Monday, October 8, 2012

Joey Dauben's Best Friend While in Prison was:......John Margetis

According to Curtis Butler, oh wait I mean some mystery editor at the balch springs beacon who somehow isn't actually Curtis, Joey's most frequent visitor while hanging out in the Navarro slammer was Margetis. This would be the same John Margetis that Joey revealed in his book that he was only following him around to get dirt on Margetis so he could rat him out to the authorities. It would seem that part of Joey's "story" doesn't pass the smell test. Truth of the matter is both John and Joey are frauds and closet homosexuals. They hate this world and just about everything about it and they take out their sexual frustration on those in authority. They can't be who they really are so they devote all their time to destroying our way of life. Since they are living a lie, why not call all of those who are in authority over them liars just as they are? Joey never had a coming out party, and because he didn't he is going to end up being put away.


  1. I love his quote about me "trying so hard to get my couple of videos turned into a move" lmao Ive been so hard at work with em that I had forgotten about em.... oh as far as calling into Curtis's stupid radio shows....1. I could of gave a shit less about em... 2. had I of actually cared to call in, we all know he would of never let me get on... thats what he had done with Brandy... she called in and kept her on mute the whole time... so It would appear that she didnt call in

  2. So, if "editor" is thankful for his "meninite" roots, can I be thankful for my Eyerish roots?

  3. All I have to say is Thank You Curtis Butler.I personally called this man everything in the book over a year ago.With the frustration of what our dear publisher soon to be Texas state property Joseph Glen Dauben of Ovilla Tx.The so called Freedom of the Press Balch Springs Beacon printed was pure garbage and was a very good trash liner.Thank God all these facebook sites and internet sites have been taken down.Hats off to you Curtis my friend you are a true editor and print the truth!!!

  4. They are still there. I just looked.

  5. So what's the real background on John Margetis? I'm not totally up on this storyline. I'm not sure what I've skimmed that were Joey's lies about him versus the truth. I remember there was something about him and arson, but I see a little something about Dallas County and something in Bethlehem PA. The Bethlehem PA guy was 31 in 2010, so unless that's a son, I don't think that is him. Google is way too saturated with Daubenisms to get a quick and easy picture of the guy. Dauben thought the guy and his mother were especially affluent? I'm guessing Joey's version of wealth is like his understanding of attractive females?

  6. Oh yeah, and Hoskins says they were being all gay daddy and son at an IHOP?

  7. We are talking about this Margetis, right?

  8. echo . . . echo . . . . echo . . . . come on guys, a little help here?

    When I look up the guy, I'm bombarded by ECO (dis)information. So Joey liked Judge Carroll until Margetis, right? Why does Margetis hate him? Is it because of the arson conviction? Speaking of the arson conviction, where and when was this? I found a John Margetis back East who had an arson conviction, but the guy was only 31. He's probably not related, right? I saw a Margetis appeal where he basically stated that one of the cross examinations was lost from the record so he thought the conviction should be overturned. That was denied. Was that related to this arson thing? At some point, somebody suggested looking at his criminal background on Dallas County website. There were 3 different convictions. I didn't see arson, but I do remember assault charges. . . Then we've got the January charge of lewdness or something similar outside a gay theater. That's Dallas County? Is that a done deal? Uh, what else . . . . So, Joey liked him, but has since turned on him saying Joey was just gathering information to expose him . . . expose what . . . child porn ring? I guess that is the default. Margetis supposedly was some big wig in Midlothian or at least his mom supposedly was. Do they own something spectacular? He lives with mommy and is in his 50s. Supposedly gay and Hoskins, I mean "lol" or "the man" or somebody saw them together at IHOP where they looked intimate or something . . .

    Somebody give me the rundown on the "need to knows" of Margetis. Brandy, Brannon, Ginger, or some Ellis County resident?

