Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mommy Dauben Explains Joey and Presley's Source of Income

Cheri Dauben has responded over at Brandy's blog, its mainly aimed at Brandy and Barbara's radio show from the other night but the ending is the most interesting to me:

"It is difficult to find a job with these pending charges, therefore, his dad and I pay for his housing, groceries, fuel and other necessities."

So mommy and daddy are funding both Presley and Joey as the peruse the internet in an effort to sway people to their cause. I knew Joey wasn't actually going to put on his big boy pants and go to work everyday and try and make a living. I don't blame mommy for sticking by her kid's side, especially when its a kid that always refused to grow up, I mean why start now?


  1. "You seem to ignore the facts that brandy and Barbera have been lying since day one.

    You don’t know me, BLOwen doesn’t know me, and Barfera doesn’t know me. All you now is my story, and I really don’t give a damn anymore whether or not you or the two blubbering idiots believe me."

    Where did I say "I know you"? I dont, never said I did and I offered to let you come on here and tell your side of the story, and still do. You have put yourself into the middle of the story by shacking up with Joey, and that shack is provided by Joey's parents according to his mother. If I am incorrect on that, please point out where and why and I will retract it. All I'm doing it connecting the dots that all of you keep putting out there.

  2. nothingbettertodotodayJune 4, 2012 at 7:55 AM

    Speaking of spell check: Barbara is incorrectly spelled throughout your post. Unless your last name is Striesand, then it's Barbra.

    Why are you letting these people get to you? If you are happy with Joey and you know what's been said about him are lies, then don't pay them any attention and move on with your life. It would ruin our fun if you did just move on. But, if listening to even 10 minutes of the BS, oops, I meant BF show upset me that bad I wouldn't listen at all.

  3. (i probably should have clarified, the first paragraph was mainly directed at blo & bf...I'm also not welcome on Brady's blog & though she continues to talk nonsense, I have followed her wishes so excuse me for somewhat venting on your outlet) I never said you did, but your fascination with joeys life (which involves me) is what I meant. You are writing about people you don't know, and things you know very little about. Yes, his parents have financially supported us, but why that is even a concern of yours I'll never understand.

    My main issue is that you ignore the lies Brandy & Barbera have put out there... Isn't it funny Brandy hasn't been called as a witness for either side? She's corrupted herself as a witness, she spews stories, and has no evidence to back it up, other than maybe Barbera Farris word (which we all know is gold! *sarcasm). Why anybody gives either of them credibility is mind boggling to me!

  4. nothingbettertodotodayJune 4, 2012 at 8:01 AM

    @ Gingersnap: I was unable to post reply to your comments re: Cheri Dauben's dissertation. So posting here -

    Touche! But, one question: if Granny was at home and incapacitated when Joey was arrested in the basement, why didn't Granny know Joey was being arrested? That's a hard thing to keep quiet. Seems like Joey would have pointed out Granny's situation to the police at the time if he was so concerned.

    Two additional points. 1) as regards the statement "I have seen nothing in his past that would indicate he was capable of committing this crime.": possible criminal activity aside, if someone is gay but stays in the closet, it's usually because that person fears rejection from the family. Makes me wonder how dad would react to having a gay son. Not worried about mom, she seems like a typical mom, accepting of her son, warts and all.

    2) Earth to Cheri..........where have you been living??!! Of course Ellis County has a "political machine" and "establishment". We aren't we still living in TX? Besides the fact that TX is well known for it's good ole boy systems, this concept can be applied to the entire country. In case you haven't you heard - It's not what you know, it's who you know that counts.

  5. I'm with you all the way up until you say that I'm writing about people I dont know. How do you know that I dont know Joey? I would say I know him better than you do (other than sexually). I have been one of his main critics for years and years going back before even Brandy got into the picture. One of the main things I always gone after joey for was his chrade. He keeps gloating about his massive media empire, and how he is going to be president some day and go global with his empire blah blah blah. I always said no, you are just a little kid hiding in granny's basement with no money or any chance of making any in the future. He would go nuts on me for saying that and ban me from his site or whatever, but deep down he knew I was dead right. Now that the real truth is all coming out, I'm making sure everyone gets to see it since he wont be able to show anyone.

