Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Court Order in the Case of Presley Crowe's Sister

Presley continues to make wild accusations along with cherry-picked documents involving her sister's long running custody case with her father and mother. Most of us who reside here on planet earth know there is more to the story based on the actions taken, namely that custody was awarded to Shane Crowe. The child's name has been redacted along with other names not directly related to the two parties involved. I got this from a records search at www.amadorcourt.org. As you can see, this is pretty powerful language from the Judge in this case, and it shows what we have speculated all along: Presley Crowe, who lives with The Joey Dauben, resides in a fantasy world completely detached from planet earth. Most specificlly, Presley's allegations against Shane Crowe were investigated by several agencies and those agencies stated that she was coached into saying that. When faced with that, you can either swallow the bitter pill of reality, or take the blue pill Joey always takes and that being lets go conspiratorial on them and say they are all connected in the evil circle of life, that's why they said that.

Note that the allegations were investigated by the local PD, Sheriff Department, CPS, the medical authority, and the FBI. Maybe Presley is waiting for the Royal Canadian Mounty's to chime in.

Update: Presley just provided us with a bullet proof rebuttal to the Judge's ruling:

March 10, 2009 04-FC-2389 order redacted


  1. Interesting stuff. The FBI investigating. The judges reference to the parties by their first names. The redacting of attorney names. And the psychologist. Even more interesting is that Amador county allows the public two ways to get copies of court records. In person or by mail. Not by a record search online oh and there is no case designation under FC. as submitted in the case number. So Justin and Dustin WTF?

  2. nothingbettertodotodayJune 19, 2012 at 4:49 PM

    Brittany: try this 04-FCD-02389.

    Thx Gingersnap, that clears it all up. I found this case too, along with suits Shane filed last year against baby momma and BF for harassment and one for family violence. Also noted the suit filed in 04 was heard by several Judges. The question Brittany should be asking is: Presley WTF?

  3. I still want to know how you are looking online for documents. When the county says you can't So not unlike the Thompson twins. Just fess up to who gave you the doc? This judge was removed from the case. Here is the test I'll accept "what is the status of the case today?

  4. I have seen Presley discuss how Dr Phil claimed she was a liar. Presley refused all counseling provided for free by Dr Phil according to Presleys own words on her blog. I don't know Presley nor the father. I have read a lot about this case and others Joey has followed.

    FYI Hefty Presley or Connie - there are women who do deceive courts, who are mentally ill and who do seek revenge using children as a sick pawn to manipulate or get back at fathers. I believe Presley is a victim of false memory syndrome. Her newest allegations against Crowe should have been disclosed to Dr Phil. There was a multi-millionaire in her corner for a moment but under scrutiny, he dropped her ass as fast as he could when he realized her story didn't add up.

    There's a lot more accessible online Gingersnap. Hope you find Susan's own lawyer, calling her out to be a sadistic liar with zero evidence. When your own lawyer speaks out against you, he must know there's something truly evil going on with the little girl and I doubt it has anything to do with her father.

  5. Yap away Hefty. What I'd like to see Hefty, is the proof from doctors about Joey's lies he repeated from Presley. I'd like to hear concrete evidence about this so-called sperm in a diaper? Ya think with a thing called DNA, that's a really easy one to clear up.

    Can't wait for the evidence. Thanks

  6. nothingbettertodotodayJune 19, 2012 at 6:23 PM

    Today? The court received proof that Susan was served in person with contempt of court papers. There's a hearing set for 6/22, in front of Judge Harlan.

  7. I was already IN counseling....I've been in counseling since I was a toddler. I went to dr. Phil to help Skye, NOT myself. Which I said to Dr. Phil. He only offered counseling AFTER I called him out for sending me to the 800 national hotline number for domestic violence. That was his help. I told he obviously didn't understand the problem we were facing in court: corruption.

    Thompson, you are obviously in cahoots with the pedophile since he's feeding you court documents. Funny. Doesn't sound like he sent you Kolpakoffs order that gave us every other weekend visitation and stated that smiths order was biased, unfounded and ridiculous. How convenient! Why would I lie or make up abuse? Abuse isn't funny.its not a light matter. I have nothing to gain from speaking out, and everything to lose. What amazes me is that people continually ignore Skye's disclosure. She disclosed to several people, myself included, what Shane was doing to her. She told me she didn't want to see him because "Daddy mean." Last time I saw her, the night before she had to go back to him, she told me she wanted to run away with me. Sgt. Powers perjured himself on the stand, we have police reports where he states that Skye's SART exam came back on concerning & he granted an emergency protective order because he deemed Shane as a threat. When he took the stand he told the courts that there were no signs of abuse. He refused to take a police report when I came to tell him what Skye had disclosed to me. I have that on video. Shane states Skye has been through 5 SART exams, which is a lie. She's been through one & it came back "concerning". Often times there is NO physical evidence of sexual abuse. Has Shane sent you his entire polygraph test results? Probably not. He only ever brings in the first page that shows that he's not lying when he says his name.

    How does he get police to come to my family's house & harass them when he doesn't even give the officer a copy of the order? How does he get a judge to have illegal ex-parte communications? The original judge told the PD not to enforce the protective order that was issued!! When Sue was being stalked, she went to the PD and they did nothing!!!! Shane posted my address online and said for anyone who wants to "take care" of me, this is where I live. And my college information! He also posted my information on porn sites. He's been threatening to sue me since I began exposing these demons. Why hasn't he gone through with it?! Because he would have to prove he's not a pedophile!! Why did I act out sexually as a child if I wasn't abused? Why did I black out when he chased me screaming & cussing through our apartment in Redding and hen black out? Oooohh, let's look at the judge Shane & Abigail Grossmann worked so hard to get put on our case: http://m.topix.com/forum/city/woodland-ca/TN8EAMJQ54HASKOEL


    You can believe me or not, I really don't care about your opinion. You won't help or hurt our case. I named Skye's site the truth stands because it won't change. Ever. No one can edit, break or manipulate the truth. You can't bend it or break, all you can do is believe it or ignore it. www.the-truth-stands.blogspot.com

    Oh, and before you bring up the debunked PAS Theory read this: http://www.cincinnatipas.com/richardgardner-pas.html

  8. Dont worry, I wont go to the PAS theory, I got another big shoe to drop tommorrow. Stay tuned for another bomb.

  9. Stay tuned for the lightning then :) best light show ever...can't wait!

  10. I am none of the named individuals. Ask Thompson Oops I mean gingersnap who I am You missed the point. I am not arguing the "facts" of abuse or not. I agree many cases of abuses are false many men are wrongfully accused of sexual abuse by vindictive individuals. My point was gingerthompson didn't get those docs from the referenced link and is getting them from a different source. So he should disclose that I have no opinion on the allegations. The order is bizarre and not written like an order and the case number was wrong I am glad you are open to the idea that people make false accusations

  11. Honey did we win the 20,000

  12. I am waiting for the sperm in the diaper evidence Presley. You told Joey that and certainly there MUST be proof to that claim or you are lying.

    If Doc Phil was asking me to stand on my head and quack like a duck in order to get his help in any and every way possible, believe me I would. Considering you claim you were raped as a child and now living with an alleged (soon to be conviced) child rapist, its safe to say you do need some serious counseling.

  13. Yawn....... I'm not sleeping with my honey tonight. To the couch with you Karl


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