Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Cult of Joey Dauben

I think it’s important to think about and discuss the mindset that Joey and Brandy adopted, and how that mindset became so pervasive that they completely lost touch with reality. According to political scientist Michael Barkun, conspiracy theorist break down into three groups and the third one certainly describes people like Joey, Brandy, Brannon, Connie, Anthony, and Barbara: Superconspiracy theories. Conspiratorial constructs in which multiple conspiracies are believed to be linked together hierarchically. Event and systemic are joined in complex ways, so that conspiracies come to be nested together. At the summit of the conspiratorial hierarchy is a distant but all-powerful evil force manipulating lesser conspiratorial actors. Superconspiracy theories have enjoyed particular growth since the 1980s, in the work of authors such as David Icke and Milton William Cooper.

Now think, for a second, how your entire world view completely changes if you believed the things they do. It’s a belief system that can't be backed by empirical evidence. You have to buy the argument that the almighty "they" won’t let you hear the truth therefore they know what the truth is but you have to trust them on that since "they" won’t let us see it. At this point, everyone breaks down to either the true believers who have seen the light, and the rest of us who are the sheeple who are slaves to the "they" without even knowing what’s going on.

Here is a very interesting paragraph on Wikipedia about it:
Psychologists believe that the search for meaning is common in conspiracism and the development of conspiracy theories, and may be powerful enough alone to lead to the first formulating of the idea. Once cognized, confirmation bias and avoidance of cognitive dissonance may reinforce the belief. In a context where a conspiracy theory has become popular within a social group, communal reinforcement may equally play a part. Some research carried out at the University of Kent, UK suggests people may be influenced by conspiracy theories without being aware that their attitudes have changed. After reading popular conspiracy theories about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, participants in this study correctly estimated how much their peers' attitudes had changed, but significantly underestimated how much their own attitudes had changed to become more in favor of the conspiracy theories. The authors conclude that conspiracy theories may therefore have a 'hidden power' to influence people's beliefs.

Now, there are two points I would like to extrapolate from this, 1. Scientific studies have shown that people that go down this conspiratorial path lose their basic sense of self awareness. Paging Brandy, Joey, Brannon. 2. Conspiracy theorist fosters a need for communal reinforcement, this is where and what the ECO was for. Again, according to wiki:
Communal reinforcement is a social phenomenon in which a concept or idea is repeatedly asserted in a community, regardless of whether sufficient empirical evidence has been presented to support it. Over time, the concept or idea is reinforced to become a strong belief in many people's minds, and may be regarded by the members of the community as fact. Often, the concept or idea may be further reinforced by publications in the mass media, books, or other means of communication. The phrase "millions of people can't all be wrong" is indicative of the common tendency to accept a communally reinforced idea without question, which often aids in the widespread acceptance of urban legends, myths, and rumors.

Every story, Bible verse, cartoon or lecture that went on at the ECO had a hint of conspiracy behind it. Joey, Brannon and Brandy had to surround themselves with like-minded believers as they pontificated about the rest of us and cherry picked different news articles and put their spin on them to foster their beliefs on others. Those that professed to be true believers were given the microphone; those that did not were outed, branded a name (malcontents or trouble makers) and ultimately moderated or outright banned for their lack of belief. This is what became the cult of Joey Dauben, as he was the head of this, but it was never about him as much as it was about their beliefs. Notice now that even as they distance themselves from Joey, they still hold on to their conspiratorial world view as they now look for a new community of like-minded believers that they can regain their confidence so that they can boldly go back out to the world and proclaim their faith.


  1. You might want to edit this down to a third grade reading level so Brandy and Brannon can enjoy it. Brady didn't like English class in high school because they didn't concentrate enough on the hidden meanings of The Great Gatsby. Afterall Fitzgerald use to write for the Saturday Evening Post, which are the ones that coined the term New Word Order which happens to relate to the Illuminati. There's a huge connection here, but I can't quite figure it out. Brandy can you help me out here? Where's Joey when you need him..

  2. You can actually tie F Scott Fitzgerald to 99% of conspiracies in at least some aspect since 1925. I can't believe the ECO didn't cover this closer.

  3. LOL, I'm still laughing because when you try and exaggerate their thinking to prove absurdity, you can never quite exaggerate enough. I'm sure some of them will read that and go "yep uh huh, that’s right".

