Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Special Ed Bridge Vows His New World Order While Drinking a Mikes Hard Blueberry Lemonaide

It is a dark time, with Connie and Joey facing prison and Presley continuing to fail at life ole Special Ed steps up to the plate and gives us a video that gives hope to the hopeless.  Yes that's right, after showing so much promise with his boom boom snake, Brannon lets us know it wont be much longer until he is a jedi knight and once they come up with an audio version of the book he is reading, he will be able to summon powers and make the earth shake (and not cuz he is fat because he certainly isnt).  "All roads will lead to Brannon".  People are going to have a different take on this video, some like me are going to laugh hysterically, some are going to cheer his prophecy, some are going to call him retarded while those who work for homeland security will simply call it exhibit A.


  1. Ok, I think the comments are working now on this post

  2. YAY!!! whew, but ya lmao I seen that yall wanted me to make a video, so that's what I did, lol

  3. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 12, 2012 at 2:45 PM

    @Brannon: we appreciate the effort. But, instead of moving, shaking, road construction and taking over the world, I was really hoping you'd work on that lightening thing. Your friends need a little help.

  4. Actually nothingbetter, I might pay to see Brannon in a morph suit with lightning bolts coming out of his finger tips. That would be cool. But please pick a different drink. Mike's? no no no

  5. Yeah I could go for a daily special ed show. I'd even just watch you simply read the newspaper. Or go into your oppinion on why mikes hard blueberry lemondaide is better than smirnoff.

  6. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 12, 2012 at 6:25 PM

    Y'all are too funny. With daily shows, he might have to put the force to work on saving his liver.

  7. Could I ask why all the attacks on Joey's family & this Connie person? Did they do anything close to what Joey did to others? It is only natural to defend your family. This Connie person would jump on any bandwagon to help their case. Joey's family only is defending him. It's completely natural to do. I bet if the slandering stopped, they would stop defending (or are they really still defending?). Joey's trial is coming up. I think that is a good mature focal point. All this other stuff is riff raff and silly. If your pissed because Joey posted things that made you mad, be pissed at Joey. His family just is sticking up for their blood. Connie is probably just a desperate mom. I really wish the bashing would stop. Joey could be facing life in prison. This is serious stuff. Whether he gets time or not, I really wish some of you would not bash his family so much. They didn't print anything about you in papers.

  8. "They didn’t print anything about you in papers." Neither did Joey. Joey has never said anything bad about me, he doesnt have the slightest, or anyone else for that matter, clue who I am. This is my blog, I can cover whatever the hell I want. Unless you are including Presley in Joey's family, I dont know what you are talking about. I really havent been focusing on his family other than the fact that his parents are paying for them through this period and thats really more of a slap against Presley and Joey than it is his parents.

  9. And let me reiterate, this is a blog. I'm not holding myself out to being anything other. Now while I actually do adhere to higher principles than did Joey, I'm not setting myself up by saying I"m a journalist or that this is some kind of news outlet.

    Now you brought up Joey and his trial, I would love to cover this more but there simply isnt any news out there on it. His trial has been moved to August and thats about it, no one seems to know any more than that. None of the actual news outlets are saying a word anymore about Joey. He has become an internet ghost other than my blog, no one cares or is covering him anymore. So if anyone has any real news or something post it here and I would be glad to elaborate on it.

  10. I think I'm the only one that told Cherie she should be ashamed of the man she raised. I know I would if my son was facing child sexual assault charges and was nothing but a wasted, never worked an honest day in his life internet bully. Ginger can delete it if she wants but she's not responsible for others who shoot of their mouths like myself.

    As far as Connie goes? Ha desperate mother? No she's just a mental case who hated her ex from day one. He got the kid, she lost and she's been in revenge mode ever since. What a sick way to live. Every last one of them. When will Presley ever wake up and realize the ones who abuse her are the ones she currently has in her life. They're all nothing but sick users.