    Now, as to brandy and barbie, I would say I have been extreamly hard on barbie and pretty hard on brandy. For instance, you point out that the cease and desist letter was unprofessional, well did you read what I posted on that?: "Ok class, read through that and see if you can tell me what was wrong with that, besides the spelling and grammar? Ahhh yes, thats it the very first sentence “Barbara Farris and Brandy Owen have obtained legal representation”. After you read through you see that its actually just Barbara using the Dora The Explorer playtime legal set to draft this cute little letter. The only thing that it was missing was her trademark saying “that being said”."

    -as you can see I'm not really on either side here.

  6. dont know why the comments aren't working. But yeah I'm with you, I kinda like mommy, she seems pretty balanced but daddy would probably kick joey out of the family if he knew he was gay. And yeah every county in texas has a polticial machine, you are either on the outside wondering how it works and why its going after you, or you work within it and live within it.

  7. nothingbettertodotodayJune 4, 2012 at 8:43 AM

    Joey is an enigma and his behavior is polarizing - both of which cause our fascination. You haven't known Joey or been on this planet long enough to understand and make judgements regarding our fascination with his exploits. And now you've thrown yourself into the middle of this saga. If you plan to spend the rest of your life with Joey, it would be a good idea for you to learn how to handle all of the personal attacks, lies and drama - that's just the nature of the beast. It might not seem possible to you now, but know that Joey has hurt a lot more folks than he's helped. You seem like a smart lady, just young and misguided - I hope at the end of the day you are not on Joey's "hurt" list.

  8. Didn't see that don't spend all my time reading from joeys critics (no offense). I would have to disagree, you know Joeys work and from what I've found out about you I'm not sure you personally know Joey. If you do I'd love to see how you two interact in real life! Now that'd be but I'm not gonna get into a debate over who knows him more, because we both know Joey in different virtually...and I'm in a relationship with him so ya really can't compare anyways! Lol

    As for nothingbettertodotoday, I suggest you find something better to do...

  9. Yes, I know Joey personally, and have known him since 2005. On top of that we are on extreamly good terms personally.

  10. nothingbettertodotodayJune 4, 2012 at 12:09 PM

    That was cute, thanks for the suggestion - I will take it into consideration. In the mean time, your reply indicates I've struck a nerve. Kinda figured you wouldn't want to hear the truth or advise from anyone older/wiser. Just in case you are wondering, Joey might not recognize my name if he heard it, but I've known Joey since he was a teenager. I lost track of him right after high school. He came back to my attention when he started posting information that was not true about people I know very, very well. The postings clearly stated Joey's malicious intent, under the guise of "exposing corruption". The only corruption in these cases was in Joey's head. I certainly don't want to disappoint you any further but you can't have it both ways: you knew something about the controversy and criminal charges before you decided to join him so you can't cry foul on his critics and former associates now. if you are in love and plan to spend your life with Joey, I am truly happy for you both. I'm just saying that if that's your plan, you should develop better coping skills or this stuff will eat you up inside.

  11. I think she is between a rock and a hard place at this point. She clearly wants to put on her tried and true tunnel vision and tune all the negativity out, problem is she is pinch hitting for Joey now. Joey doesnt play her type of ball and he thinks the most important thing in the world is to win over everyone out on the internet court of oppinion. So thats why she, brannon, mommy, and daddy have to come on here or on brandys, or do a radio show, and stick up for joey.

  12. nothingbettertodotodayJune 4, 2012 at 1:47 PM

    Good point. My bet is, she's too smart to play this game for very long. Or, maybe it's wishful thinking......

