Friday, June 22, 2012

Special Ed Bridge Summons the Boom Boom Snake

Looks like Joey Dauben called an emergency meeting of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to discuss how they are going to deal with the problems I have caused on this website by showing people a few of the court orders and testimony in the cases they have worked so hard to only show one side of.  Anyway, after calling the meeting to order and then praying to gaia, they discussed how they are going to answer this threat to their world.  Joey said he would get to work on printing up a new "newspaper" that would shake the world.  Presley said she would close her facebook page, crawl up in her little shell and summon lightning strikes.  Connie Ibedwell said she would continue doing her work by recruiting guys to their cause by sleeping with them.  But the most powerful work came from special ed once again as he summoned the great boom boom snake to cause an earthquake and shake up the family court system in California.  These people sure know how to respond to factual evidence, no wonder they have never met a court case they could win.



  1. T Thompson 305 BeverlyJune 22, 2012 at 5:09 AM

    It is abhorrent when people make false accusations about sexual misconduct. When the only thing they have is just their "word" and no proof or non prejudiced witnesses. Especially when they wait years to complain about it. These types are repugnant. I think we all agree on this point.

    unless of course we don't like the accused person and then we will take whatever is said as the truth because we have decided that the accused is a truly repugnant individual and then who cares if there is only the word of someone years later with no witnesses or other proof Amen to that !!!!!! Tommy

  2. I know you are trying to make the case for boy wonder Joey in this post, but its ironic how you word for word explained the case against Shane Crowe. Every single part of that is right on, of course you wont see it like this because the second paragraph applies to you.

  3. That's hilarious I don't even know these people. It's funny how even in your response you can't acknowledge the missing insight as to why you are doing this, I fully believe based upon the information your sight has that Shane has been wrongly or emotionally accused of things Although the case is strange and the Judges are strange it's a classic exaggeration case because in real sex abuse cases there are witnesses and texts and etc. the funny thing is that you due to blinders cant see it in your stuff regarding Joey, that's just hilarious

    And just for Info FYI purposes Shane lost today Skyler remains with whats her name I truly cant remember her name right now and not even gonna scroll up to look it up

  4. Ok, go into the nearest bathroom, put in a new tampon, do some deep breathing, calm yourself down, and try that post again without the cryptic language and be specific as to what exactly you are trying to say. We are all adults here, at least on paper, put your big girl panties on and try and speak like an adult.

  5. I had to wait till you were done and you left no tampons or pads, Heavy flow for you today? Now read slow I Will interpret this into stupid for you so you can understand in your fluent language:

    That’s hilarious I don’t even know these people.( Funny..... No know these people)

    It’s funny how even in your response you can’t acknowledge the missing insight as to why you are doing this, (You no know how come you do this)

    I fully believe based upon the information your sight has that Shane has been wrongly or emotionally accused of things (Me think Shane not do it...)

    Although the case is strange and the Judges are strange ( It strange case)

    it’s a classic exaggeration case because in real sex abuse cases there are witnesses (They tell tall tales people see when you diddle little boys)

    and texts and etc.(Phone hmmmm...... Text.... Records..)

    the funny thing is that you due to blinders cant see it in your stuff regarding Joey, that’s just hilarious (Ha Ha You hate Joey he guilty.... Shane not do it You like)

    And just for Info FYI purposes Shane lost today (Shane lose today hearing)

    Skyler remains with whats her name I truly cant remember her name right now and not even gonna scroll up to look it up (little girl stay with mommy what her name? I no remember)

    Now you speak stupid so I wrote in stupid. Did you understand or did AC unit fall on head today?

  6. Well thanks, but the first one was in stupid also, I'm still looking for the non-stupid version. Umm but I will try and do my best with what you tried to provide us:

    "That’s hilarious I don’t even know these people" (dont know in what sense, know of, Biblical know, and which "people" are you talking about?)

    "(You no know how come you do this)" I do it cause it amuses me, kinda like a hobby or why some people watch jersey shore or fill in your reality show here..... I have always been forthcoming with my motives on here.

    "Me think Shane not do it" There is an unmistakeable army of professionals that agree with you on that.

    "It strange case" Certinaly in the sense that the dirty laundry has been aired online, but I'm not sure what normal family court cases look like so I can't comment.

    "it’s a classic exaggeration case because in real sex abuse cases there are witnesses (They tell tall tales people see when you diddle little boys)" I dont know, I think every case is unique. But sometimes there is a huge difference between what really happened and what you can prove in court.

