Monday, October 15, 2012

Daddy Dauben, Whoring Himself out Now that Joey Can't

Its been hard work, its been costly and its taken a lot of his time, but there it is. And it certainly was worth it. His first-born is about a week and a half away from being sent to prison for at least a decade and instead of reading up on different legal defenses as well as spending his time working on Joey's defense, Daddy has decided that the most effective thing he can do is to paint his POS blazer for lawless america. He is now pimping out 24/7 for a scam artist out in California. Poor Joey, sitting in jail today wondering who and how he is going to be rescued while his dad and fiancée are out prostituting themselves to their new lord and savoir Bill Windsor.


  1. And so, it shall come to pass. The man of lawlessness walks among us:

    2 Thessalonians 2
    New International Version (NIV)
    The Man of Lawlessness

    Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

    5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

  2. Ok kids, what did we learn?

    The lawless dude is already doomed for destruction. He's not going to be destroyed by lightning. He'll be blown away. Be on the lookout for some freak windstorms.

    We also know that his followers will see his little Satan tricks and think they are signs. He'll might just summon up some lightning because we know the dumb ones are all about it. These little dumb followers refuse to see the truth and all share the same delusions. Sucks to be them.

    Ms. Bedwell, care to counter with your perspective on this? Your facebook congregation will want to know.


    Oh no, what a pity.

  4. I'd be vewy careful O'reader. Connie bible coded the Alaskan police reports and now states her daddy is Elijah. So she say it, so it shall be the Truth!

    (imagine me piercing my lips so tight to stop from dying of laughter)

  5. OMG Can I pay you to keep doing this? My lungs get such a work out. RIOT!!!

    I'm never gonna be a Funday any day but... This is for David and Presley, with love.
    You're welcome.

  6. Maybe I'll copy n paste this to her Ibedwell www.savemyhairextentionsnowfundraisingforafacelift. com

    I'll let you know if thou holiness replies with a response. Presley will prolly copy n paste it for her too.

    Can someone confirm Joeys trial? Ima wanna go. Now off to to find me some 5stars in Navarro.

  7. One more because I never shut up. I wonder if we can get a list of Joeys' visitors the past 3 weeks. I'm betting 8000 dimes in da piggy bank, Daddy didn't go because he was a bit preoccupied.

    Looking at this crap piece of truck, I can see Joey 20 years ago. " Daddy, can we go do A, B or C (Joey's limited childhood interests). Naw son, of course not, its MY day off and Im busy! Open your stupid eyes dumbass. Go on your stupid computer in the basement, I'm sanding my blazer and you'll just ruin it if you stay here."

    And so begins the lonely sad little boy seething with rage and a daddy that does not, never has and never will have time for the ACTUAL son. He baby's 'things' instead of just being there 24/7 for support for his kid.

    How effed up are these people? Ok, follow your Lawless leader, he will make enough youtubes, it should scare the entire state of Texas to free all prisoners. *duh* *genius level strategy*

  8. I should thank Daddy Dauben and Presley for their inspiring actions. Thanks to them, I think I've moved beyond using just the first 10% worth of my $$ investment in photoshop.

    I think Daddy might have taken interest in Joey if he'd had any mechanical ability. Joey has neither the interest nor the ability to work on cars. He pretended a bit with his car in 8th grade, but that wore off quickly.

  9. looks like the knockoff lawless mobile already has a new paint job and owner

    hopefully, he'll give it some new tires and a little lift in the near future.

  10. Talk about coffee on my screen!

    yappy the chihuahua, Noah and cooool Jesus dude jacks Yahweh's daddy's Blazer!

    I was having a bit of a crappy morning until this. LMAO. I'm going to frame it :D

    Dedicated to FundayMonday:

  11. Good call on letting cool Jesus dude take the wheel, yaps.

    That looks a lot more fun than wheelies.

  12. I understand people have a beef with Joey and his works...

    But did his dad do anything to any of you? Did he run a paper & smear people?
    Or is it just the fact that everybody hates Joey so much they have to run his parent to the ground with insults? If he stands in defense of Joey at all, its because its his son. Completely natural.

    I'm just wondering IF Joey gets a term in the clink, if this blog is going to relentlessly continue to ATTACK his entire family? Blood often sticks together guys, completely normal. If Joey goes away, I hope you people will leave his family alone. If he does not, then I'm sure there will be lots of keyboard fighting.

  13. Joey's dad has never done anything to me, same as Joey. I don't hate Joey or his dad. I dislike what Joey does and says, and now that he is being shut up, his dad has assumed that role. Neither Joey nor his dad run a paper, they are both bloggers, one by way of wordpress and the other by way of facebook. Joey has directly attributed many of the reasons of what he does to his dad. That, along with the fact that his dad is now spouting off his own lies is why I attack him. I completely expect his dad to defend his son, that doesn't bother me. Its when he decides to do the exact same things as Joey that's when he can expect to be attacked on here for the same reason we attack what Joey does.