  13. Presley's quote above: "I remember Joey did a story for Connie’s case and posted a picture of the judge & his family and posed the question ” would to let your daughter date someone like Dustin Thompson?"

    Presley, I found Connie's blog after some digging, where Joey's post says exactly that. To pimp out Scott's little children supposedly to get raped? You need to open your eyes to who your 'man' boy is.

    I quote Joey's words "Hey Scott, why don't you pimp out your own kids out to the ring you and your wife help facilitate?"

    Sounds like Joey would enjoy if Scotts kids were raped. Just sayin'.

  14. And Joey placed the full names of the innocent children. With all the pedophiles stalking the internet, I'd say Joey placed Scott Owens children in harms way and enjoyed doing it. Mommy Dauben better learn how to bake some cakes for prison. Maybe she can hide some crayons in it for her baby boy, call him Peter and mail it to Neverland.

  15. Well Yappy, you keep on Yappin your nonsense. I stand by Joey. Please. Scott Owens puts innocent children in harms way. Joeys reported one case that he was fed false information on(and publicly apologized for) in his 11 years of reporting? If you want to talk about people who put innocent kids in harms way. I'd look into cps, police departments, and the rest of our judicial system. Not an innocent man whose actually helped victims of corruption & abuse like myself & my sister.

  16. Presley, that was one of the ones he happened to get caught on because it wasn’t just civil, it was criminal. But Joey slandered and falsely accused people on a daily basis, it was part of his complete breakfast. He was able to always avoid being sued civilly because no one wanted to pay the money to sue an invalid, there wouldn't be any point. Now, out of the 1,000's of people he slandered, I think he was right maybe 7-10% of the time. Does this mean he is a hero and therefore his cause is justified? Not really, just makes him a blind squirrel that found a few nuts.

  17. nothingbettertodotodayJune 13, 2012 at 8:20 AM

    Presley quote "Joeys reported one case that he was fed false information on(and publicly apologized for) in his 11 years of reporting?" Joey was fed false info that he printed only ONE time? OMG!! Really?

    Honey, your man was for sale. He'd was willing to print any thing about anybody for anybody that paid him, fed him, drove him around town and/or gave him attention (and this is by his own admission, in print, I'm not making it up). Lucky for most of the people that he slandered that nobody took him that seriously. But, have you ever heard the saying "you can't unring the bell?" The false and misleading statements that Joey printed are still out there on the internet and will never die. That stuff will come back to haunt the subjects from time to time, forever. The public needs more than an apology from Joey.

    I have an idea: lets just get rid of all the cops, judges and cps workers because they are all corrupt because Joey said so. Then we won't need Joey "fighting for us" any more. Do you ever wonder why there are blogs dedicated to the subject of Joey?

  18. Ever wonder why there are blogs dedicated to calling me a liar & a "racist Catholic, kooky from all the Conjob juice"? Or why my info has been posted on multiple porn sites from my pedophile father? Or why people stalk & harass my family & friends? Those who speak truth to these scumbags are attacked on every level.

    I've only seen you guys rant about this one case being false. I only know about the stories I've read online. So I'm not gonna have a he said she said rant. That being said: joeys intentions (on this case& every case he's written about) were never to harm anyone. It was merely to expose an abusive controlling parent and help protect innocent children. I have my disagreements with Joey & his methods sometimes, but I certainly support him. He's one of the few that is brave enough to tackle this subject.

    I've heard that before. Mainly from my pedophile father. And as a general rule of thumb if he attacks someone, I know the victim of his attacks are generally good ppl. (with bf as the exception, that was stupid on my part)

    I think we should get rid of the documented scumbags that are in the system! Everyone minus maybe two ppl on our case should have no license & be taken off the bench. No one can be so nieve that they think the system we have right now isn't corrupt!!! Our justice system needs a deep clean ASAP!

  19. heh heh, you said "that being said".

    Presley, you are way off base on just about every count. And I'm not talking about any of the individual cases that you are talking about, I'm talking about your worldview.

