Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vigilante Justice, The Joey, Connie and Presley Way

threats 6-11-12

When you know you are right, even though you can't prove it, why not take the law into your own hands? I mean why not, the animals do it. These people are all certifiably insane in every way. Notice how Connie thinks its clear as day that CPS works only for the porn industry, makes complete sense to her.


  1. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 7, 2012 at 5:40 AM

    This is a classic school yard and cyber bullying tactic. And little girls are the best at it, they wrote the "how to be a bully and form a bully gang" book. These are girls that aged into adults but are still stuck in a jr high school mentality. I'm a little afraid for Shane. Jeff & Matthew seem to be too far away to excercise their brand of justice but there might be other men that are closer and quiet about what they want to do to Shane.

    If Shane raped Presley "her whole life", then how/why was Presley so concerned and thoughtful about losing her virginity to James?

  2. Well lets also keep in mind what Presley has testified too, according to her there were only two extreamly vague instances: one was when she was 4 at her grandma's house and she claims Shane exposed himself to her and made her touch him (very weird that he would choose her house to try this and exactly who of us has a crystal clear memory when we were 4?) the second was when she was 6, he got mad at her, she ran hid under the covers he pulled the covers off and she blacked out, therefore it must be sexual molestation. Thats it, thats the long and short of everything she claims happend.

  3. And then throw in the selective memory on this as she waited till the divorce proceedings to ever come forward with this.

    IBedwell's situation is also similiar, her entire case is wrapped up in the "daddy's worm" video she made which was proven by audio video editors to being spliced together from many different statements. Thats it, thats her entire case. And to tie it back to Joey, the ironic thing is that the ONLY reason joey ever got involved was because he wanted to see if Connie lived up to the hype of her last name. Presley was a tag along and he ended up settling for her after it was clear Connie wasnt gonna go on any camping trips with him.

  4. It's still interesting to think that Connie and Presley 'heard' the child make suicidal claims yet did not do anything to seek immediate help. Anyone say coaching and splicing? or an odd 'game' they played with the child to get her to repeat weird things?

    What I find most interesting is Presleys newest allegations. One would think if she recalls giving him blow jobs, she would have described the horrifying experiences to Dr Phil. As I understand it, Dr Phil knows he has a liar on his hands and refuses to deal with Presleys antics because he was used and he knows it.

    Leaving open to lawsuits by the father IF Dr Phil ever showed Presleys face and identity I would think. I read also that Dr Phils investigator discovered the truth about what went on and wanted to do another show but Presley and Susan declined to work with his investigator, calling him basically a pedophile lover.

    Would you like to rebut Presley? Because its what I read online. Confirm deny? And please, I still await the DNA evidence from Joeys major news story about the semen in the diaper claim. That WOULD BE in the court documents somewhere.

    Come on, time to expose Shane for what he is with credible evidence.

    Hmmm *crickets*

  5. Connie would have to believe Joey was "THEE Yahweh" before she would settle for a man without money and fame. What a bizarre world they live in.

  6. I'm sure they are both "rebutting" us by summoning the god of Lightning to zap us, (I dont know if thats supposed to be figurative or literal). Anyway, getting off on that tanget, just how retarded do you have to be to believe that lightning is going to obey you like something out of an X-Men comic. I mean maybe next time Connie or Presley start summoning their magic lighting on Shane he could respond with "well I just called Batman and the Dark Night is gonna come see you in your sleep", they would be like "oh crap, why would you do that"?

  7. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 7, 2012 at 3:21 PM

    They should think about putting Brannon on the job to conjure up ligtening bolts. Buy him a big bottle of screw cap beer. Or, several. Then turn him loose! I hope he records it, it's time for a new video............

  8. I could go for another Brannon vid and his screw top tonight. Anything to take my mind of this heat.

  9. I have no answers Ginger.

    In Connie's world, its literal, not figurative. Her daddy (a cult yahweh leader who has never let his kids go into a synagogue or church in their life and only get their spiritual teachings from her daddy who used to live with the House of Yahweh in Texas) had the same dreams as her 3 years ago. In the dreams, her dad commands Yahweh to kill her ex in a courtroom. Of course she told all her followers that it would happen this Spring 100% and Yahweh has never let her down. I think its July isn't it?

    Damn Gods are never around when we really need them.

  10. OH Crap, Dr Phil did a show about the House of Yahweh. Bad Dr.


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