  14. And now making fun of the ridiculously painted WheelieBlazer qualifies some awful relentless attack?

  15. ahh dont mind him, this is the same loser that has been on here saying the same thing over and over in defense of Joey. Before he was "Jimmy", it was "none", then "Gingerwinp" and "dood" before that. Every time he comes on here whining like a little girl "why do you hate Joey so much, why can't you just leave him alone, JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!" cue the Britney Spears youtube defender

  16. Oh no someone hurt Davids feelings. He's a big boy. Cherie claims to stalk "all" the blogs that write about her baby which would take her all of 3.2 seconds to read. David knows what we're saying, Presley knows too. Its "safe" for them to spew on FB and other places but they won't come here because they're cowards. Joey is a monster and I stand firm that David was the biggest catalyst in creating the monster. Joey's parents enable him. They "allowed" a dumbass woman who's never even met Joey to bail him out (instead of selling Dave's precious Blazer to do it themselves). They start following Barbara Farris, Florida scammer. Now they hang their hat on Lawless dude who for the second time in 6 years, had American citizens pay for his 'travel's and trips across USA Hotels, food, you name it on THEIR dime, not his. David blindly believes Billy is the new Yahweh prolly cuz Joey told him he dreamt it no doubt.

    If David would do like some of the child molesters parents and quietly support their kid, fine. But as Ginger said, David is allowing the EVIL of Joey to continue. What did Farris call it? Scientology conspiracy "it's fair game".

    At some point your brain has got to register the flaws in the conspiracy warped-thinking. The gov't isn't all 'that' bad, most judges are not corrupt, JFK prolly had a lone killer, USA didn't blow up the World Trade centers and Joey prolly DID simply rape a 15 yr old child. Facing the fact that you raised a monster who has spent 10 years hurting innocent people must be a real hard pill to swallow.

    Insane people like Bedwell "I see pedophiles everywhere except my own daddy (AND JOEY G DAUBEN) so shut up and give me my baby or I'll strike you with lightning"... will be crying the same ole crap when they're 60 yrs (like David) but can't figure out WHY their version of reality never comes true.

    In the meantime, life goes on for everyone else. Some days its much easier to accept 'reality' and go on with life.

    That's my rant of the day. Will await another FundayFriday

  17. Anyway, I'm not trying to be the morality police here. We all live our own lives.

    My only suggestion is, if Joey gets time, it may best to lay off the family and let it go. Joey whether he be a little kid or not, if he gets years in prison, the laughing matter is honestly done and I hope that conclusion will resolve the blog here. If he is cleared, then at least he'll be able to speak in his own defense.

    Sure the blazer is kind of funny... The Connie Stuff (isn't she in California like a LONG way away?) is strange and who knows. I really don't have a say in this battle. I know Joey sort of (off and on for a decade). He's always been okay around me. I know he has pissed off a lot of people. Yes Gingersnap you have remembered all of my names better than I have. LOL

    Perhaps I didn't know Joey well enough to have really known all of his doings. I seriously don't know. I just come here for news updates and see his family getting ripped. Naturally I'm like "hang on guys, let the man face his charges and lay off the family". I don't visit the facebook stuff. Please forgive if I'm just uninformed.

  18. If any of his family tries to continue his fight, as in slamming other people online, then they will be discussed on here. If they don't, we won't be talking about them, about as simple as that.

  19. I think you have demonstrated that people will be left alone if they don't slam others by leaving one of Joey's sisters out of the spotlight. Some have even complimented her good sense at keeping her life private.

  20. Ginger doesn't really go around digging up anything. The blog is generally responses to public postings on Joey's blogs & facebook or public information regarding the court filings. Private lives kept private aren't generally criticized or "exposed."

    Taking out what we know about Joey's upbringing, I can sympathize with Joey's hypothetical parents. Good parents wouldn't really approve of Joey's actions under the heading of journalism, but it wouldn't mean they disowned or didn't love him. They'd support their son against accusations by trying to get him to put his head down and stay out of the spotlight until his trial. They would try to get him good representation in court. If I were Joey's parent, I wouldn't say publicly if I thought he was innocent or guilty. I'd take the charges seriously, but because I was a parent, I'd at least hope that some of the charges were worse than what actually happened. I'd be worried for my child's mental health. If I made any public statement, it would be to the extent of "We are standing beside our child. We want him to be given a fair trial." That'd be true. Even if I thought my child was guilty, I wouldn't want him in jail. If he is guilty, I'd want him to be in treatment. I'd want to believe that he could get better. Nobody wants to believe their kid is a monster. Nobody wants a family member in prison. I expect that. I wouldn't want it either. Joey's father desperately needs a reality check about the severity of the charges & the likelihood that Joey at bare minimum acted inappropriately. He desperately needs a lesson on PR. All he does is just add fuel to the fire and show us how Joey ended up so hot-headed and delusional. It's sad really. It's a miracle that any children left that home being even moderately well adjusted.