  11. And if you ask me (i know you're not asking but).. if you did? Ginger is about the only person I've ever come across in this pathetic little weazle Daubens life that is unbaised. Its a quality I wish I had.

  12. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 15, 2012 at 6:40 AM

    The subject of Joey is polarizing. No matter what blog you read, there are people that express an irrational passion in either hating Joey or supporting him. I read this blog because Gingersnap is “the thorn of truth” and does a darn good job of finding balance between the poles in a way that amuses me. If there are comments bashing Joey’s family on this blog, it’s the exception rather than the rule. In fact, Gingersnap and I have posted remarks indicating we like Joey’s mom.

    We are stuck with silly riff raff until Joey starts making news again. Hopefully, that will be soon.

    In the mean time, we are amused (in a thought provoking way, not a ha ha ha way) by Presley and Connie – don’t forget, Joey brought them to our attention. If they want to avoid “all the attacks” and “bashing”, it’s really simple. Quit using the internet and other people to garner public support for bad situations they brought on themselves. We will continue to amuse ourselves as long as they post their entire lives all over the internet, abuse the legal system, attempt to justify behavior that is indefensible and call on Yahweh for lightening to strike officers of the court and baby daddy.

  13. Well the thing is you have to consider. Somebody like Connie, she's a very desperate mom caught up in all kind of custody battles. It's a very seperate thing from Joey because we should understand that a desperate mom can do desperate things. (yes including Joey LOL).

    But still, these are very serious times in his life. Despite his work history, despite the person he is, he is facing life in prison.

    We don't know the real truth on if he did it or not. But we have to consider that his mother and family are all naturally going to defend him. Kind of like when somebody says "Yo mamma", you want to defend. I mean, its a mom....

    It's not going to be very long until the official trial. If he did it, I believe he deserves 1 count rather than four because I believe you should not be chared with the same crime twice. Just because it moved from 1 form of sex to another, should not matter and rack up another charge. Consider if you drive without an inspection sticker once, should every single cop that sees you pull you over and give you a ticket. There is something weird about charging 4 charges for 1 round of romp... But anyway, that's opinionated. But I do believe if he did it, 1 charge, he'll be a registered offender. I do know Joey, I am not in his fan club, but like him fine. I don't see him being such a threat and danger to society as deserving LIFE in prison. If anything 1 count, time served, registered offender IF he is really guilty.

    If not, you have a crap storm of craziness coming your way in the form of text, and all those who have bashed him if he is found not guilty, will be eating crow very badly.

    On a personal note, I do believe he is gay. I do not believe he had a 15 year old when he was 26. I also believe it to be bologna the 15 year old waited 4 years to run to the cops. That's screwed up.

  14. Daddy Dauben was very abusive to Joey I would suspect because Joey is very effeminate by nature and if that means he's gay then so be it. Mr Muscle car Daddy I believe is largely responsible for the bully Joey is now. You can't push around a little effeminate emotionally fragile child that wears his heart on his sleeve and expect to create a man's man out of him full of testosterone and monkey grease oozing.

    Does that mean I feel Joey is incapable of understanding he's fully responsible for his life choices from now on to the end of time and can go on blaming mommy and daddy? No. He's a grown man and should act like one including paying his own way in life and refrain from the 'craziness'.

    I don't think he deserves life in prison but I think several years in the clinker (hard time with no air conditioning or heat in winter) should get him to understand there are rules and laws to follow in our society. 15 is a child in USA. If you have sex with a child and you're a grown 26 yr old man, it is rape. Whether the 'child' was drunk and in the mood or not, it is still rape. That is a punishable offense in prison. Joey knows he did it and the Texas Rangers have close to 100% conviction rate. See ya around Joey.

  15. and before you challenge me on the info about Daddy Dauben's abuse, it came directly from Joey's mouth.