  4. Haha, they probably will! Oh god, what have I put in motion here?

  5. Don't even get me stared on Robert Redford..

  6. Shhhhhhh! Do you WANT Kevin Bacon to hear you? ? ?

  7. We laugh but you did follow the rules of basic conspirtorial research. You did reference two different historical characters or events, you found something to loosely tie them together, and most importantly you sounded certian of your claims. Really, the only thing keeping your post from being linked to the Alex Jones show right now is you didn't give a youtube video with scary music and pictures so all the nutters could understand what you were saying. Youtube, or youtubelike videos are considered the highest form of evidence in the nutter universe.

  8. gingersanpisinthethelineoffireJanuary 19, 2012 at 7:08 AM

    We have been over this how many times now? I did not see a question, only an uninformed opinion – and you are entitled to such if you so desire.Keep on trying to convince yourself of that…perhaps somebody will eventually believe you.

    I suppose that time will tell, will it not? You have quite the imagination, don’t you?

  9. I'm not fluent in stupid, so could someone please try and translate this for me?

  10. I can't get this to embed, I keep getting an error message that joeyisalittlekid is offline...

    Here is a link:

  11. Sorry, I don't speak stupid. I tried to take stupid in college, but since the schools are tied in with the political machine, they only want to shove useless stuff like German an French down your throat. Go figure. Sorry I can't be more help.

  12. LOL, is that Brandy? And is that a real picture or is it photoshopped.. thats hilarious.

  13. heh, thats our girl. I will have to give them this, its kinda like watching that show swamp people, I dont know what they are saying, why they are doing what they are doing, or why someone would choose to live like that but it is entertaining, I'll have to give them that. Brandy is very entertaining, even though I can only understand 14-17% of what she says.

  14. I was off researching to see if there was any other reputable information out there on the cult of Joey Dauben. They must have tried to bury this, but I found this too.

    Re the question about the above photo: It does appear to be Brandy. Of course it is a real photo. It came from the web didn't? I believe everything I read or see. If Brandy (aka the media) tries to tell you that it is a fake, don't believe her. You can't trust a darned thing the media says! They are controlled by the government!!!

  15. oh wow, thats nice, this pic sums it all up for just about anyone

  16. I borrowed your work for the top of the page

  17. woohoo!

    Works for me.

    I mean, I just found that . . . no biggie.

  18. There are actual pics of wearing tin foil hats on photobucket you didn't have top photoshop them

  19. ahhh, forgive us we are lazy, we used up all our engergy on worthless things like college and a job.


  21. I prefer the foil fidora for fashion statements. Beats putting a bunch of toxic tattoos all over my body to my point of subculture across. It is amazing how flattering something so passe like this blog can is to me. And I don't just wear aluminum foil hats at home but in public as well.

  22. I know right lazy to build a few websites run them live post them on facebook a few times and get automatic bank deposits. Uh should of went to college more even after the I got flunked for arguing co2 is plant food and man made global warming is hoax to tax people with carbon credits.

  23. Again Brandy, unless I missed it, I can't seem to find where you mention what Tier 1 school you went to...

    I am sure you weren't flunked for having an opinion. You were flunked for proving that you didn't have any capacity to absorb knowledge. Good universities teach students how to think, not what to think. You were probably so busy arguing that you had no clue what was expected of you.

    Apparently, you believe everything you read that is not mainstream. You believe that if something in common knowledge, it must be a massive conspiracy to cover up something. The simple answer is never correct to you. The theory of Occam's Razor holds up the majority of the time. But you create your own reality and self fulfilling prophesies.

    I would be willing to bet you are one of those people that always encounters red lights when you are trying to get somewhere. People like you take note of every red light you come to and fail to notice the dozen green lights in between.


  24. I'm with you Brandy. The government sucks and so do yah whos that believe in them. But so does Joey Dauben.

  25. Wow. This Brandy girl is definitely a certified lunatic. I kind of feel sorry for her. Her mental illness of paranoid schizophrenia have robbed her of a proper education. They have treatment for it, but she probably thinks its just another way to control her.

  26. She says that Disney is bad, but then there is this poster too? I don't know which conspiracy to believe? OVERLOAD!!!

  27. I know, I think I would like her actually, but this conspiracy mental illness she has adopted always gets in the way. Maybe we need to give her some therapy. Brandy, think back to when you were a little girl, how the world was a wild and exciting place yet to be discovered and enjoyed. Think back to that happy little care-free girl, bring her back home.

