Monday, May 28, 2012

Joey Dauben goes Jerry Springer on Brandy Owen

Thanks to poster "Yappy" for this link:

Anyway, the entire thing is a treasure chest of juicy tidbits.  Joey slams Curts Butler, John Margetis, Barbara Farris but what he does to Brandy is just ghetto.

In the article entitled "Things are Getting Nasty" (and I can second that) Joey goes on to say that Brandy "neglects to tell people the three years of 'I'm in love with you' and 'I want to give you oral sex so bad' text messages while she is a mother of six kids, while her husband was cheating on her with a stripper, cant forget the lesbian tryst with an ex-reporter.  I just didn't see Brandy like that"


Ok, now this is really bad, Joey is hitting an all-time low with this one.  And Presley, I hope you are taking notes on what your current BFF does to his former BFF, anything you say, or even don't say, can and will be used against you in the court of Joey.  I think we are going to need Springer's security guards to clean this one up, but obviously I open this up to Brandy to respond to what Joey is printing and distributing against her.  Obviously me and Brandy disagree on most things, but I think this is really bad to personally attack her in a direct shot at her family like this.

1 comment:

  1. Little known factsMay 28, 2012 at 1:04 PM

    An all time low. Wow can't wait to read that one. Joey is the guy known for falsely accusing a guy of being a pedophile accusing another guy of killing Amber Hagerman. This must be good not just computers and access codes. Or failed Bjs I hope.


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