  16. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 18, 2012 at 11:17 AM

    I see your point with regard to the Joey issues being separate from the Connie issues. But they are hard to separate when you look at Joey's involvement with Connie. Connie appears to have talked and/or attempted to the media all over the country to gain support & broadcast of issues she caused for herself. The legitmate, ethical reporters did their homework, saw Connie's cause for what it is and bailed on it. Joey took on the case for whatever motivation at face value, plastered the little qirl's picture all over the internet, told the world she's been sexually abused, called her father nasty names in print and on the radio, distributed flyers at her school and called on the public to hurt the father - all without the slightest hint that the allegations have any merit. That, in a nut shell is why we have a problem with Joey. Quilty/not quilty of having sex with a minor is not the issue. Like/don't like him not the issue. Gay/not gay, again not the issue. Joey has done the same thing he did to Shane, time and time again to people that are just minding their own business.

    I think the 4 count thing is a strategy for Prosectors to improve their chances of securing a guilty plea/sentence on at least one count. And how do we know that there is only one kid making these allegations against Joey? Sandusky was charged with something like 44 counts of sex with 8 or 10 boys. There were lots more boys waiting in the wings. If the State had lost, they could have refined their case, brought new charges with the boys in the wings and tried Sandusky again without having to worry about double jeopardy.

    BTW: If your inspection sticker is expired and you get a ticket by one cop, it does't matter to other cops that catch you. Every cop that catches you with an expired sticker can write you a ticket.

  17. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 18, 2012 at 11:22 AM

    I don't doubt you - it makes sense that might be the reason Joey's mom is so protective.

  18. The implication you are making is that we are somehow on here bashing his parents because they are sticking up for him. I dont think thats the case at all. We are pointing out that both he and Presley are living subsidised by his parents and thats really more a slap against Joey and Presley than it is his parents.

    Now we have pointed out, as Joey said point blank, that he inhertited a lot of his conspiracy theories from his dad so I do blame daddy for that one, other than that I don't see some big witch hunt against his family on here.

    I think Joey is try-sexual. I agree with the one count thing, and have said that in the past, but Joey is on trial for one thing, but he could be tried for literally hundreds of other counts that the has done through his Ellis County Observer. I never said he was guilty of this particular charge. The only thing I have said is the fact that the texas rangers and grand jury signed off on this means he is facing a steep uphill challenge and one I dont think he can overcome.

  19. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 18, 2012 at 2:38 PM

    Try-sexual - you are too funny. Took me a minute but now ROFLMAO...............

  20. I am not protective. I am setting the record straight on things that are being said that are wrong. Joey's dad was never abusive to me or our children. I would have never stayed around for that. Joey and his dad have talked some about conspiracy theories, but anyone who knows his dad knows that most conversations with ANYONE ends up in a conversation about cars. We both told Joey that there IS corruption in the world, but one person is not going to make a difference in a fight against it. You have to understand that we are a family who pretty much minds our own business and leave people alone. Things were seized from our home that had nothing to do with Joey. The officers that searched my mothers house drew their guns on her yardman when he pulled up, therefore, the referral to the filthy Nazis who invaded our homes. I personally believe that they want to search everything to find out who all Joey's informants are.

    I find that some people on here, do exactly what they accuse Joey of doing...jumping to conclusions without getting the facts...and involving innocent people while they spread their theories.

  21. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 19, 2012 at 3:13 AM

    Cheri: You are right - sometimes we all jump to conclusions when we only have part of the story. But, you are protective. If you weren't protective you wouldn't feel the need to read the blogs and set the record straight. I don't recall your involvement on blogs before Joey was banned from the internet, so I am jumping to the conclusion that you are reading and commenting for Joey's sake. Personally, I expect nothing less from a good mother.

    Ordinarily I wouldn't get in your business, but you brought it up. I think it's possible that your idea of abuse might be different than what Joey experiences in his relationship with his dad. The people that say Joey made statements to them that his dad is abusive don't have a reason to make it up. While I also don't ordinarily like to "profile" people - I will say that die hard car guys usually do have an issue with men in touch with their feminine side and women in general. And, some are better at hiding their bias than others.