    "and texts and etc.(Phone hmmmm…… Text…. Records..)" I dont know where you are going with that one.

    "the funny thing is that you due to blinders cant see it in your stuff regarding Joey, that’s just hilarious (Ha Ha You hate Joey he guilty…. Shane not do it You like)" Whoa right there, I pick on Joey all the time and I disagree with almost all of his thoughts or tactics but I have never once said he was guilty of those child molestation charges. I did say I think he is in trouble based on the fact that the texas rangers and grand jury signed off on it, but I never said he was in fact guilty. Frankly, I hope het gets off because if they lock him up I lose my funny man and I might have to take up poker or something. I have no idea what Shane did or did not do, but clearly they can't prove he did it so they need to just move on.

    "And just for Info FYI purposes Shane lost today (Shane lose today hearing)" What was the ruling and what did he lose?

  7. Oh good you are bilingual! Shane tried to hold mommy in contempt and have emergency Temporary Orders removing Skyler from Mommy. Mommy's name is Sue, I just remembered. Shane will probably try again but if he really had something it would have worked today, but you never know

  8. nothingbettertodotodayJune 22, 2012 at 7:35 PM

    The force seems to work a little better when Brannon leaves the top off his beer - there was a 4.2 earthquake pretty near Placer County this evening. Or, maybe the force was working better because he'd already finished the beer in the other 3 bottles on his dresser and was working on the 4th. Either way, didn't he target the wrong county? Maybe he needs more beer........

    If D/Thompson is correct, the judge must have ruled against Shane's petition to re-instate supervised visits with Mom.

  9. nothingbettertodotodayJune 22, 2012 at 7:45 PM

    Jerry Sandusky was found guilty of 45 counts of sexual abuse. I had to laugh when I heard the defense attorney say all of those witnesses that testified against Sandusky were part of a conspiracy.

  10. Lorraine Schaffer-HaakeJune 22, 2012 at 9:07 PM

    @Ginger: as you know,your screen name includes the term, "thornoftruth". You have admitted that you are doing this for no other reason but to amuse yourself, if I have translated somewhat accurately. If that is your "truth" then so be it. Time for the "thornofthruth" to address another outstanding "truth" issue that, unfortunately, you appear to want to forget. Specifically, what is your explanation for your written statement: "I got this [pleading] from a records search at" It's been a few days now...have you had a chance to think up some sort of answer - or do you need more time to distort reality?
    Those thorns sure can be pesky.

  11. I dont get into arguements with crazy people

  12. Lorraine Schaffer-HaakeJune 23, 2012 at 4:59 AM

    Asking a question is not arguing. Now, if you are the defensive type that wishes to deflect a simple question by a) ignoring it, b) by blithely going on to different subjects, c) intentionally "misinterpreting" a question for an argument, or d) by revealing your desperation by pouting and calling the asking party crazy - - in the hope that folks will forget the underlying problem please, Ginger, just be honest and say so.

    The underlying problem, as your readers can easily surmise from your statements and actions, is your credibility.

    Perhaps you should have chosen another screen name.

    Here's the question again: What is your explanation for your written statement: “I got this [pleading] from a records search at”?

    I fully expect to be moderated as GingersnapthornofTRUTH has proven, by his last statement, that he can dish it out but cries like a little baby when the going gets a little THORNy for him.

    I don't think you have the guts to let this post through. Please prove me wrong - I think that you would like to do that very much.

  13. nothingbettertodotodayJune 23, 2012 at 5:50 AM

    I'm curious as to why that posting has you so concerned, but not curious enough to care about an answer. There's enough information available on line that it's easy to figure out what's going on - if you really are interested in the truth. This case is a fight for fight's sake. Both parents are interested only in winning against the other, neither is operating in the best interest of the kids. If Presley is 19 now, then she was about 11 when this case was filed. If the allegations against Shane had any merit, they would stand on their own. Susan wouldn't have needed to use a little kid to fight her battle. I'm sorry for Presley because of what her parents have done to her but now she's old enough to figure it out and I'm no longer interested in hearing her hard luck tale. I'm more sorry for Skylar at this point because she has to live with one bad parent or the other. Presley can get out of the fight if she wants, Skylar doesn't have a choice. Poor kid.

  14. I'm not falling for your trap. Is the document in fact legitimate? If it is, then thats all you need to know, the truth is once again continued on here.

