Monday, May 28, 2012

More Updates and Speculation

Ok, so Presley was all excited and ready to come on here and do a real fair and objective interview until some of her "trusted" friends scared her out of it.  This is someone who just now figured out that Barbara Farris is a fraud.  I mean most of us understood that clearly after just two sentences out of her mouth.  Unfortunately for Presley, she has several more Barbara Farris' still in her life she just hasn't figured it out yet.  So once again I will say for the record, I really do like and respect Presley, I think she really is a good girl with a bright future but she is allowing people to bring her down in life.  She said her dad used and abused her, but what she can't seem to grasp is that others are now doing that very same thing to her, just in different forms.  Her true potential in life will be possible once she can break the chronic cycle of abuse she is in.  And she is always still welcome to come on here and talk with me.


Brandy teamed up with a newly scorned Barbara Farris as they lashed out at Joey's crew.  They came out, threw quite a few heavy rocks and now Brandy has run back into her house in the woods and went back into her shell under the plea of I just want to get on with my life.  The problem is, until this trial is concluded, there is no getting back to a normal life for Brandy, she is stuck in the middle of this as a key witness for the prosecution.  And that brings up another interesting point.  Clearly Brandy and Presley (who is living with Joey) had some kind of correspondence and neither side liked it.  Could the Judge view this as a form of witness tampering on the part of Joey?


Now, speaking of Joey, he seems to be living up to the title of this blog.  First of all, how is he making money?  Is Presley footing the bill for everything, or is someone else doing it?  I seriously doubt any company is going to hire someone facing the charges he is.  So the Judge lets him out on bail but they give him a ton of rules and restrictions, and like a little kid getting orders from daddy, Joey is trying to find loopholes around it to exploit the rules.  Case in point, look at what "Special Ed" Bridge posted on his youtube:

Isn't that cute?  As Special Ed reiterates over and over, it was not done using the internet.  Ha dad, you didn't say I couldn't do that did you?  Smart Joey, real smart.  Now lets talk about whats apparently in the 20 page manifesto that Joey made.  He takes a direct stab at Patrick Wilson, the DA who is prosecuting him in the Ellis county case.  He does this under the idea as if there is some question as to how the people are going to vote tomorrow in the DA's race.  Read my lips Joey, you have a better chance at buying a lotto ticket, winning it, using all the money to bring back a posthumous Johnnie Cochran who will then defend you in your case and get you off than you do at trying to get Rodney Ramsey elected as DA in Ellis county.  But the only thing you are doing is searing the resolve of both DA's who are currently in the process of prosecuting you.  Stupid is as Joey does.


Then, there is the whole section in his manifesto about exposing his ole buddy John Margetis.  Ha, and again I say Ha.  This needs to be its own topic of discussion in that its just too juicy in irony to ignore.  If someone can get a copy of his manifesto let us get a look at that article so we can analyze it.


So there you have it, yes we are back to speculating and back seat driving.  I offered to move up to the front seat, but they like driving up there so I will stick back in the back where I'm more comfortable anyway.  Stock up on you popcorn, "As The Joey's World Burns" will be back after these messages.


  1. Little known factsMay 28, 2012 at 4:56 AM

    Here are some little known facts

    Rodney Ramsey represented the guy that brought the charges against Joey in Ellis County Didn't know that did you

    Other than helping Joey via the Ellis County Press Ramsey had very little to do with Joey other than telling Joey to tone it down

    The charge in Ellis county against Joey is fraudulent use of Identifying information. Joey printed some info about a guy accused of molesting his kids. Where he worked etc he published it. That's all. It's about the weakest case ever pursued. Wilson did it so he could shut down the Eco. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing shutting down that piece of crap. But that's why wee willy did it. The Ellis case will never see a trial. It's too stupid. Even bobby Carroll will agree. Also when Navarro convicts him. Which will happen regardless of whether he did it or not. Wee willy will claim victory and dismiss. Joey is a stupid and misguided man the question is what are you?

  2. "Rodney Ramsey represented the guy that brought the charges against Joey in Ellis County Didn’t know that did you"
    yes I'm well aware of that

    What I was saying in my post are two facts, one is that he through his little paper and through Brannon are trying to trash Wilson and tell everyone to vote for Ramsey. Second fact, Rodney Ramsey is going to lose by at least 30 points tommorow.

    You seem to be arguing about if Rodney agrees with Joey, thats not really my issue or point, my point is that Joey is using the election to go after Patrick and is supporting Rodney.