  28. yeah ali,
    Joey use to say the same thing in a bragging tone, he would make a big announcement and all this hype about whatever new college he was about to enroll in and how the legal world better watch out once he gets his legal degree, every time, about a month later he would talk about how he had to leave that school because they wouldnt tollerate his controversial views. I'm sitting here with a bachlors degree from a fairly prestigeous university and I'm going no they actually like controversial points of views, they flunk you for being a dumb ass or not even showing up.

  29. It irritates me how arrogantly ignorant some people want to be.

    I have two good friends that did not complete college. One never went because it wasn't a viable option straight out of high school. She is smart and works really hard, but recognizes that she has to put in extra effort to open doors that a degree would have already opened. My other friend started college, but he didn't feel comfortable in a classroom. He is extremely smart and was able to get a job with EDS. He set goals for himself and used all his free time studying and taking the tests for several different high level IT and programing certifications. He now owns his own company (with employees he actually pays). While he would tell you college wasn't right for him, he has taken the time and effort to get himself educated and actually show qualifications.

    Higher learning has value. Many many diverse perspectives are held by faculty members. I encountered multiple professors who didn't share a number of my beliefs, but I was never indoctrinated or forced to believe anything. Topics were merely introduced, discussed and debated.

    I think it is really valuable to be exposed to different viewpoints. There are many instances in this world that are not black and white. If you don't expose yourself to alternatives, what do you really know? If I have only eaten chicken, how do I know I dislike beef? At least if I take the time to sample beef, I can say I prefer chicken and know it to be true.

    Brandy is too deep into her little hole to see the truth. She dismisses the values of higher education just as she does rational thought.

  30. Well and the other reason she spouts the I don’t need college mantra is her support groups comprised of like-minded fellow college dropouts have reinforced the idea to her that college is just a place where "they" brainwash you into believing their lies. What college actually teaches you is to learn to think critically, something Brandy, Joey and Brannon are incapable of doing. When you cant think critically, you just become disillusioned and critical of the world around you.

  31. classic grooming. Joey hand picked his inner circle very well. They were very easily molded into his thought patterns. Too bad it is hard to find very many people so dumb and delusional. And too bad for him they have absolutely nothing to offer when you need support.

  32. Are You KIDDING ME!?!? We tried to bury the photoshops??? These babies are going on my facebook right now!!!

  33. This blog is getting repetitive and boring. Can you INTELLIGENT people think of any other creative and intelligent ways to proceed besides bashing Brandy and Joey all day long? I don't care for either of them, but at least they had funny stuff on their blogs - Brannon at least did. And they were entertaining.

    Maybe they didn't go to college, but they sure were entertaining.

  34. thats probably also why Joey wanted to purge Curtis from his inner ciricle even before his arrest. Afterall, he was never a true believer in the first place.

  35. sorry, no morphsuit videos from me. I guess this is the new world we must live in. I will have some breaking news on Joey Dauben for you in the morning.

  36. Has anybody made a phone call to see if the Joey release prophecy has come to fruition?

  37. Why is Drivebyshooting aka intheairtonight on Barbara's chatroom blogtalks hiding behind her real name? Angelina Mitchell?

  38. Higher learning? Oh do you mean reading? I do that a lot. Text books, medical books, law journals, literature, translation diictionaries, you act like you can only learn by paying someone else
    to tell you something. But here is a bit of advice to help you pay back those student loans, this paragraph could make you a few extra thousand bucks this year lol.... Go to apply for the amazon affiliate program, it is free. Once your application is approved you will be given an associate account. You will be given instructions on how to build an aStore. You are allowed up to 100 aStores per account. Now you can fill it with hotlinks to and receive between 4-15 percent commission per purchase. Buy a URL and forward it to your aStore. If you have a blog with sidebars, try an inline frameset and add it to your blog to get the store url running in all of the wordpress servers. You can add up to 520 products per category with a search widget. But I suggest doing individual stores per product type, like and then post that link to all of the lady gaga fan pages on facebook. You can expect 10 percent of the people that see the link to click it and 2 percent of those to buy something. Now if you have the ability to learn by reading something and following simple instructions, you are on your way to honest risidual income that is working for you while you sleep or are dancing around campfires. You are welcome. Good night bastos mga tao.