    You Loraine, have proven on here and elsewhere to be both insane and litigious. If you were a normal person, I might respond to you as if you were one, but since I know better and know all you are ever looking for is a chance to sue someone, I'm not going to play your game. I dont have to answer your questions any more than you have to answer my question of: have you finally stopped abusing your children?

  15. Oh dad I don't have access to the Internet. Can you go online at Amador county like you do and get the order. Bahhahahahaha

  16. Gee if someone lies then they have no credibility right daddy? That's what you taught me. And that's what you say about crazy lady

  17. and if your question is was more involved than just going to the main site in obtaining those documents, the answer is yes. Just like my new flat screen tv I'm watching right now was a little more than just going to, but that is how it started. Most people would understand that, but I guess I should remember that the Dauben group is especially slow.

  18. You know air conditioning man you are hilarious. When hoisted on your own petard. You then say oh well I looked else where!! That's not what you said when you posted the link for the documents. You were very specific. You didn't say you had to go somewhere else. And we now know you didn't get them there. Because you can't. Read your post What then indicates that you lack credibility is the continued obtuse vagaries Ok Karl. Where did you shop. For the documents ? You see you have undermined their credibility by not just saying. And yes we can interpret your six grade mentality. And verbiage.

  19. Uhhh, where did I say I got them somewhere else? Now Joey, you know I love it when you speak, but you better watch it because you keep posting on the internet against Carroll's ruling and you will be back to sleeping with bubba each night instead of Presley. Hmmmm, come to think of it, maybe thats what you really want anyway.

  20. Presley flew back to California. Joey is left to use his right hand once again.

  21. integrityisbest2011June 23, 2012 at 12:34 PM

    More like he's playing "camping trip" with some fellas.

  22. Why would Presley fly back is the problem for Joey? She lost her job and I bet mommy and daddy dauben are almost out of beans.

  23. Not Joey. Daddy. And if you read the doc you got off Amador website. Oops from you secret place. Gee gee. You dwould know the case is in california oops air conditioner fell on head again. Uh!!!!!

  24. yes of course its in california, where else would it be? The question I asked isnt why should she fly to cali, but why would she fly back to joey?

  25. Because he he will buy her a K-car? A nice reliant automobile.

  26. man funny stuff Ginger. almost entertaining. ALMOST.

  27. hey Ginger I wonder if you might do a little colum about hoe Joey's sister complains about her ex but is willing to place her own children in the hands of an accused pedophile? Just wondering since this woul be and has been known to be a violation of his bail conditions.

  28. well I dont really know about that situation, but personally I dont have a problem with Joey spending time with his nieces and nephews.

  29. even in violation of his bond conditions? Come now ginger. I notice that Shelby Dauben has Curtis unfriended Curtis on FB. Funny how one of Joey's staunchest supporters has blocked him on FB. Funny Curtis has been down for a bit. wonder what happened to him I know he had a heart attack but after that he fell off the face of the earth.
    here is the skinny on Shelby and Brannon. they were conniving a way for Joey tosee his nephews even though Curtis warned her against it! Curtis was looking out for Joey's best interest even though Brannon and Shelby were not! Curtis knew that no contact between Joey and minor children would be isseued even from his own family! Wonder if they threw the party they were talking about? Would love to see Jail Bird back where he belongs while Presteley has to deal without her Daubenator! LOL

  30. I went into Curtis's dads Tobacco Shop, the other day had to get some tobacco, Curtis's dad was real cool and polite, -just a random thought for today:

    Crank Yankers Ed Calls Hill Billy

  31. Yes Brannon, you are correct, that is random in every way

  32. Joey has been extreamly cavalier about his bond restrictions, so I dont know why he wouldn't be in that way there as well. If someone wants to turn him in for that then I guess go for it. I just dont have a problem with it. Shelly's kids love their uncle joey and they may not have many other chances to see him, so I dont blame them for wanting to get together. Even if Joey is guilty of everything they are charging him with, its not like he is some kind of serial child rapest like sandusky who goes around trying to find any and all children he can to exploit.

    So is Curtis back in the picture now, and if so what are his thoughts at this point? And so whats the story on shelly and her ex, they are no longer together?