    We have a legal system in this country. Its not perfect but its much better than most of the other systems in this world and its what we have. There are certainly some individuals within the system that will become corrupt for their own self serving purposes, but the system itself isn’t corrupt.

    But you have allowed your own experiences to allow you to fall prey to becoming a paranoid conspiracy theorist. You see bogymen behind everything that transpires. Its like when we are kids and we look up in the clouds and imagine the outlines to be some kind of object or animal. The more we look at it the more we believe it. But you are taking the next step of standing up in class the next morning and telling the teacher that no, there are unicorns in the clouds, I saw them. There isn't an us vs. them. I'm a me, your dad is a he, you are she, your mom is a she, as well as your sister. Every one of us are flawed human beings with our own set of self interests and goals. Sometimes those goals and interests match up in certain aspects with other people and we find commonality in that. But at no point do you become a them, you are still you.

    Pedophiles are the most hated group of people in this country. Everyone hates them, and most of us see very aggressive prosecution of pedophiles. They even have their own special classification called registered sex offender, much like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. The suggestion that our system is somehow set up to protect them is the most asinine assertion any of us can possibly fathom. This is precisely why you, your mother, and people like Connie have, and will continue to fail miserably both in the court room and the court of public opinion. You can create 15,000 more websites and hyperlink them to everything you can find and it still wont get the army of supporters that you wish for. All you will ever have is likeminded people who are on the same type of quest as you because they disagreed with a decision in our court system. You can call us sheeple, pedophiles, people who are lost or need to WAKE UP!!!!!!! or whatever you want to call us, but the thing you will never be able to call us is people who share your belief. And, while you may not like it, that’s actually your biggest problem, you cant convince us of your claims. Therefore, you will always be part of the less than one percent, those that are raving against the court system.

    And again, I do like you, in fact that’s why I say this to you. You are a flawed human living in a fallen and flawed world, this is a basic truth in the Bible. So instead of living your whole life in the past on conceived wrongs, why not learn from that and move on. You are a bright young girl with the whole (yes flawed) world in front of you, how are you going to reach your potential if you spend all your time fighting a losing cause from 10 plus years ago that most people don’t know about or care? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So why, if what you have been doing isn’t working, do you keep doing the same thing?

  20. nothingbettertodotodayJune 18, 2012 at 6:21 PM

    @ Gingersnap: very well said, nice job.

    @ Presley: I sat on a jury in the trial of a father that molested his daughter starting at age 3 or 4. That man was sentenced to 2 life prison terms, the verdict and the sentence were unanimous decisions. The system does work. My heart breaks for every child that didn't have somebody there to protect them from abuse. I think some of the mothers of abused children ought to be in jail right along with the abusers - it's the parent's job to protect their kids, it's not up to the government, Joey or Barbara. "That being said", Gingersnap is right and the best revenge for your "pedophile father" and everybody that failed you is for you to strive to be successful in spite what other people have done wrong. As long as you put all that energy into being a victim, you will never become a survivor. Are you going to let pedo daddy to decide who you are or are you going to decide who you are?

    As regards our favorite topic: I have 3 real life experiences (nothing to do with pedophiles) in which Joey posted false and misleading information about 2 people and demanded that they be fired from their jobs. One person is a police officer, the other a city government employee and neither is corrupt. Even though the ECO is down, several of Joey's postings came up right way when I Googled the names. These are honest, hard working people that did nothing but get up and go to work one day and Joey saw a bogyman.