  21. You know in a lot of ways, a lengthy prison sentence for Joey is just what he needs to reset and restart his life. As of right now, Joey simply doesn't have a chance at life. He is so messed up in his head with his own delusions of grandeur that he can no longer discern reality from fiction. At some point in time in his upcoming prison stay, he is going to have to make a choice of either continuing to chase his unicorns, or start to focus on his future. He will be afforded the time and opportunity to actually get a college degree as well as learn some skills he can use to get and maintain a decent paying job. When he comes out of prison its not like anyone is going to be waiting for him to fire back up the ECO, no one will hardly even remember what that was. He will have no choice but to get a real job and a real life like the rest of us. Just like his life has been a series of terrible choices, once he is sentenced and hauled away, he will once again have a chance to make good or bad choices about where his life is going. I truly do hope he turns his life around, but I suspect he wont.

  22. Not stealing Funday's thunder, just a little thing for Jimmy

    Oh and this one too!!

  23. Everybody shares the thunder, yappy. Can I get a Boom Boom zappa?

    Your video makes me think of another video I saw today and thought of Joey and his lady:

  24. @gingersnap, you are right, jail is what Joey needs. Actually, prison. He needs to face the darkest thing possible. Jail is too soft. I feel sorry for Joey. The kid needed guidance. He needed a male role model with maturity. Joey actually aspired to become more than his uneducated daddy. He just lacked structure, discipline, and a positive male influence that would praise his accomplishments and redirect his shortcomings. He was reasonably on track with his first newspaper gig, but somehow he let his moderate success go to his head. When his ego led to crazy stories, his mentor had no choice by to cut ties leaving Joey to spiral out of control. It really really really really is so sad. Somewhere in the professional world is a man that could have guided Joey and taken Joey under his wing and treated him like a son. I'm really sorry Joey has never found that person.

    My only fear for Joey in jail is his own anger. He needs to let go of it and look to the future. If he doesn't, he may listen to every crazy person that is locked up & become one for eternity.

  25. what about a journalist? I could write. I copied words from a Dick n Jane book when I was 14 in the 3rd grade! "naw Joey, you need a 6 yr degree." "But Jerry, I could just buy a .com and write some sh*t". "yup, yup, you couuuuuld buuuutttt no one's gonna pay you to write crap. " "this is true, yup yup, this is true".

    BREAKING NEWS CONSPIRACY ALERT. Presley Crowe's long lost relative plays NOAH! OMG

  26. I should never follow your links when I am not fully awake. Thank Yahweh my coffee cup was empty. :)

  27. Cray cray y'all

  28. When I looked at the photo I swear I heard the psycho theme music.

  29. Wow nice find, and very telling about his media empire (his words). My favorite part is when the court called him "voluntary unemployment", you could also say he is voluntarily retarded as well. Who pays for his student loans? Us. Who pays for his public defenders? Us. By Joey's terms we therefore own Joey Dauben. We pay for him, we own him and we can treat him however we wish. Presley sounds like one hell of a winner in this testimony too. I bet mommy and daddy or at least daddy is happy his blazer money isn't going to Joey and Presley food stamps anymore.

  30. "THE COURT: My question is, did it ever occur to you that maybe it’s time to go out
    and to try to apply for a different job?

    MR. DAUBEN: It occurred to me, but I’m not going to give up doing what I’m doing."

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  31. Yes Ginger exactly! State of Texas taxpayers own that little freak.

    "Publish" this testimony for a book and call it "How to Raise a Monster for Dummies, I mean Daubens".

    Presley, gooood gooood catch. By the time my spouse was 31, their net worth was $200K (after debts babe). Lord help us all, these people reproduce.

  32. nothingbettertodotodayOctober 20, 2012 at 6:19 AM

    I'm wondering just how much education we bought Joey for $20k vs how much he used of the loans on living expenses. Also wondering why he didn't mention the judgements against him for trademark infringement.

    Looks like he never paid court costs for this appeal:

    This isn't Joey's first rodeo as an appellant in a case that is so obviously a waste of everybody's time and money. I recall reading a case he filed against Midlothian and Waxahachie, something to do with construction of a hangar the airport, that was dismissed due to "persistant bobbling of pleadings".

    At the risk of being accused of attacking David and Cheri, I will say I know one way to end the voluntary unemployment - quit feeding him, paying his rent and putting gas in his car(s). And that reputation thing, whose fault is that????!!!! Joey's choices, Joey's consequences. But, still seems like a weak excuse and a delusion of granduer - he's assuming everybody knows who he is and his reputation seems irrelevant if he's not applying for work as a "journalist" or with children. Shoot, I don't care that he's a liar and trouble maker, I'd pay him to muck my horse barn, clear some brush, mow what's left of the grass, etc.

  33. There is that whole discrepency thing that the Court found in Dauben's filings. Lying on government documents about assets is a bad thing. Ask George Zimmerman!

  34. Does anybody know when / where the trial is?

  35. it should be next monday, the 29th at the 13th district court in Corsicana. If someone knows the time let us know.


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