things you know absolutely NOTHING about. I know and network with plenty of people that did not go to college and are quite wealthy. But you are correct, some people do have to go to college to learn how to think.

  19. ECO SUCKS and So does BrandyJanuary 21, 2012 at 7:03 AM

    More ECO "outing" as is typical. That is what is funny about uneducated people like Brandy. She attacks by "outing" everyone even when no one else gives a rat.

    Do you feel cool for doing that Brandy? Do you feel smart? You are such a web sleuth Brandy - no wonder you didn't have to go to college. You are going to be the next Bill Gates aren't smart, you don't need no stinking college for all your inventions out there in South Park where you live.

  20. ECO SUCKS and So does BrandyJanuary 21, 2012 at 7:06 AM

    And what is funny about "threats" is that the ECO takes a facebook commercial titled, "How you will die" which leads to all kinds of surveys, but you end up with your name and a funny way you will die on a gravestone as a "veiled threat." Yeah, the ECO and all their conspiracy theorists are such great web detectives.

    Brandy - your mom said she gave birth to you for the lulz. Did you know that?

  21. Blah blah too much with you megan. You got nothing better to do? Flattering, that is all I can say, flattering. I love all thesse titles you put on me. I am a psychic vampire and I feed off of your energy spent on me. Love you Megan. Oh I apologize I forgot since you were "raped" and utterly adverse to the discussion of personal responsibility, no one is allowed to. Mwntion your "slave name" as you call it. I never was down with the anonymous coward label but now I tottally understand what it means now.

  22. Brandy,

    Go ahead and explain accidental injury or illness insurance. How much does it cover and how long? Are there any exclusions? Or do you jist think it is like hitting the lottery? You want to talk out of your ass, go right ahead. I have both a producers and an adjusters license in insurance. It's just a little thing I did right out of college, but I keep my licensing up .

  23. You, Brandy, can just stay stupid. You wouldn't have been able to learn anything in college anyway, you don't have the intelligence quotient.

    You want to compare portfolio's to me or anybody I know? Look up University Park and Highland Park. See if you can compare to even the bottom rung there. Wherever you got your HS diploma sure doesn't compare.

  24. Brandy, "I never was down with the anonymous coward label but now I tottally understand what it means now."

    Does that mean you've learned something from me? Whoa, and I'm college-educated even. Come from a family full of college-educated people - doctorates from great universities as well.

    However, Brandy, you would probably have found more of a friend in me than in Ginger or these others on here. While I have been highly educated like they claim to be, I have also learned a lot about the bureaucracy of our lovely little American system and I LOVE what ECO and others on the internet are doing frankly.

    I don't like what you did to me, but I never went whining like a baby about it to police or cps or the courts. I handled it like a big girl - grabbed my pen and paper and wrote ya back.

    Now, all these idiots don't like Anonymous and Occupy and bloggers telling it like it is - that's because they see their futures coming soon. Pride does come before the fall. And they see that all that education and money they spent on their little degrees don't mean shit when it comes right down to it.

    The rage against the machine is building and we are coming for them. You cannot arrest or kill an idea whose time has come. All for the almighty LULZ god I say. I bow down and worship the almighty LULZ.

  25. Who is superficial now? Why do you insist on imposing your will on others? Like it is a pissing contest? I know other people have more money than me. Not a mystery, but you keep insisting one MUST go to college to have a good life and decent income. Seriously your lame ass is too much for me. I can't hang with you in intelligent conversation. Your brilliance has forced me rethink my entire life and I will never be the same. I will never compare to you and I bow before you omnipotent genius. Your thoughts and opinions matter to me so much I mayu just go put my kids in daycare and run off to the nearest university for a degree in ass kissing so I can be better at communicating with you. I am apologetic for anything and eveything I have ever done to offend you personally. I regret that mi IQ is too low to communicate with such a elevated human such as yourself. I may cry myself to sleep tonight due to your constant digs on my mental capacity. My whole existence should be in lock-step with your thoughts ans conceptions of whata person's reality should be. I apologize for ever reassurring you that I am able to produce a reasonble income without a higher education. I will throw my computer in the trash and go get a job at walmArt this afternoon. Thank you for the new direction you have given me with your enlightened and modern ideals. You are invaluable to humanity and I praise god that have graced me with your presence in my life. I am changed forever and I will never be the same person thanks to you. PUKE

  26. And by the way, I'm on these sites spouting off because I have so many haters that love to stalk me and follow me and file lawsuits against me for my free thinking artistic ways. And I find it funny that whenever I make a comment on some blog, it ends up in a court by some crybaby.