    As regards statements I've made regarding Joey's unfair attacks on people: Joey attacked my child on his blog. My child is a cop. Joey deliberately set my child up in order to make the attack and posted comments that my child should be fired and not have a badge. My child did nothing to Joey or the person Joey used to set my child up. My child is not corrupt and was doing the job as required and expected by the department, the law, society and me. Thankfully, Joey's posts were so ridiculous they didn't get any attention. As I am also a protective parent, I wanted to blast Joey at the time but my child saw the posts and the set up for what they were and asked me not to respond to Joey. The issue Joey posted about took a natural course to resolve itself - Joey had nothing to do with the outcome. But, that didn't stop Joey for taking credit for resolution and blasting my child again. Now MY child's name is forever on the internet linked to several stories about corruption that were distorted and purely made up by Joey and his accomplice.

    I said all that to say this: I will never deny some cops use excessive force, but please excuse me if I doubt the tales told about Joey's interaction with police agencies.

  22. Yeah I think you might have something there with the feminine side of Joey. You think back to a lot of his radio shows, I remember particularly the one on Bill Fry where he was drinking and before he passed out he was crying like a little girl pleading with Bill to come clean. He also routinely mocked other men on his show "who just care about football" and not all these female issues that he insisted were important. Now since there were only other females on the show with him he always got a "here here" from them, but clearly he doesn't see himself as the common masculine male figure in today's society.

  23. Cheri, yes you are correct in that Joey broke with the Dauben family by going public and becoming a public figure. I think thats about the last thing in the world David Dauben would do. Yes there is corruption in the world but its a big jump from that to widespread conspiracies. And to put those conspiracies into the head of a naive, impressionable, and ambitious person like Joey is dangerous. This formed the base for the now clinically insane Joey we see today. Is it all Daddy Dauben's fault? Of course not, but this is why you must be careful about what you put into your kids heads, they might actually act on what you say.

    Now, as to the raid and the "filthy nazis" comment. First the raid was to go after Joey, not his informants. They want to nail him on any and everything they can, thats not really hard to believe given what he has said over the years. The officers who pulled the gun probably don't know Joey from Adam. They dont know who is harmless and who is dangerous which is why they always follow protocol whatever that is. When they are raiding a house and someone drives up to the house, I bet you protocol says they draw their guns until they know who that person is. They were, most likely, doing their jobs. Now so were the nazi officiers in germany but their jobs included murdering jews for being jews. That crosses a major basic moral threshold to where they should have refused. Now this is a Dauben problem, comparing what happened to you guys with actual nazi's. There is no comparison and to even hint it shows complete lack of historical knowledge. Even Presley is becoming a good little Dauben when she got fired as a waitress at Starbucks for saying Patrick Wilson is a "pedo nazi". If you want people to take the Dauben family as something other than a joke, you must start to use accuracy in your hyperbole.

  24. I stand by what I stated Cherie. Joey has told more than 1 person how abusive David Dauben was to him growing up. I can understand your desire to immediately discredit it as rumor and protect your family. What I stated is not rumor. It came directly from Joey.

    Where did everything go wrong with Joey? He's 31, never worked a day in his life and lobs around the internet as if he's some King Pin.

    Doesn't your son understand he is not and has not been a productive member of society? That he's caused great harm to a great many innocent people that did not deserve his wrath and slander? Like I explained on the other thread, Joey is not a Journalist yet I'm sure you have heard your own son call himself that and use the "journalism shield" claim.

    There are no shortcuts in life. You of all people should know, you wouldn't be a child speech therapist or teacher without education 1st.

    I'm tired of Webb or others calling this guy (Joey included) a publisher. He bought some .coms for god sake!!

    A publisher - a real one- has the education and money to buy a publishing company or start one from scratch which costs hundreds of thousands. If 'society' has reduced itself to people who buy up .coms and write crap all over it "publishing", then we've really taken a wrong turn in the world. No wonder China is buying up the USA. They see nothing but idiots over here.