  33. I read all of the blogs almost nightly and there is just so much that people comment about that they do not know and understand. I usually do not comment, but when people try to involve my mother and Joeys sisters and her kids, I will have my say. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that Joey and his nephews and nieces do not come in contact.. That is probably the hardest thing about this whole situation. The boys wonder why Presley comes and Joey does not. They love their uncle and he loves them and that is all we can do is reassure them that he wants to be around, but can't. Presley comes over to do their laundry and she comes to the boy's baseball games, while Joey goes to a restaurant to wait for the game to be over. I babysit for the kids and come to her house at 5 in the morning and usually do not leave until the kids are in bed after their ballgames. As much as we all would like to be together, we can't right now. He has missed birthday parties and family get together because of his bond restrictions. Joey has not had contact with his nephews and nieces. PERIOD.

  34. and I will add its a BS restriction. I mean I can see them saying dont lurk around school playgrounds all day or something like that but to say you cant see your own family members is way over the top. His attorney should get, or should have gotten that part of the restriction revised.

  35. noneya- "I notice that Shelby Dauben has Curtis unfriended Curtis on FB." that's weird I just looked at her profile and she is friends with him

  36. Joey needs to stay away from teen boys he has crushes on. Little nephews I believe under the watch of mama and grandmama should be fine. It is a bit ridiculous considering the guy might be looking at easily 10 years in the pen.

  37. I agree that the rwestrictions are BS.. I personally think that until a person is actually convicted of a crime they should not be punished. This includes his internet and living restrictions. A person lives in Henderson county for a year and can't go back to where he has lived? All BS by the way 'noneya' on my blog is Curtis Butler

  38. yep, Brandy, I fig. that was Curtis, I wonder if he's going to turn into the next MVZ, talking about himself in 3rd Person... but thanks for the confirmation, I decided to unfriend him for being a douschebag, n trying to talk shit on me, as I have never mentioned him or said anything bout, besides, back in Dec. n he just recently re-added me couple days ago... what a pitty... I suppose he's back to smoking crack

  39. Yeah so you are saying that it was Curtis that was on here asking why Curtis isn't friends with shelly on fb? And then its actually Curtis "one of Joey’s staunchest supporters" who is trying to bring up the subject to get Joey in trouble? Wow he must really take friendship status on fb as a life or death issue.

  40. gingersnap, yes...look at how many times he mentioned his own name...and that was actually the reason behind my post, about going to his dad's tobacco shop, to see if how he would respond...there may have been periodic mention about curtis on here...but not as much as that post had

  41. yeah his IP address traces to Missouri. Why would he want to get Joey thrown in jail for seeing his nephews? You guys at the Freedom of the Press Group sure make an interesting group.

  42. as his mom already stated: "We have gone to great lengths to ensure that Joey and his nephews and nieces do not come in contact." but as for what brought on him posting that...your guess is as good as mine...

  43. @brandy dont flatter yourself.
    @gigner curt does not live in Missouri he left that on his FB.
    @Brannon you have had more contact with a fool than I care to count your youtubes are more proof of that than anyone can say. as for Curtis' old man I wouldnt talk too much because 30 seconds after you left he looked at his wife and said "That the best Joey has? God help poor Joey"

  44. Curtis, or noneya or nonya or whatever your name is going to be next: who said anything, about Missouri being on facebook....Gingersnap...said the IP traces to Missouri...not the fb profile traces to youtube videos don't really prove much of anything...well they prove that I enjoy doing random videos....n making youtube videos period...

  45. Oh Curtis, one more thing:

    Curtis Butler
    I bough a monster firework kit today but I might have to hang on to it till newyears

    June 21Brannon Bridge
    eh...I'm sure you can find somewhere to shoot it off....or maybe it'll rain before then

    June 21Curtis Butler
    I live on 8 acres up here in Missouri I just hose the fromnt yard down real good

  46. ya know Brannon I have known Curt along time. Well longer than you have known him I am sure. I know where he moved to and I am staring at the monster kit he left. Um people move. It is a fact of life. Curt got a job where he is at now.
    Praying over crystals? Really? Lets see. some fool who would pray to crystal for some earth quake or someone who would move to a better job? Yes Curt had a heart attack I know where he is at and I told him let me have some fun with the fools and their fezzes first.
    Poor Brandy, Brannon, And Ginger are still taking orders from sir Joey. Or is it Pedo Joey? Wouldn't buy into everything you are told Brannon. Wait you are not capable of freeing yourself from Joey? Did you do some of that experimenting that Ginger is and has been accusing him of? Just curious if you might be the fall guy that takes the wrap for Joey? after all he has known you the longest right? He was friends with your sister according to him? Wondering how this is going to work out?