    As if I have so much power? Amazing the power they say little ol me has over all these people. Just amazing I have that much power. Little dumb blogs and anonymous memes and they spend thousands on their lawyers trying to stop me. I find that funny for some reason.

    Doesn't anyone else find that funny? That one person can wreak so much "alleged" havoc just by posting some comments on the internet? The money these people spend on me is really hilarious. So, I hate to burst your vanity bubble Brandy, but I got you beat. I think my haters are hate me more than your haters hate you.

    So there!

  27. When I TYPED that you are out of your ass about thinmgs you know nothing about I didn't mean insurance I MEANT ME personally. You know nothing about ME personally. But unless you talk to your computer for voice comand entry, I do not. I type. So tellong me - am talking out of my ass is incorrect. I am typing, reading-writing comprehension of the year award coming right your way!!!

  28. Oh really? I started this? You have told us you think you are hot, vain, and too smart for college. You stated you owned your own home and have previous insurance. You mentioned your portfolio and your worth. So me saying, "bring it on" means now your little ego is hurt and I am the big bad meanie that started this? Yeah. You DO have nothing. Hopefully those who support your blissful ignorance will be around a really long time because you will crash and burn without them.

    Don't start fights you obviously can't handle.

  29. AMEN to that post MVZ! Here is a newsflash. The title of this post is bullshit too. Over a week ago Joey threatened some legal motions of his AGAINST ME! For putting my opinion out there for all to read. Io think we may be finding some common ground here MVZ. About about the LULZ...I am working on my own LULZ type database that may kick all ass of ass this year. Or make me a very rich woman. One or the other. I may go for the cash so I can move nextdoor to Alitwist and play deafening grind core death metal all day, just for the lulz.

  30. That is why nothing but Florida shit is being posted. Wouldn't be surprised if it went offline soon either the domain and hosting registration is up soon. So, par for the course, Joey may have hung himself. I sure as hell am not putting up the cash when he is thretening me with his 'new' lawyer. I don't wish him any ill harm but I am not contributing another fucking thing as long as I live to his blatent insanity.

  31. Pretty much everything comes out of your ass, Brandy. I have heard the "radio shows."

    But bravo on the semantics error. Using the word type vs talk totally negated the whole argument.

  32. Don't get me wrong... I still thing you're crazy as a loon and have done fucked up stuff far trumping Joey's trangressions. Like 'outing' people who have been sexually abused when they don't want to be outed. I do find you in the epitome of hypocrisy catergory.

  33. What the hell are you talking about "outing" people who have been sexually abused when they don't want to be outed?

    If this has anything to do with a certain Awesome Audrey from UK, that woman (who is not a minor) offered to speak publicly about her "first hand knowledge" of Vale Krenik being a "sex fiend/monster" while Betty Krenik, her mother, stood by and did nothing - the second pedophile she allegedly married.

    Awesome Audrey is hardly a real name, or is that what you thought?

    Now, for Betty Krenik - she's a public figure who inserted herself all over every damn forum or discussion. Awesome Audrey will not even speak with that biotch cuz she's so damn crazy. And you have seen how crazy she is Brandy.

    I just tease you all about the outing stuff, because really, you were doing me a favor. I lulzed about that for a long time. I think it is dumb not to tell who the victim is when they are an adult and really just part of the retarded idea that women's sexual virginity is so sacred that if we dare mention in a blog or newspaper that they are no longer a virgin...ahaha..gasp...they will be thrown away forever...unable to marry well...possibly stoned to death...or worse.

    ha ha.


