Thursday, May 31, 2012

Joey and Brandy are both Working on a Book

Well it seems like both sides have gone back into hiding.  Brannon has shut down his 30 minute comedy radio show, probably due to either a court order or a Joey order.  Brandy and Barbara are staying quiet behind a cease and desist letter Barbara composed on her new Barbie Fun-time Legal set.  Maybe someone can get a hold of Joey's other paper editions for us to play with, but until then it looks like we are going to have to miss our regularly schedule Springer show times.  Maybe I can spark the old rally cry, I'm not good at this but lets try:  "Guys come on, its called FREEDOM OF THE PRESS LLC for a reason, that means you can say whatever the hell you want and get away with it remember?  Dont let court orders and legal proceedings scare you out of your 1st amendment right, get back out here and do what you were meant to do, spread dirt on anything you can think of."


Anyway, as we learned on Farris' show and through Joey's manifesto, both Joey and Brandy claim they are currently working on a book.  Brandy's book is about a little kid who doesn't know he is one, or something along those lines and she says is "fictional".  Joey's book is going to be about betrayal.  All I can say is they better be putting an extra quarter in the piggy bank each day because both of those books are going to need a heavy dose of a ghost writer as most of us can't understand them.

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