Monday, July 16, 2012

Joey Dauben Made Up Fliers to Distribute at School Against Shane Crowe

Out of all the juvenile and pathetic things Joey has done, in my mind this is one of the worst. As Joey was desperately trying to figure out a way to get into Connie or Presley's pants, he decided that he would be the white knight they were looking for and he came in with a plan only Joey could think up. He would make up a bunch of flairs on Shane Crowe calling him a pedophile and pass them out at the school where his daughter attended. This is from the most recent filing that will most likely ensure that Shane will have full custody and Susan wont have any more rights.

"Several weeks after the restrictions on Susan's professionally supervised visitations were lifted, new articles and websites were created by a person named Joseph “Joey” G. Dauben. Dauben lives in Texas and portrays himself as a “journalist”. Dauben created numerous articles and blogs that included over 50 photographs of Minor Child. A majority of these photographs were taken during Susan's unsupervised visitation since November 2011. Dauben's internet radio programs discussed Susan's allegations extensively and during numerous programs, Dauben stated death threats against Shane and also incited others to “take the law into their own hands” and hurt or kill Shane. Dauben created flyers that were posted online that used Minor Child's photograph, her location, her age, and the school she attends. Dauben encouraged others to print copies of the flyers and distribute at Minor Child's school. The flyers were distributed at Minor Child's school."

Now posters come on here from time to time and just assume I'm some bitter former target of Joey's who is lashing back at him. I'm not, I have nothing against him personally whatsoever, but this is the type of thing that makes my blood boil at this impudent brat. No matter what you think, or what you are trying to do, YOU DON'T DO THIS!!!!!! Never once did it cross Joey's, Susan, or even Presley "I Suck At Life" Dauben's mind what this might do for the poor child. Simply put they hate her, they will not stop until their unstoppable lust to be right ends up ruining her life, if it hasn't already.

I dont know if Joey molested that boy or not, but if he is convicted its still justice, even if he didn't do it. Simply put, the longer Joey and Connie are not in jail, the longer more innocent lives are ruined. They both deserve life in prison for the crimes against humanity that they have, and in some cases continue to persue. And Presley is right behind them following in their footsteps.


  1. Joey did that to this guy? Unbelievable. I hope that little sucker rots in jail for a long time.

  2. They do hate that child. Like Connie hates hers too. It isn't about the child and that is very evident to see. If it was about the child, they'd be obeying all court orders, kissing judges butts and doing everything possible to ensure they could see their child, even if it is part-time.

    What they do? Prove how mentally ill they are. How their own anger and hate exceeds the needs of children. They are abusing their children exploiting them like this.

    But one thing is certain. Joey, Connie, Presley and Susan are all living what they deserve. They have only themselves to thank.

  3. Yes and the common response they give is "what would you do if your child was with a pedophile". Well I can emphatically say that I certainly would not do what they are doing. You are right, if I really did believe that and were really trying to save the child, and not just being a publicity whore, I would NEVER go online and would train myself to learn all about the judges in my case and be respectful and honor their rulings even if I disagree. I would try and figure out a way to win within the system instead of devoting your life to destroying it. Yes there is a system to the legal process, earth to morons. There is a system to joining the PGA tour, there is a system to becoming a teacher, insurance agent, real estate etc.... That is life, deal with it (and by dealing with it means figuring out how to work within that system not trying to argue that their shouldn’t be one at all).

    You know I have sympathy (to a degree) for those that were born at the bottom of the social economic latter. They have such a tough hill to climb its hard for us to judge those that don't end up making it. But in this case, we have Joey, Connie and Presley all three born at least in the middle of the latter and all three intentionally choose to go straight to the bottom of the latter which is where they reside now. Because of that, they all deserve our scorn its all their fault and they have nothing or no one to blame but themselves for their imminent demise.

  4. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 17, 2012 at 7:34 AM

    Wow, surprised but glad to see you got so fired up over this one. I remember reading Joey's posts re: inciting violence against Shane and thinking there ought to be a law against what he did if there isn't already. If you stand in front of somebody, write a letter or call on the phone and threaten bodily harm you can be charged with making a terroristic threat. When I heard about the Ellis County charges against Joey I thought for sure threats against Shane and that guy from Red Oak were part of the action. What Joey did on-line was clearly terroristic in my mind. I know cyber laws are a little behind the curve, but isn't there some agency out there somewhere that can address what Joey did to Shane and a few others? As cuckoo as people are these days, you never know who might take on Joey's encouragement to hurt some poor guy that's just minding his own business and trying to raise his kid.

    I agree with you - even if Joey isn't guilty of Navarro charges, jail time would serve justice in some way. Reminds me of a cop that stopped me several years ago. I started to argue with him that I was not speeding. I really wasn't, that time. He told me his ticket would make up for all the times I didn't get caught speeding. End of arguement - he was right, I paid the fine.

  5. I am kinda new to this but i read an old article about ellis co observer and ended up here. Anyone participating on this thread give a recap of 'from small town newspapers to here' ?

  6. what do you mean? as in thats a title of one of his stories or how did he get from that to this?

  7. Joey wasn't a small town newspaper. He owned some .com websites and called himself a journalist without any prior University education.

    A 'small town newspaper' costs hundreds of thousands to purchase / own (see example here: lite DOT globalbx DOT com/Newspapers/listing1335726 DOT html) The writers at this small town newspaper require a journalism degree. If you obtain a Masters degree in journalism, its 6 years of education, which would cost in excess of $80,000. Joey would have had a great opportunity to learn a thing or two about ethics and it is the only method in which he could achieve his 'journalist shield' title. He could not give that to himself simply because he bought and built .Com's. Someone needs to explain to that little boy how "grown up life" works.

    Joey was no journalist, not even close. He was just a homeless hate-filled internet bully.


  8. you guys might want to make sure your names aren't on this list...

  9. lol I-Bedwell-style attack. She thinks she's intimidating. Proves she's a very sick little birdie.

  10. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 21, 2012 at 6:58 AM


    Are you on the list?


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