  35. Where the hell did I TYPE that YOU started "this"? I mean I will re-read it all again but I don't remember stating that at all?? Sorry I am too stupid to argue with you. Moving on.

  36. Fuckin a never said I was hot either lady. I am assumoing you are female because you are obvisiously bitter and resentful. Never stated I am hot, never mentioned my worth just stating your points are moot regarding my modest lifestyle and ability to plan for possible future mishaps. But really reading comprehension not your strong point. I am vaoin though, - will give you that one. Have a good day and lighten up a little. You take this shit way too seriously for your health.

  37. You want to me to explain all of my personal finances and who and how old my kids are to people who post anonymously on blogs? Yeah sounds great. You are fucking retarded

  38. Hey - got one for ya....your real name? Bring it on!!! I willl own up to be good looking though and funny.

  39. Oh, and can you plz change that pic u have to this one:

  40. You TYPED (ohh, hugely different from the word said) you think you are "good looking."

    Sweetheart, I can read and think critically so I don't believe all the BS out there that people like you buy into. Unfortunately the world has progressed to a point where idiots like you can survive.

  41. Actually I meant quite thwe opposite...I used not judge people who posted I think they are cowards. But a stab in the dark here Allyson Leigh Cunningham

  42. And I am not in the habit of befriending people on the internet. I have real life friends.

  43. So did you ever find where I accused you of 'starting this' or did you realize that was just more of your presumptuous bullshit? Because you claim to be able to read. Can you point that out for me? You know since I am stupid and all.

  44. I never specifically said that you said that. You attempt to say that I am imposing these superficial views on you. I didn't impose anything. You made comments the.comments you did, and I countered. All of the comments to which I refer are not contained in this single thread.

    I don't care a bit about your lifestyle. You are welcome to your modest life. But don't go trying to sell me on the fact that you were too smart for college our that it had nothing to offer. Don't try to tell me that your little as business that works the system is enough to support a family. Don't try to sell that a little insurance policy would sustain the life you live noe if your husband couldn't work. That might work for a while, but you would be better served by having marketable skills. Those aren't values. That is reality. Hopefully since you are blind to it, you won't ever have to wake up from your little world of chemtrails, 911 conspiracy, and the terrifying world of Disney. If pink skulls are so bad on clothing, death metal is still OK?

  45. you are the one that said you had two older kids about to enter college. I channeled my inner Joey Dauben and snooped on your husbands facebook where he lists his kids all 6 years and under so I just surmized that you had a previous relationship?

  46. Nice try at the back tracking but no goal......"Oh really? I started this?" That is what you typed.hehe tell me that is not directly implying that I accused you of "starting this"? Which I neveer accused you of doing, in fact your hyper-sensitive ways are quite annoying. But while we are at it 'honey' is your name Allyson Leigh Cunningham?

  47. And keep going on and on about shit you don't know anything about. I thought you have the ability to learn? I can pay ALL of my bills with less than 1000 bucks a month and I have close to 100 aStores doing around 30 bucks or more per month AND marketing IS my skill. At least that is what the real estate company I do internet marketing as a subcontractor seems to understand. Hell I get realtor size commissions and didn't even have to get a real estate license. Not that list doesn't include my own company nor does it include the charity org I do telephone work for either. So blah blah blah I understand the internet is not a place for people to concede wheb they are corrected but fuck lady you are not selling this Brandy is stupid and ali is smart concept very well. Do yourself a favor and stick to railing on people you know something about.

  48. I think the ECO went down this evening. You people might want to check that out. I can see it in my cache but the pqages give a 404 error. So congrats to the haters ans bashers. Real breaking news for this site...cuz you know there just aint nuttin else goin on in tha world

  49. Uuuuugin I lived on the other side of the planet for 2 years. I couldn't have lived farther away! My god this is amazing. We are going to have to have gingersnatch start "like Joey Dauben" thread....I need a beer like Joey Dauben needs a team od defense lawyers. Alitwist needs to learnm the facts before posting on the internet like uh Joey Dauben.

