Monday, October 1, 2012

Less Than a Month Now for The Real Trial of Joey's Life

The distractions have been fun: Patrick Wilson, psychological evaluation, violating his bond restrictions, Daddy and Shelby, Brandy V Shelby, Brannon V Curtis, Presley V Reality....but now its crunch time and the trial that will decide the rest of Joey's life is nearly upon us.

In 3 and a half weeks Joey is going to go before a Navarro jury. He is charged with 3 counts of sexual assult of a male child. A grand jury and the Texas Rangers have signed off on the charges and evidence. So far from team Joey we have heard: its part of a plan by Wilson and Ellis County, the boy is a foster care kid and they make these charges all the time.

Joey better hope his public defender has it together, because no one else on Team Joey is even close to a winning argument. The farther away he can keep his slack-jawed yokel father from this case the better shot at winning he has. Not only does this trial hold with it a substantial prison sentence (I think he will get at least 10 years) it will also carry with it a curse akin to being a jew in Nazi Germany, that being a registered sex offender. Joey's life as he knows it will end if he loses this trial, and he will be only known as a sexual child predator and nothing more.


  1. I have no connection or experience with Navarro county (except my mother was born there in 1919) but I wondered how there record is with trials starting as scheduled. In the more populous counties it isn't unusual for a case to be set and reset numerous times. So what are the odds of this case going on the appointed date?

  2. I think they are pretty good, I was told that this trial date is "special set" meaning it's not going to be moved any more. I think this trial date has moved at least twice (I'm assuming this was at the defense's request), but its set in stone at the end of this month from what I have heard.

  3. This made me think of the ECO.

  4. Let's review the facts that we know...... Um oh we know no facts... Indictments contain no facts ... Just allegations.. Mmm. ..... Hmmmmmm Maybe Presley will show us her boobs... We know Brannon will

  5. I dont see the Rangers and a GJ moving forward on this without some pretty good evidence

  6. Off topic

    Presley needs to get her butt away from Connie and Lawless America. She needs to start fresh. Here's a little photo montage to show her some more fresh-faced options. (+2 bonus Halloween ideas)

  7. yeah she could use a new look. All she seems to attract is sex offenders, but then again thats all she seems to be attracted to.

  8. Sadly Ginger you will have to find another past time if he loses. For me I will go back to my full time job and my full time life. Joey be damned if its found by a jury to be true.

  9. wouldn't you already be at your full time job and life?

  10. yappy the chihuahuaOctober 4, 2012 at 8:54 AM

    I guess Brannon is messing with us. ECO on FB is back online. "yay", we can get messages from Joey on the internet after all. Now I'll go have a beer or better yet, a Mikes RaspberryLemonade. (Yah, that's how bad I want to drink)

    Whoever Ralston was Brannon hates him and blocked him. Anyone know? These characters make me laugh.

    On a positive note, tomorrow is Friday. I'm hoping for a couple for Fundays (please please please)

  11. Ralston is Curtis's bestfriend from Balch Sprrings, Ralston hated Joey and on the last post on ECO said something about how he hopes Joey dies in jail...and he was gonna send Joey dead flowers


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