  39. Did I hear right on Babs blogtalk?

    @:22 farris asking Brandy if she has 16 documented engineers stating 9/11 was a demolition?
    @:26 the rockefellers have a chess board with real people as the chess pieces and want to kill them?
    @:27 superbowl had madonna and Babs won't attend then asked if anyone understands what she's saying?
    @:28 superbowl promoted the biggest superbowl in the world & farris is shocked. Its the only superbowl Babs
    @:36 farris asks listeners to google the statute of liberty and she saw a video how it's built and asks jesus into her heart and in the chatroom a Goldiemoore posted obama is an alien because agenda 21 is green
    @:41 if you have 6 fingers instead of 5 you will be depopulated
    @1:03 - gov't will claim the rapture was people abducted by aliens

    I love her show, its so normal.

  40. As I indicated, I do have at least one very successful friend that didn't complete college. He was smart enough to go get certified in a number of computer oriented skills so he could prove to future clients he want done fly by night guy who read a couple of textbooks. (VK)

    And, I never had student loans. I went to school on merit scholarships. I even had to keep a high GPA to stay.

    So, I do very.well now, and I don't need to hustle for money. But thanks. It all sounds very on the up and up. Kinda like grabbing and squatting on domain names.

  41. No you dod not hear correctly. There are around 1600 architects and engineers as members of Architects and Enigeers for 911 Truth.

  42. So like even though Architects and Engineers for 911 doesn't check credentials of the "professionals" it claims (and boasts Mr. Garrison of Southpark CO as a member), let us just assume all 1600 members are legit.

    There are about 230, 000 licenced architects and 1, 500, 000 engineers in the US.

    1600/1, 230, 000 =.00092

    What a staggering statistic. So, not even 1/10 of 1% of engineers support this? Even with the Mr. Garrisons included?

  43. Im repeating what Babs asked brandie, 16 engineers
    U cant see how crazy Babs is with the above synopsis or you smokin the same shit?

    Alitwist stats stand strong.

    Howbout we chat about Angelina Mitchell aka drivebyshooting aka babs chatroom intheairtonight?

  44. michael buble fucking blowsJanuary 19, 2012 at 8:34 PM

  45. address the rest beyond the 1st line of 16 engineers, realize Babs insanity has invaded the psyche or is this normal thinking?

    @:26 the rockefellers have a chess board with real people as the chess pieces and want to kill them?
    @:27 superbowl had madonna and Babs won’t attend then asked if anyone understands what she’s saying?
    @:28 superbowl promoted the biggest superbowl in the world & farris is shocked. Its the only superbowl Babs
    @:36 farris asks listeners to google the statute of liberty and she saw a video how it’s built and asks jesus into her heart and in the chatroom a Goldiemoore posted obama is an alien because agenda 21 is green
    @:41 if you have 6 fingers instead of 5 you will be depopulated
    @1:03 – gov’t will claim the rapture was people abducted by aliens

    I love her show, its so normal.

  46. wtf is that. whos that kid and girl?

  47. Voluntarily ignorant opens up all kinds of escape clauses for the ones that need one. So many that attack educated individuals come up with excuses to validate their refusal or inability to further their education.

    Wackos do have their own university but they have to deal with a schedule that has huge breaks such as when the instructor is in the clink facing felony charges.

  48. A little correction: the forensics have already been done.
    Another tidbit: it started before anyone might realize: specifically, the night LizSalander accused Anthony of hacking on BlogTalkRadio. It’s actually posted on EcoSucks: Anthony stated that he was going to turn LizSalander’s IP addy over to the authorities.
    Everyone can go to this BlogTalk video and hear exactly what Anthony said publicly.
    You can also go here to see what he wrote aboutIP/filing charges on 12/22/11:
    On another note, people decided to join the ECOSucks bandwagon and make libelous comments, accusations, etc., that he was hacking along with Lorraine and Joey’s so-called thugs – along with other seriously untrue and defamatory statements.
    I find it funny that when Anthony stated that when he would turn the addy over to the authorities that it was presumed that he would be turning it over to the police.
    Due to the severity of the accusations put forward, as well as the supporting comments, no other avenue was feasible.
    P.S.: Forensic experts advised a “waiting period” after this show as other evidence was coming to light.
    Sorry for the delay.


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