  50. All I have posted here is lies. Lies I tell you Allyson Leigh Cunningham tell Phillip he is hot. I don't have my own own house or children or a husband. I am in fact a lesbian that lives in a cardboard box. That noise you hear on the broadcasts are in fact my talking that gaurd my treasure chest of gold bunions. Gold teeth and bunions yep that's right and I actually 2 phds and a MBA masters of bullshit artistry. I enjoy turning every situation in to a mock up of a herpes medication commercial. I always have a deep love and enjoyment of the lulz. I just can't wait to get herpes so I can go biking on a beach and hiking up a secluded mountain trail. I love to spin my own hair, pubic included into yarn and knit hats for family members for christmas. I do. Not own a computer or a car nor do I have insurance policies only insurance no one will accept my knitted creations after rreading this post. So have fun ladies and remember never let good pubic hair go to waste there plenty of cold homeless people that could use a warm afghan.

  51. I just told you why I phrased it like I did. No, I didn't claim you said those specific words. But whatever.

    No, not Allyson,Allison, Alison or Ali.i don't live in Colorado. I have though. I don't know her.

  52. TROLLS IN THE DUNGEON!!!January 21, 2012 at 4:01 PM

    Colorado? You just making shit up as you go along now? Did SAY anything about Colorado? Wtf are you TALKING about.

  53. I said Colorado because I googled the person you seem to think I am -the innocent person.

    Yay for you making $300/mo. I have royalties that pay more. And the charity work I am involved with is more than making a few phone calls.

  54. This will probably duplicate. I am not home and tried to post from my friends device because mine is dying. Looks like it went to mod or never never land.

    I looked up the person you say I am. It is a pretty specific name and spelling. She lives or lived in colorado.

    You can hang on to your conspiracy theory, but I am not that person and don't know her.

  55. Reading comprehension! !

    Did anybody ask who your kids are?

    You don't have kid that you can make any claim of being set for college if they aren't at least will into high school. So you either have additional children you had very young or you are claiming something that is not valid unless you children are Doogie Houser.

    Clearly you do not have gingersnap's name or you would have used it. Just like you tried to out me by naming somebody who is NOT me.

  56. Actually the person I am talking about lives at on Beartooth rd in Frisco

  57. Do the math...30 times 100 is three thousand. Not three hundred. She can't read or do math.

  58. TROLLS IN THE DUNGEONJanuary 21, 2012 at 5:03 PM

    Uh yeah it is more than 300 dumb bunny....."Your mom goes to college."

  59. One phd in smart assing pretentious overrated illerate snobs and the other phd in joking at tragedy....the tragedy thinking you can redeem this argument to your favor. NO GOAL again!!!! You may as well give up. I have got ALLLLLLLL night to do this with you. Though typically I would enjoy a challenge, I will just use you for practice for the next time I have to spat with Amy Hedtke.

  60. Ok. Three times already. I missed a zero. Yes. That makes me illiterate. Yes, I read 10 instead of 100. I apologize.

    I was not home and read it in email. I misread. Sue me.

    It doesn't negate my argument, but whatevs.

  61. Go a little easy on Joey there Brandy. YOu know he's getting it in the ass everyday. That is enough to make anyone insane and go off on their friends.

  62. Careful about saying "sue me" on a blog Alitwist...someone stalking this page will likely take you up on that.

  63. Yes I have 6 kids two from a previous relationship I wrote an article on it
    as Lori Lee my son doesn't like me mentioning him online because of his friends telling him his mom is hot is sorta okay. Guys he doesn't really know
    ? it kinda upsets him. We get stopped at the grocery store and gas stations around Ellis Co. So he rather me. Not mention him too much or post a bunch of pics of him on my facebook. But yes, he is very exceptional and I am very proud and he plans on going to Rice and getting a law degree. They are overachievers and quite over privileged. He will be graduating before he is 17.