  47. Fall guy?....and nope he hasn't known me the longest...cause I've only known him since 2010, but if your not able to do math....then I suppose to you that would be the longest...and as for my sister...he wasn't friends with her....he had seen her in Midlothian at one point or another...sometime, back in the day before July 11th..., as my sister has been dead since 99....I'm not sure when he seen her...also Praying over crystals is not what I was doing...and I never question whether or not he had a heart attack...

  48. I just find it funny since Joey would accuse Curtis of being in league or let me give you a word you could conceive cahoots with John Margetis you might wonder if since you are indeed the last one standing with Joey when the blame comes for you? Words to the wise Brannon. I refrain from calling you what MVZ and the rest of her cronies call you. Notice that? I do that because Curtis does have some respect for you.
    ALL I EVER DID WAS RAISE A QUESTION AND SEE WHAT GINGERS Response was to it. Plain and simple. As I told Curtis in January "If he has been accused then there are issues that I have with him being around his nephews. Where there is smoke there is fire and NOTHING is worse than something."
    I asked if Joey had minor children in his family Curtis didn't know. only by watching your communication between Shelby and and Yourself Brannon through Curtis' Face Book and Curtis trying to tell the both of you it was a bad idea that they would be violating Joeys bond that I saw Curt for what he is. He was looking out for Joey's best interest though many may disregard it when you look at the big picture what good would it do? Joey to violate his bond? I merely wanted to know from the horses mouth or at least someone in Joey's family whether or not it had happened.
    Brannon you might want to rethink your stance with Curt. You might believe everything Joey has put out. I don't think Curt has had more than one phone call from John Margetis. The Margetis' owe Joey nothing I agree with that. On the other hand Joey owes them nothing either to me and my hillbilly redneck Ozark side tells me that They all got what they wanted in the end it got them the same MUG SHOTS FROM 2 COUNTIES IN TEXAS.
    Curtis owes the Margetis clan nothing. In fact who was it from the beginning that called Margetis a fraud? Was it not Curtis? Was it not Curtis that took the exact same abuse that Joey put out in his last toilet paper edition you were so "EXCITED ABOUT"? Or for that manor Brandy? Did he not claim he fired Curtis on the 19th of January when Curtis had in fact quit both the ECO and Balch Springs Beacon on December 29?
    Too funny how the world works. I wonder if Haskins or how ever you spell John J. Allen's last name thinks about all this?
    I have watched Joey condemn the people who would "Take bullets for him" with out conscience. I have watched as Brandy condemned Curt as "a control freak sexist"
    And before you go getting high and mighty Brannon I was raped by my uncle after he was accused of raping another boy here in Missouri. Yes I have a right to judge! I have a right to condemn I have every right. You bet Joey's got to prove his innocence! the way Babara Farris sounds if she has even one fact straight Joey is DONE! Let the criminals have a toy in Joey Dauben for a while!
    Do you deny that Curtis quit on the 29th of December? Do you deny that Curtis warned you and Shelby on face book that Joey was not going to be allowed to see his nephews? Do you Brannon? answer the plain and simple truth. You might find there is more light in it than you can see!

  49. If I am not mistaken, this so called "conniving" to get Joey to see his nephews was when Joey was still in jail or just about to get out...before anyone really knew what all the restrictions were going to be.

  50. So let me get this straight..... You are not curtis but you know everything about him, live next to where he was living at least as of last week, know all about this story and the characters or at least think you do, and then you come on here and throw out some bait thinking that I would pounce on it and broadcast it in an effort to get Joey's bail revoked because Joey is mean to Curtis and Shelly unfriended him on FB? And not to mention you think MVZ a. actually has cronies and b. is still in the picture in some type of way? And then there is this statement: "Poor Brandy, Brannon, And Ginger are still taking orders from sir Joey." I dont think you have studied the flow chart to well.

  51. Curtis, Joey hasn't seen his nephews....and also I never said anything about when you quit, but ya you quit because you can't have Admin access

  52. Let's be clear...Not "quit" because he couldn't have Admin...I DELETED ALL of his articles, passwords and accounts. Everything to do with CButthurtler, I DELETED, because he is a liar and titty baby. Then he couldn't sign in at all. Poor baby starts trying to interject himself in to everything as if anyone cares.

    He is so UNimportant in the whole scheme of things. What a tool. He didn't quit, I threw him out of the club while I was defacto cult leader.

  53. merely testing comment


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