    If you really want to help your son you would quit enabling him and let him find his way in life including paying some bills like everyone else. Your son is where he is right now because of his life choices. To be honest, I've never run across a more sad pathetic little man in my life. If this is what he's accomplished by age of 30, there is no hope for him. Being a parent myself, I see a great responsibility for turning out fine responsible and moral adults to society. If I don't, I would feel like I failed somewhere. I guess I can understand your need to want to help him, given something really went wrong somewhere along the line. His life choices have taken him down to rock bottom BUT why let him take down Presley with him too? This is not going to have a good ending and someone should be the adult and convince Presley to let go.

  25. If some on here were doing what Joey did each and every day, we'd be calling someone in your family a pedophile child raping scum, asking people to hunt them down and bring them harm ALL without a speck of evidence.

    Irresponsibility and false information can do real harm in the real world. You need to turn those fingers your pointing on us back to Joey. If he was not the way he was, no one would be speaking about him or your family.

  26. For the record, I have written on Joey's blogs numerous times, long before he was restricted. I will say that his dad has talked about some of the abusive men that he has seen and/or met at a racetrack. Believe what you want, but he is not one of them and has NEVER been abusive to me or our children. PERIOD. Mr. Muscle Car Daddy has been a better dad than the vast majority.

    My point is that some of you are doing the same thing that you accuse Joey of doing...harming innocent people with your wrath and slander...and generalizations...

    As far as Presley goes, I have just listened to her. She was either abused by her father OR has been convinced to believe it is true...Either way, I feel sad for her.

  27. Ok, so lets talk Presley, she isn't your kid but she has kinda been adopted into your family. I dont know, you dont know and I'm not sure even she knows what did or didn't happen one time when she was 4 years old. But today is Thursday, July 19 2012, what is she doing now for her present and future? The answer is nothing as she still lives in the past, 16 years ago. Your son is pretty much screwed at this point, and I'm not placing blame on you its his fault but I know you ask yourself the question that if I had it to do all over again what would I have done differently. Well now you have Presley, and I see her in sort of the same light as Joey 12 years ago. She has so much potential but its being misdirected and wasted. She still has a chance to turn her life around and make something out of it and not end up like Joey, but she is going to need someone to help her see that and you might be in that position.

  28. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 19, 2012 at 9:28 AM

    Cheri: Here's the thing - if it is Mr. Dauben to which you refer in stating that some of us are harming innocent people with wrath and slander, consider where the accusation came from in the first place. JOEY! Nobody has accused you or jumped to the conclusion that you abused Joey, that's because nobody has seen you abuse Joey and Joey never told anybody you abused him. If not for the slander Joey posted without any consideration of the harm he was causing to innocent people, this blog would not exist. No wrath, no slander, no generalization - just the facts m'am.

    I didn't read Joey's blogs often enough to know whether you ever commented or not. Did you read and comment on other blogs before Joey was banned? One thing I know for sure, you did not post any comments in defense of my kid or to shut Joey down when Joey slandered my kid in pursuit of his Nazi police conspiracy theories. I think it's great that you and Mr. Dauben are standing by Joey. We all need our parents' support. And, I'm not jumping to conclusions - but I certainly do wonder where/how Joey developed a lack of respect for all of the people in law enforcement and the job the good cops do every day to keep us safe.

  29. Cherie said :
    " I find that some people on here, do exactly what they accuse Joey of doing…jumping to conclusions without getting the facts…and involving innocent people while they spread their theories.,"

    I said the same about your son before "some people" started to write about him since December. Do feel like people are saying things that are not true? Do you feel that others are jumping to conclusion? I know the feeling. However there is one major difference. A person your son wrote about was not indicted by a grand jury or investigated then arrested by the prestigious Texas Rangers. ( A person was subjected to numerous allegations, numerous investigations including the FBI and each and every time that person was cleared of any wrongdoing.) A person your son wrote about was never arrested for sexually assaulting children. A person your son wrote has never been awaiting trial to face four felonies of sexual assault. A person your son wrote about never wore a GPS tracking device on their ankle or was forced to live in a rat trap hotel because of restrictions of being too close to where children are.