  9. Margetis was convicted of arson over 20 years ago so yes more like in his early 30's. Margetis' 81 year old mother (he states her age every single time he refers to her) did have a piece of property worth something and with a decent income from it (not rich though). One of the people that leased the property ended up breaking the contract and they went to court. While this was going on the Margetis' had already filed for bankruptcy protection. This fued ended up in front of Bob Carroll's court and part of the problem is they never disclosed that they were in BK proceedings and that altered the outcome. Therefore Bob Carroll is a dirty filthy........fill in the blank.

    Joey was a big fan of Bob and endorsed him repeatedly in his different campaigns. You could even say they were friends. Well the district judge position opened up by Knize retiring and Bob went for it. Margetis is on a personal vendetta against Bob because of his ruling so Margetis is looking for any outlet whatsoever he can find to spread his snake venom on. Enter Joey and his ECO radio show. At first Joey tried to keep a distance from what John was saying, as he repeated over and over that he supports Bob. But eventually all the conspiracies and name calling of elected officials was just to much for Joey stupid brain to handle and he started to take Margetis' side. He also pretty much turned over the ECO to Margetis in that almost everything was about him and his targets. Joey even went to the protests in front of the WalMart in Waxahachie holding up signs saying Bob was a crook. Joey and John spend a lot of time together, as they are both unemployed and sexually ambiguous.

    Then Joey gets arrested. Joey knew this was coming and I think he had an ungentlmens agreement with John that he would bail him out as part of the payback for using the ECO as a free sounding board for his crusades. Margetis visted him often as he tried to find a way to get control of the ECO (I'm sure he was feeding Joey stories about how he was just about to get the money to bail him out). At some point Joey finally figured out that John was playing him and so he turned on John with his new made up story about spending all that time to try and get information on John to rat him out. The reason I cant stop laughing at the irony is because its Bob Carroll whom Joey had his bond revoked and now sits in jail. I think its very possible that if he had never met John Margetis he might still be free.

    Now as to the incident public exposure, that happened well after Joey had turned (perhaps John was no longer getting sexually satisfied) and it was in Dallas and two different people have added that it was at a gay adult movie theatre. Now I can't verify that, I saw the arrest report and he was arrested in Dallas for that charge. But that gay part really does complete the picture doesn't it?

  10. ahh. Thank you for some relief.

    The 30 year old John Margetis did it in 2009. Weird coincidence on the name though. Connie would probably say it was Bible Coded for his name.

    Has local Margetis ever had a profession of any sort, or did he just take care of Mommy's property?

  11. Did all of Joey's friends spend time in some insane asylum (yes, I'm away that term is dated)? Seriously, how do all the scum & lunatics find each other? Perhaps Joey's papers were like a homing beacon?

  12. oh, too many questions, I know. What did M burn down? And for fun, vendetta, insurance?

  13. *aware that term is dated, not away

  14. I heard it was a business of some sort, he was about to lose it so he burned it was the yeah money. Joey decided to make the crazy claim that he did it because there was evidence of child porn in the building. I think that was just further confirmation that Joey sees child porn everywhere, he is literally obsessed with it.

  15. I never remember him bragging about an actual job he had. He tried to get people to enlist him (eventually for a fee) to help them fight against judicial corruption, you know try and make some money out of it.

  16. Wow. Pay to fight judicial corruption. I guess he thought Joey was onto something. . . .

    Oh, I just remembered I did see this:

    Looks like that is this JM, local #, Midlothian person per poster info page.

    There are 3 total posts saying Canopy is a scam . . . all three end with:
    22nd of Feb, 2012 by Canopytruther
    This is John Margetis/Mike Briscoe. I am the author of the previous posting regarding past issues I had with Canopy Construction and its management. Those statements were written at a time when I was involved in a heated dispute with the Company. I regret making those statements and I fully retract them. Please don't contact me regarding these matters. I have no comment.


  17. Ok, I just found this:

    "Margetis was convicted of conspiring to maliciously destroy a building used in or affecting interstate commerce, aiding and abetting the actual destruction of the building, and mail fraud."

    His denied appeal due to recording error.

  18. Wow. There's a whole lot of Margetis up in heeya, y'all.

    Nothing particularly interesting. Mostly him filing things wrong, late, or not responding & things getting denied or dismissed.