  21. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Our system is beyond flawed & I can prove it. You're right I want you to agree with me & "wake up" but you & the general society won't. I'm not trying to play a victim card here, but my sister has been placed in the full time legal care of a man whose abusing her & abused me.nPeople tell me all the time I have the whole world ahead of me...and the best revenge is being successful...I get that and I agree, which is why I'm doing just that. However, I'm not sure if you have kids or siblings (lie: I know about one of you lol) but what would you do if you were in my position? I refuse to be silent & I refuse to let my sister live with an abuser. I graduated from high school a year early. I've been in college the last 4 years taking classes to decide what it is I want to & finishing up my ge. I HAVE been successful & I have been fighting for my sister. I don't have to quit fighting to be successful. I can fight but still have my own life...and surpass all of you who want sit behind a computer screen & say I can't. Please. Any system that puts children with Pedos is evil. You think protective parents should go to jail w the Abusers??? What?! If a child discloses abuse, legally a parent is responsible for reporting that disclosure. If they don't, they can be found negligent. If they do, there's a very large chance they will lose their kids to the perp. How does throwing the protective parent in jail make ANY sense?! Why keep fighting a "losing battle"? Because I don't want my sister growing up thinking that Shane Crowe is what a real man is or how one acts, I don't want her growing up hating me for not protecting her, and honestly I couldn't live with myself if I didn't keep trying. I guess I love my sister & family more than you could ever understand.

    As for Joey I don't know why I even comment on here defending him. You won't change my mind & I won't change yours. I believe in him & his cause and will til the day I die. Simple as that. :)

  22. "Our system is beyond flawed & I can prove it." Ok, prove it.
    "but my sister has been placed in the full time legal care of a man whose abusing her & abused me." How do you know if he is currently abusing her, how could you possibly know that?
    "but what would you do if you were in my position?" Honestly, I would either completly change my legal tactics or I would just move on.
    "I HAVE been successful & I have been fighting for my sister." In what sense are you successfull?
    "I can fight but still have my own life…and surpass all of you who want sit behind a computer screen & say I can’t." I guess you could, but our point is you are not as of right now. You are letting this whole issue consume your life. Fact, you wouldnt be shacking up with Joey unless you were devoting your life to this cause. You see how your cause is now running your life? I know you fall for the usual Barbara Farris trap of thinking that anyone that questions you online must be some kind of loser with nothing to do all day. I'm not trying to run a publicity campaign for myself but here is a little hint: happily married with two very happy and wonderfull daughters, masters degree and 6 figure income ect.....
    "How does throwing the protective parent in jail make ANY sense?!" No, but all of us who know anything know you are not being completly forthcoming with the whole story there. There is probably a reason the judge decided that, and what happened and what you can prove in court are two different things, they always have been and always will be. That doesnt make the system corrupt, it just makes it an innocent until proven guilty and proof is a high mark.
    "Because I don’t want my sister growing up thinking that Shane Crowe is what a real man is or how one acts, I don’t want her growing up hating me for not protecting her, and honestly I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t keep trying." Did you ever think that maybe your sister will end up hating you for publicly slandering her dad all over the internet and with her friends? There are always two sides to a coin, you seem well trained to focus on only one side of it.

  23. nothingbettertodotodayJune 19, 2012 at 1:10 PM

    Either you read too fast or I wasn't clear, either way let's get it straight: it's the parents' (moms & dads) job to be aware of the potential and protect their children from situations in which abuse can occur. I think mothers that make decisions that place their children in the path of an abuser should go to jail. That goes for any kind of abuse. It disgusts me that some women will choose to be with a man for the sake of their own sense of security or "love" rather than considering the best interest of a child - these are the mothers to which I refer. If a woman has a relationship with someone that has a history of hitting other people and a child is beaten, the mom should go to jail. Same goes for molestation, if a woman brings a child into a relationship with someone that has a history of sexual complaints and the child is molested, the mother should go to jail.

    Again, Gingersnap is right - we only have 1 side of the story. I'm not expecting or asking you to respond or answer these questions but I keep wondering where your mother is in this fight. As I understand it, you are fighting for your 1/2 sister - what is her mother doing to protect her child? If I'm correct that this is a 1/2 sister, why did that mother chose to have a child with a man that you've shouted so loudly about as being an abuser?

    As for Joey: you are right, you will not change our minds because we know better. We will not change your mind because you do not know any better, yet.


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