    A person can handle garbage created by your son because others are hell bent on getting revenge and will say anything and everything in order to achieve that goal. My problem is and forever will be is when a person has a young child and that young child is subjected to embarrassment and turmoil along with the exploitation for no real reason other than someone wants to play "publisher" and try to work on their alibi even before Ranger Bubba knocks on the door.

    If people are wrong about your son, then the only conclusion I can come up with is that your son provided the boiler plate for others to follow.

  30. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 21, 2012 at 10:51 AM

    Way to go Shane, great opening salvo.

  31. Joey has told several people in Ellis and other Counties how David abused him growing up. Now in Cherie's world to protect her family, abuse probably means physical. As I understand it, it was mental and emotional. Bullying a little effeminate child who had little or no backbone. David wanted a strong testosterone-filled son to pal around with his muscle cars. I am not speculating, I have heard directly in detail about things Joey has stated over the past 2 years. Can I ask you something Cherie? Why if David's son is EVERYTHING to him Cherie and wouldn't want any harm coming to your boy... WHY didn't David sell the car he races to raise bail? Why did it take some internet woman in New York to post bail for your baby boy? It appears cars mean far far more than your son's freedom. That in of itself it abusive and I for one would never ever allow my spouse to put things over a child. But that's me.

    I'm not backing down to what Joey himself stated about David. If you want the record cleared, then Joey has to explain to you and others why he cried to others about how hard his life with with his father. If its lies, then why is Joey lying? I have zero motive to lie about this.

  32. Jumping to conclusions again... His dad's cars were up for sale.

  33. Were? Its good to know you and David paid her back and didn't use a woman's misplaced kindness who never met your son. Or am I assuming again and David took his cars off the market? I'd hate to jump to more conclusions.

    Why did your mother have a yardman? Joey wasn't working, living there rent free. Didn't he know how to use a lawnmower?

  34. Yep, jumping to more conclusions. Our agreement with her has been met.

  35. Jumping to more conclusions? I did state "I'd hate to assume".

    A simple "yes we paid her back" would have been sufficient if that were the case. Your words don't explain a thing. Your family waited on a lying drug addict out of Florida to get Joey out on bail and when that fell through you allowed another complete stranger to bail him out. David could have auctioned off his cars quickly to help Joey as Ginger pointed out, he didn't do everything possible to sell them. David still has his vehicles.

    Why did your mom have to pay a yardman? She lived in a 600 square foot tiny home so why have the extra expense when she had a healthy grandson living in the home?

    Seriously Cherie, how can you be proud of your son or defend him in the least? Do you know how much he terrorized Amber's family? Do you know what he put her mother through? Don't you care how much grief, agony and harm your son brought to others? If he did a lot of good in the world, there'd be some supportive blogs out there wouldn't there be? Not just gay Webb's little articles. I hope your little monster goes a way for a very long time.

  36. I notice how you completely ignore Shane Crowe's statement above.

    Its okay in your world what your son did to others but not what others say about your precious little bundle right? Speaks volumes.

  37. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 22, 2012 at 4:49 AM

    Cheri: I'm sort of with you on this one. When my kid was growing up I said if you do anything to get thrown in jail, you are going to learn about the justice system from the inside out. I expected a call to let me know where you are, but unless you have the money for bail in the bank, I will not bail you out. That, and my reasoning for having age appropriate crewfews, is why I think my kid grew up to be a cop - a GOOD cop.

  38. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 22, 2012 at 4:56 AM

    I had the same thought re: not firesale pricing. At the risk of being accused of "generalizing", most speciality cars (classic, collector, race) are way overpriced when offered for sale. Pricing is usually based on the owner's emotional/sentimental ties to the car.