  3. Is this what you're looking for?

  4. nothingbettertodotodayMay 28, 2012 at 5:40 AM

    Yep and "wee willy" is going to have case (if he doesn't already) and I expect that gag order is forth coming as Joey is using the internet by proxy to advertise his print publication.

  5. nothingbettertodotodayMay 28, 2012 at 5:42 AM

    @Yappy: Good Job!! If necessary, I was going to buy a copy but had issues with giving Joey money. Thank you for saving my conscience.

  6. Oh wow thank you, you get the gold star for the day. What a treasure chest of info.

  7. Ginger do you have an email address?

  8. Little known factsMay 28, 2012 at 6:16 AM

    Wilson is the least of Joeys worries its a state jail felony that will never go to Trial. My point was you apparently dontt like Ramsey but you can't paint him as a Joey supporter. Ramsey didn't lose to Grubbs by 30 points so at least we will be able to judge your veracity on that one. The real point is Wilson has no case against Dauben none zero. And it's the Navarro case that is the real case. With a real district attorney who left Ellis because he didn't want to work with clowns like Wilson and Grubbs did you know that?

  9. You are right, I'm not a huge fan of Rodney. But that doesnt change the fact that I dead on accurate here. Go back and read the results: Grubbs 69% Ramsey 31%, so lets give you a lilte crash course in math 69-31=38. And that means that 38 is more than 30, you see how that works? You have any more "facts" you would like to give us? Come back tommorow night and you can admit the obvious.

  10. Not running away. Just really busy. I posted that about a leash FOR the kids. What was going on was being seen as "on joeys behalf"

    I really like what you said to Presley here. And I have not been called as a witness for anything the cast of characters is pretty full already with just people who were there that weekend.

  11. And don't worry about giving Joey money, he has never understood the difference between net and gross profits. I am sure the cost of the paper is actually less than what it cost to print the thing.

  12. Little known factsMay 28, 2012 at 7:32 AM

    My fault for not fact checking a superfluous fact. Yes you are so smart. You tell is all the time. how Joey still controls your life to this moment. You can respond I'm done with this all it's too pathetic. All around. You all are pathetic. You make Joey A sympathetic character. Which he is not. It so funny you can't even see it

  13. ok so you come on here and say "Ramsey didn’t lose to Grubbs by 30 points so at least we will be able to judge your veracity on that one."

    Then I prove that you are of course factually wrong and then you go:
    "My fault for not fact checking a superfluous fact."

    Actually it wasnt superflous, it was the entire point. So anway go on and fly back to neverland, lets see you are heavy on the attitude and light on the facts and you are a Ramsey supporter...... imagine that.

  14. Little known factsMay 28, 2012 at 9:12 AM

    No I'm not a Ransey supporter the Grubbs statement was superfluos. You were claiming he would lose to Wilson has nothing to do with grubss an incumbent with how many terms in office and I took credit for my mistake. You on the other hand are fixated on Joey. Is it because he didn't want to have sex with you..... Why please tell us why. Do you like pepperoni? Chicken? Melted mozzarella cheese? I'm leaving that there because it popped up when I hit the wrong key. Other than you wish bad things on Joey. And he said a lot of stupid shit. Why the fixation. Joey is nothing more than a forgotten pimple. ..... Hmmm not unlike you. I m off to never never land

  15. I tried posting on the other thread but no luck. Half truths and flat out lies. I have had his number for awhile. Got your seatbelt on dauben? Mr I tried to hook up with brandy' 15 year old cousin. Remember that? She does, told me all about it.

  16. Even offered her beer when he KNEW she was 15. Tisk Tisk

  17. Well I'm sure you got plenty of dirt on Joey, thats like finding pollen on a bee, but I was figuring you would want to directly address what he said about you.

  18. I will later on a radio show or something. I am on a phone now. When I get to a computer but most of it is pure malarky.

  19. I think there's 1 other edition out there. If I can locate and scan it, I will add it to my imageshack album.

  20. yappy, send me a full size images to and I will turn it into a PDF :-)

  21. yeah, it looks like there are at least two other editions out there, maybe more, if we could get those on here it would be christmas in June.

  22. Weird. I'm in Canada and somehow found you. I'm not sure what to believe. Perhaps everyone is nuts, including me.

  23. that is weird. Well hello to our neighbors to the north. From the looks of things I'm not sure there is any possible way to find out the real truth since none of the principal actors seem to tell us anything other than dirt on their current opposition. The way I see it, God has put them here on earth for our entertainment, mind as well sit back watch and laugh. I mean I dare you to find something crazier than this on reality tv.


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