    There was a lawsuit involving John A Margetis and the canopy people, so it was him. Dismissed/withdrawn by JM.

    Also, there is a lawsuit he filed against an officer and Presbyterian hospital in Greenville for use of unreasonable force and unreasonable search and seizure (that got dismissed as a result of him not properly responding). It's the Margetis v Ray et al

  19. This is funny. I wondered how LSH was doing, & when I searched her, it came up with Lawless America.

    Check out their "schedule" and who is included in the Dallas/Austin area. John Margetis!!

  20. its going to be kinda like a Who's Who list of American Losers. Man I would be pretty pissed if I actually had a legitimate abuse and ended up on that show with all those losers.

  21. Yeah, anybody that is involved in this little movie is basically going to have all credibility ripped from them.

  22. OK, so I'm fairly well filled in on JM now.

    Interesting John has teamed up with Joey's internet domain registering buddy Jeff Baron? So, basically anybody that has ever teamed up with Joey is a crook, pervert, or criminal of some sort?

  23. Well the actual FOTPG, mainly Brannon, Brandy and Curtis were not crooks they just were people no one would listen too and they were suckers for conspiracies (especially Brannon and Brandy) and Joey's site gave them a forum to be heard.

    But yeah, besides them just about everyone else Joey was dealing with was a crook. Barron is a behind the scenes type of guy, which is why he hired Joey to be the face of all the lawsuits aimed at him. He then used JM to walk the streets with his cause trying to rally support to his court cases. JM, like Joey, was a prostitute in that he would say, do or write anything you wanted him to for money. Out of all the sewage that Joey has been involved with I still say Margetis is the worst. You really can't get the proper anger level of this man until you have heard him rant and rave on the ECO radio show for about and hour. Thats when you can tell he is a sub-human type of species.

  24. Yeah, I was thinking more of people he actually "teamed" up with or advocated. I probably should have clarified.

    I haven't heard many of the ECO radio shows. I find Joey's attempt at talk radio host voice to be incredibly annoying. As I am working and listening to a Lawless show right now because John M was a special guest.

    This has to be the most boring thing i have ever heard in my life. In fact, I think somebody on the phone line has fallen asleep around the 48 minute mark. There is definitely some labored breathing going on.

  25. Man you are not kidding, this is possibly the most boring human being I have ever listened too. When he says "without further adieu", its too late, adieu has already gone adiĆ³s.

  26. I like how Mary gets on there and says that they robbed Jeff Barron's $100,000 for diabetes research and that they are holding up the cure by doing this. These are the types of things people say when they have been lying so much they no longer can recognize the truth. Now they are saying that the reason these Federal Judges are going after Jeff is because they are jealous of him. "God gave them over to reprobate minds", all these people have become reprobates they no longer have the mental capacity to function in society by their own choice.

  27. OMG. It just ended. Luckily they were so boring it wasn't distracting. They repeated so much that I could follow and multitask. Mary has her little script. She repeats everything about 3 times. Yeah. Judges are driven by jealousy. Basically according to Mary, if I steal my neighbors money but donate it to charity, the charity should be able to keep it & my neighbor is S#*! out of luck. I might feel bad for the charity if it were actually taken away from them, but this is just a hollow claim anyway. That money was never transferred or planned.

  28. OMG, John Margetis said "I don't believe for 1.2 seconds". By the way, only about 5% of what they said was true, as you can imagine there is another side to the story and Jeff Barron is a litigious monster which is why they took steps to keep him from destroying his company that his creditors owned at that point.

  29. He says it multiple times. I felt like certain parts were looped.

  30. You would think that after his latest arrest, Margetis would stop saying "exposure, exposure, exposure"

  31. Yeah, this would have been after the exposure incident.

    I looked at Joey's manifesto and read the Margetis chapter. I like how he tells the reader to go to YouTube for a video. In that video one of the Bob Carroll supporters either asks or accuses him of being gay . . . to which he responds by calling the guy a bitch. So not a gay response at all. . .

  32. yeah he really went rabid over that accusation and Joey filmed the whole thing probably knowing exactly why it was so offensive to John.


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