  39. Then Cherie and David should have declined Angelina's offer of bail.

  40. She wants to play both sides of the plate. With all of these indefensible things Joey has done to slander others she will say "hey he is a grown man I have told him my oppinion and he wont listen, so he is on his own". But then again he really isn't on his own because when the consequences of the life Joey has led start to catch up with him all at once, here comes mommy and daddy to bail him out and prop him up. I mean the kid is your dependant, really always has been. As the title of this blog points out, Joey is a little kid that never grew up. So if you continue to accept him as your dependant, then you must accept responsiblity for the damage his life has caused.

  41. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 22, 2012 at 12:12 PM

    Enabling is the term that comes to mind. She's not admitting to the pain Joey has caused people or conceding that what he did was wrong. She said people "accuse" Joey of "harming innocent people with wrath and slander…and generalizations". Difference is we have the facts to support our complaints. Joey did not have the facts or misrepresented facts or made huge leaps in jumping to conclusions. Her statements cause me to jump to the conclusion that she believes our complaints are just part of some grand conspiracy to shut Joey up. Joey's parents can't really bail him out and help him grow up if they don't recognize what he did was morally, ethically and legally wrong.

  42. Perhaps this is what being a Dauben is all about. Think about all those times Joey did either radio shows or blogs about accused sex offenders and he went after them as if they are the worst form of a human being, all the while knowing he had those exact same charges looming over him. Cheri is exhibiting the same thing, coming on here and never even giving lip service to all the evil that her son has perpetrated in his life, yet she goes straight into casting aspersions on others.

  43. Well, I really don't agree with bashing the living situations of another family. It's his parents choice if they are subsidized by them. I guess if its about pointing and laughing, that's your right.

    As far as the Joey situation goes, I'm afraid for him. He doesn't deserve LIFE in prison despite what he is charged with. I don't see him a menace or danger to society. I think the charges are bogus and I hope they prove to be that way. I do believe that his reporting is excellent, and sometimes goes far. But I do know he truly believes in his causes, and will stand up against high taxes. I think its very important despite what he may or may have not have arranged or done to you, to consider what this guy is facing.

    4 years of waiting and some 19 year old comes out and said they did the nasty at church camp. Come on... Life? Seriously? I'd understand more if 4 years ago the 15 year olds father & mother went to the cops and Joey got a full blown sex charge (if there was really evidence etc.) but 4 years this adult comes out and says "Joey did it to me!!!" and they throw LIFE in his face?

    If he gets life with no evidence other than a testimony, this country is screwed. Even a felony just based on 1 person's testimony with nothing recorded or evidence photographed -(bruises, Monica Lewinsky dress, or the like) is way way too far.

    I believe often this is more about people hating Joey than standing up for rights.

  44. Ok, take a second and consider that you are way off on most of your assumptions: such as the boy made those accusations almost instantly, they filed the charges 4 years later but the accusation happened shortly after the camp. He wont be facing life, thats just a scare tactic but he may be looking at 10-15 years as well as registered sex offender.
    Let me repeat once again, JOEY HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO ME PERSONALLY, nothing, so stories no hit jobs no nothing. I have absolutely ZERO stake in what happens to Joey or any of these other issues.

    Both Presley and Joey are both cowards, they make wild accusations on the internet and then hide when the light comes on them. Both Presley and Joey are losers at life simply because they will not get a real job give up their pathetic charade and become productive members of society. So when mommy and daddy dauben subsidize them all summer they only enable that lifestyle even more.

    There is a lot more evidence in this case than just the boy's testimony, ask Brandy Owen who was at Joey's side all the way until she saw the actual evidence. The corroborating evidence is going to make it look very likely that what the boy claims is actually true and thats how a jury will see it. Does that mean it actually happened, I dont know, but either way he is screwed.

  45. Yes I keep begging Cherie to stop enabling him. They have aided in allowing such an atmosphere of hate and rage online continue. I 'assume' they know how bad he was online, how abusive and horrific he was. Its not hard to find these things still today.

    Its like a relative of mine who had a drug addicted child. That child never got healthy until the father decided he had enough. When the 'child' was 24, he tossed the kid out on the coldest snowiest day of the year and told him to make his own way in life. Up to then, they fed, clothed and kept a roof over his head so the child had no reason to change his ways. Now the child is 38, a respected dentist who counsels drug addicted teens on the weekends. Its AMAZING what our children will live up to or down to if we only hold that bar a certain level.