  64. Actually it completely negates your arguement. But whatever. You don't REALLY need me to point out how do you? I am getting bored with having to do that over and over.

  65. They sue Allyson Cummings. Whoever that is.

    Wait, Cunningham. I have already forgotten who I am supposed to be.

    No offense to anybody here, but I could never marry a Phillip.

    Phillip will take his tea and crumpets on the lenai...

  66. I'm not trying to "out" your two older kids or belittle them or anything like that. The thing I was going to point out here is that you can personally attest to the fact that banking on your husband for financial secuirity isn't the safest investment (this going back to the college debate). I guess you were fortunate to find your current husband, but many women with no college degree dont bounce back from something like that.

    Judging from the career path your two oldest are on, it would seem like they dont share they same type of world view that you do?

  67. Hey Brandy, can you elaborate on this post a little? Joey threatend legal motions against you while he was in jail and broke? I gotta hear this story.

  68. Not exactly. But dig this world view I have, despite the tattoos, the death metal and advanced level of history and current events I am blessed to understand....I am really old fashioned. My son(s), I do have 4 of them, should be equipped to support and provide for their future families. That is the role of men. Women should be home and raise the children UNTIL they are grown. I don't buy the raise em until they are age X and then leave the house. I believe children AND teens require CONSTANT parental supervision. Not 4 hours a day not 12 hours per day. 24/7 that is my job. It is my husband's job to provide for us and have adequate back-up plans if he is unable to do for his family like a real man. When alitwist said that my husband's education is not insurance for me, I utterly reject that notion. WE ARE ONE, a unit. So I found a path suitable for me and I do NOT expect people to conform, accept or change their opinions due to what I believe. Different strokes for different folks. I don't even care if people want to be on welfare and sit around and watch television all day. Whatever, I am not one to impose my will on others, not even my children. I have 6 kids and 6 totally differnt personalities in them. I think this something only people with lots of kids can truly grasp. People are different. What works for some does not work for others. And if you choose to medicate and nmedicate just to get something to work for you or your kids, knock your socks off man. The conformity modern society requires is beneath me. College not beneath me, I just have the most important job on the planet, full time mom. Oh yeah and my in-laws are rich. Haha went off there for a second.

  69. And this is my husband. I know you were scoping his profile. He is 45 years of age in this pic. He'll be 47 in May he hasn't changed much just put on a little weight from being out on the road so much but he will be home daily starting in March and we'll take that extra weight right off. Hahahaha superfoods people. Look, feel and live younger longer.

  70. see but you automaticly assume that since I dont buy all your super conspiracy theories that I'm some kind of mind numb drone of the goverment, just waiting on the CDC, homeland secuirty ect to tell me what I'm supposed to do today...

    I take what they say, like you with a grain of salt. I filter everything into my prisim of what makes the most logical sense. My theory, and my expirience is that the real truth is somewhere in between. Are there bad people with bad intentions in government? yes Are there bad judges, bad police officers so on? absolutly. Are they all tied in with some kind of global conspiracy? Hell no, and the main reason I believe that is ultimatly everyone is only concerned about themsleves, they are not going to stick their neck out for some kind of greater purpose, good or bad. There are a few exceptions, but those are not the norm.

  71. I won't elaborate too much, but he does have a lawyer. Maybe Griffith, not quite sure but I am pretty sure I quelled the threats with some inadvertent ones of my own. I will say it involves a computer he was going to sell me. Someone told him I changed the password to his paypal and bank accounts which I NEVER did.

  72. I am unsure how you derived that is the point or assumption I was making about you. But whatever I guess you were just looking for a place to state your claims. My point was for the whole spectrum of everyone must go to college to have security. Quite frankly my husband's education was the greatest debt he ever incurred with the least amount of pay-off. Life paths are individual and quite different. Out of my kids, if I were a betting woman, one a lawyer, one a vdeo game designer, one a mechanic, one a house wife and artist, one-three musicians. O didn't say anything about conspiracies per se.

  73. I derived that from past comments you have made to me about my "orwellian" view of the world, thats where I'm getting it.


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