    Cherie, did Joey ever make more than $10000 in a year? Doubtful. Call me a jerk or a pompous ass for the next statement, my 14 yr old son has 25 contracts in our subdivision cleaning up dog shit for $40 / month. He's done it for 16 months now and cannot take anymore clients. YOU do the math. Our children will live up to that bar if you raise it high enough. Does my son like his own little company and think its a dream job? Not one bit. He likes the money and the confidence it gives him knowing he's done a good job and in turn the neighbors think he's a great young teen and they take the time to nurture his character by the compliments they give him and us.

    When will you raise it high enough for Joey to finally stand on his own?

  46. And if I were to guess correctly, if my relative did not choose to toss his little jerk ass druggie son out in the bitter cold, the kid would be in jail right now. Would it be partly their fault for enabling? Absolutely. While as adults we're all responsible for our life's choices, those around us can enable and help us stay stuck. Sometimes deciding tough love is the best medicine of all. Food for thought.

  47. Actually, Cheri was an editor on the ECO for a while, whatever that really means. She would say "I disagree with some of the things Joey does" without getting into specefics. Presley told me the same thing that she "didn't always agree with Joey" therefore they are exempt from everything he ends up doing while being right there in the middle of it.

    I will bet good money that not only has Joey never made 10K a year, he has never even filed a tax return. Now lets not forget what Joey would say to all of this. Joey would say he was called by God to live this life, its a hard road, people are going to persecute him, its different from the way most people live he is called for something greater that is the exposure of corruption in the world. You know, basic David Koresh type stuff. I think the scary thing is deep down with the rest of the Daubens including Presley, they all believe him.

  48. nothingbettertodotodayJuly 22, 2012 at 8:24 PM

    @ dood:

    1) This family has drawn attention to themselves. Ginger is right, it appears the Dauben style is to want it both ways - they cause and broadcast their own problems, then cry foul that there's a problem and everybody knows and has an opinion about it. Personally, I'm not laughing and pointing at Joey or his family. Some of the characters, Ginger in particular, crack me up, has nothing to do with anybody named Dauben or where they live. But, if the comments bother them or you, that's an easy thing to cure. Just quit reading blogs.

    2) Joey is a danger to society in that he picks a target at his will, passes judgement based on his own agenda and incites others to physically harm the target. Ever heard of Charles Manson?

    3) I love how Joey's supporters always insist the Navarro charges are bogus. How do you know? Were you at the camp that night? Without making any kind of statement about or reference to a conspiracy, please tell us why the police and DA would bring this case to trial without viable evidence that a crime may have been committed.

    4) Joey is not a reporter, he is a blogger. A reporter is held to certain standards and Joey has shown complete disregard for those standards and the public. What do you mean he sometimes goes too far? Just like Cheri stating that sometimes she wished Joey would shut up. What do you mean exactly? You and she don't like that he made stuff up? Harassed people for no reason other than to suit his agenda? Made Royal Gorge size leaps in concluding that he found corruption? Is not held accountable for his actions?

    5) Joey's "causes" are self serving. Name one thing that Joey accomplished in his "reporting" that was of benefit to society.

    6) Joey has done nothing to me and there's nothing he can do to effect the outcome of my life in any way. I don't care enough about Joey to hate him. His "reporting" came to my attention about 3 years ago, when he posted misleading information about a close friend of mine. When he attacked my kid for his own self serving reason, I started to pay more attention to what he was doing - I just couldn't believe he was getting away with what he was doing without being sued or shot. Then Ellis and Navarro counties upped the ante - now, just like with any good drama, I've just got to stick around to see the ending. Karma always gets it right.

    7) "I believe often this is more about people hating Joey than standing up for rights" Whose rights are you concerned about? Joey's or the people whose rights Joey violated?


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